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.Slowly he stroked her, his touchlight, driving her even wilder than if he d been aggressive and purposeful.She lifted her hips against his touch, keeping rhythm with his patient strokes and when he brushed histhumb across her clit she gasped. Does that feel good, kitten?She loved how he called her kitten.It made her feel sweet and feminine, yet wickedand dangerous with the potential to bear her fangs and wield her claws. So good, sheconfessed softly. Hmm, my girl prefers a gentle touch. He stroked her, up and down, around andaround, thrusting first one, then two fingers deep inside her sheath.She moaned,desperately trying to keep her eyes open but lost to the sensations his touch broughtforth.He tightened his arm around her shoulders, his fingers pressing into her flesh.Shestudied his face, the grim determination glittering in his eyes, the tension in his broadjaw.He held himself in check, sweat dotted his forehead and she grasped at his tie,tugging on it so she could bring his face in closer and capture his lips with her own.She kissed him thoroughly, her tongue thrusting in time with his fingers, her hipsrubbing against his hand.She wanted to come so badly, was so desperate for it, thatwhen her climax finally washed over her she broke away from his mouth to offer akeening cry. Open your eyes, he demanded and she did, staring into his gaze as the tremors tookover her body.It was such an intimate moment, raw and primitive she was tempted todeclare her love for him right then and there.Tessa couldn t deny it any longer.She was in love with him.So completely in lovewith him she would do anything, give anything to be with him forever.Not just as hisassistant but as his lover, friend, companion.Wife.Big dreams for a silly little girl.She bit her lip, silently chastising herself for the nearslip.He didn t want to hear declarations of love.He wanted to enjoy an illicit affair whilethey were away from the office and nothing more. God, you re beautiful. He kissed her softly, a chaste kiss full of emotion she didn twant to overanalyze.His fingers were still in her body, still gently playing with her andjust like that her entire body tingled. I bet I could make you come again.She laughed and closed her eyes. You re about to do so right now if you keeptouching me like that. Would you like it if I did?Tessa opened her eyes and said the words, the closest she would come to revealing hertrue feelings. I would love it, she whispered. Chapter ElevenTessa tossed and turned throughout the night, unable to sleep for longer than an houror two at a time.Too worried over how Alex might treat her upon their return to theoffice in the morning.He d been quite the ardent lover their last night together in London, never letting hersleep, doing things to her body that were probably illegal in many states and plenty ofcountries.On their flight back to New York they utilized the private bedroom, lying inthe small, cozy bed beneath the thick velvet coverlet naked.Stroking each other, teasingeach other until he d finally wrapped his big hands around her waist and hauled her ontop of him.She proceeded to ride him for long, glorious minutes, sliding up and down his lengthso slowly he d growled in frustration and shown her exactly what he d wanted her to do.Two different times.Alex had driven her to her Brooklyn apartment personally, kissing her for long,delicious minutes before he d finally urged her out of the car.She d let herself into thequiet apartment and collapsed into bed, where she d slept twelve hours straight.Whenshe d woken up, her luggage had already been delivered along with a note, slippedinside one of her suitcases:Rest this weekend, kitten.I ll see you Monday morning.AlexNo love, Alex, of course.But there d been no indication of the possibility of seeing eachother the rest of the weekend either.Which was fine, really it was.She was so tired.She d spent the rest of her Saturday lounging around, fielding questions from her curiousroommate about her European trip.They d even gone out to dinner that night, laughingand talking and having a great time.Sunday she d spent the morning doing laundry then found herself trying on an endlessamount of clothes at a little boutique, trying to find something new to wear for Monday.For Alex.She found shoes.Black, peep toe, four-inch heels that elongated her legs and made herfeel sexy.She d strode into the Worth building with confident steps Monday morning,tossing back her hair while waving at the security guard, ever present behind his desk.The office was quiet for she was early and when she arrived at her desk, she waspleasantly surprised to find Alex already there.Within in his office and on the phonewith the door closed.He d caught sight of her through the window that faced her desk.Their gazes met andhe offered a quick closed mouth smile before he returned his attention to whomever hespoke to on the phone.Fighting disappointment, she settled at her desk, sighing when she saw the endless listof unopened emails she needed to go through.She didn t want to pick up the phone, the number of voicemails she knew were waiting for her too overwhelming to contemplate.It was going to be an even busier Monday than usual.Really, what had she thoughtwould happen? That he would greet her at her desk with a tender embrace and a warmkiss? Ask her to go to lunch with him with promises of a quickie during the noon hour?She was completely ridiculous if she really believed something like that could happen.Alexander Worth was above all else, pure business.He never once came out of his office the entire morning, so wrapped up in variousphone calls he rarely moved from his desk.Didn t even send her an email or a brief textmessage to let her know he was thinking of her, much to her disappointment.He had tobe just as swamped as she.She knew this, but it felt like a sort of rejection.It stung [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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