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. 534/556Guess that answers that question.A fa-miliar, then.At least she knew for certainnow she was dealing with someone magical. Besides, judging from the look and feel,whoever s on the other side is a wizard. Thewolf s head snapped up. Not sure I m soeager to meet up with another one of thoseany time soon. The wolf slowly shook hishead. Well, what would you do if you werein my  she looked down at her feet,  boots?The wolf snorted. Yes, I know, Pup in Boots, doggie drag,call it what you will.The question remains.Would you put your life into an unknownwizard s hands?The image of the wolf blurred until a tall,wet, naked man stood in front of her. You already did.Lana blinked.Her mouth opened, butnothing came out, other than a whimpered Ugh. 535/556The man s lips twitched. Are you comingthrough or do you like getting rained on?Lana squeaked.Hot, wet, naked male, with dark hair andgolden eyes.Golden eyes.The same eyes as the wolf who d led herthrough the forest.Sorry, Grammy, looks like you werewrong. Someone wants her.And someone elsewants her& dead.Savage Betrayal© 2012 Shelli StevensSavage, Book 2If life as a not-fully-human has taughtAgent Grace Masterson anything, it s thatshe ll never again be anyone s sitting duck.Whoever is deftly evading the traps aroundher remote sanctuary outside Seattle, she in-tends to shove his easily sensed self-confid-ence way, way up where the sun don t shine.When she comes face to face and body tobody with Darrius Hilliard, relief andlingering guilt over past choices weaken herknees.Plus something bad.Really bad.Asurprising, intense desire for her fellowagent.Darrius knows what Grace needs, and it snot the kid-glove treatment.If she s ever to 537/556overcome her past trauma and return to fullactive duty status with the P.I.A, she needs astrong shoulder.Yet he s shocked at howquickly he s become physically and emotion-ally entwined with her.Fighting their growing attraction to oneanother becomes secondary, though, when itbecomes clear that someone not only isn tthrilled at Grace s return, they want hergone.Maybe even dead&Warning: This book contains an alphamale who likes to take control, federalagents that can be a little primal, sex that ssteaming, lives at risks, and nearly orgas-mic maple bars.Enjoy the following excerpt for SavageBetrayal:Someone was on her property.Despite the massive heat from the glass-blowing furnace in front of her, an icy chillswept through Grace s body.It faded into 538/556anger that coiled quickly through her limbs,tightening her muscles as disbelief poundedin her blood.How? How had someone made it throughwithout tripping any alarms? No average hu-man could ve done that.Which is exactly why he d succeeded.Hewasn t average.He wasn t even fully human.Whoever was stalking her house was just likeher.Their genetic abnormality meant theywere part of a species that most of theworld s population was oblivious to wouldbe incapable of comprehending.It also madethem highly elusive.But she knew exactly what he was thisperson on her property, and the knowledgethat he was one of her own kind offered littlecomfort.Maybe once it might have, but notanymore.He made no attempts to hide what hewas, or his arrival at her isolated home a halfhour outside of Seattle. 539/556The son of a bitch.Her fury expanded,growing as hot and threatening as the fireshe d been using to create her glasssculptures.For a moment she considered using theblowpipe in her hand as a weapon, but de-cided it might hinder more than help.Withsteady hands, she laid it down and turned offthe furnace before rushing back to flick offthe lights in the garage.Whoever was approaching the buildingmight want the element of surprise like hellwould she let him have it.He should knowbetter than to think he d have that advant-age.Even if he d deftly avoided all her littletraps and alarms, she would never be a sit-ting duck.Grace moved to the window, tugging thecurtain aside just enough to peer out into thechilly autumn morning.The sunrise leftstreaks of pink in the sky and the fog outsidecurled its heavy fingers through dense 540/556evergreen trees and past the rotting wood ofher fence some fifty feet away.It left patchesof her property in shadow and gaping openareas where there was nowhere to hide.And yet he did.Though she couldn t im-mediately spot the intruder, she knew he wasthere.Watching.Waiting to make his nextmove.She could smell the scent of his con-fidence and determination.Come any closer, you bastard, and I llshove that self-assurance so far up yourass&How fucking dare he come onto her prop-erty? She would never again be a victim [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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