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."Take me in the back and fuck me," he said with atouch of pleading in his voice.The vampire smiled smugly."Not yet, Noah.I wantyou to show Lane how anxious you are to please me.Comefor me, right here, right now." Ethan slid another handinside Noah's jeans and whispered in his ear.Noah's legsbuckled and Ethan held him up as he groaned out hisrelease.The pungent aroma of sex hung over them like acloud."Very nice, Noah, you're a good boy.I think we'llgo in the back now and I'll let you suck me off." Ethanturned as if just now remembering Lane was still standingthere."Wait for me at home, Lane."* * * *Anger at the vampire festered inside Lane.Hestormed out of the Parrish and kept walking.If he thoughthe'd be welcomed back, he'd walk all the way to Arcadia,but there was no place for him in either world.Wasn't theresome saying, never the two will mix, or something likethat? It was the story of his life, and even if by some chanceNicky and Doug accepted him, there was no guarantee therest of their pack would feel the same.81 Lane and the Lycans Gale StanleySo he went to the house just as Ethan had told him,and he knocked at the door before entering, just like he'dbeen taught.No one answered and he was about to take thekey from his pocket when Abbi opened the door.Her steelygaze pierced him, and without a word she stepped back tolet him in.She was wearing a long black dress as if she wasin mourning, and her beautiful long black hair was dry andlusterless.She seemed to have aged years in the two weekssince he'd last seen her, the skin of her face stretched sotight it looked like a mask.She looked oddly vulnerable,more like one of the humans than the powerful vampire shewas."Where have you been, Lane?" she asked him coldly."You've been gone a long time."The bitterness in Abbi's voice shocked him.Even inthe worst of times she always appeared upbeat."Not solong.Only two weeks." He took a deep breath to keep hisvoice from shaking."But I see Ethan wasted no timereplacing me.""A lot can happen in two weeks.What did youexpect?" Abbi taunted."Did you think you were his soulmate?" She turned away abruptly.Angry, Lane reached out and grabbed her arm,spinning her around.There were tears in her eyes.EvenAbbi had a breaking point."How long has it been goingon?" The vampire looked down at his hand and he released82 Lane and the Lycans Gale Stanleyher immediately."I'm sorry.""Since the day you left," she told him, shaking herhead at him as if he were a naïve child."He plans to movethe human in here.He didn't tell you?"Lane didn't bother answering.It was painfullyobvious Ethan did as he pleased, with no regard for anyonebut himself."Noah came here with two men, anotherhuman and a Lycan.Where are they?"Abbi shrugged helplessly."As far as I know, thehumans are still at the Parrish." Her stony facade crumbledcompletely and the tears fell freely."The Lycan is beingheld prisoner.""What?" Lane said, slightly taken aback."Things are different now."A chill rippled through him."How so?"Abbi laughed, totally without mirth."Confide in theenemy's confidant? You must be joking.""I'm hardly his confidant.I think he sent me away toget me out of his way I don't think he expected I'd comeback alive.You said yourself, he's replaced me.Maybe wecan help each other.""No one can help, Lane.I've made a mess ofeverything.""Don't be so sure.""Why should I trust you?"83 Lane and the Lycans Gale Stanley"I have as much reason to hate Ethan as you do.""That might be true, but you're better off not gettinginvolved in something that could be dangerous.""I'm already involved.He sent me to Arcadia Cityto spy on the Lycans.""What?""Don't worry, I won't be sharing any informationwith him.He's already replaced me with Noah and nothingI tell him will change that." He paused uncertainly."Iwasn't planning on telling him anyway.""Go on.""On the other hand, he doesn't have to know hecan't control me anymore.If he believes that I'll still do hisdirty work, it might be of some benefit to you."Abbi's brow furrowed as she considered his words."You know there are Lycans sequestered in my clinic?"He nodded."And they've gone through changes.They're not thesame men who lived in Arcadia.""I know that, Abbi." Abbi's specialty washematology, the study of blood and blood-forming tissues.She'd stumbled onto findings that led her to believe Lycanblood might be the answer to their infertility problems.Hertwin, Aidan, had enlisted the help of a Lycan namedHunter, never imagining they would form a relationship84 Lane and the Lycans Gale Stanleythat would bind them together for life."The Lycans haveblood-bonded with the vampires.""Yes, in a symbiotic relationship."The word was unfamiliar to him."What exactlydoes that mean?""It's a close, prolonged association betweendifferent species." Abbi paused to let the words sink in [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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