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.Nearly half of its sponsorsare new 59 to be exact.Of these, 26 are freshmen, elected last November; 13 others voted for it when itwas stalled on the floor last year by the thin majority of 210 to 197.Most significant of all, 10 of thosewho voted against it two years ago and still remain in the House are sponsoring it today; 56 of the 210who opposed it in 1973 are no longer among the, members of the House.In 1973, the Atlantic Union resolution missed passing by a scant 13 votes.As Findley gloated, many ofthose who voted against it are now gone and several others who once opposed the measure have seen theRockefeller handwriting on the wall and have become sponsors.As you probably suspect, Atlantic Union is a Rockefeller operation.The Oilbucks Gang has been tied to Atlantic federation for some 35 years.In fact, when NelsonRockefeller was given the Atlantic Union's highest honor: the Pioneer Award, in 1964, Clarence Streittold the assembled dignitaries at the presentation that Nelson Rockefeller had saved the organizationfrom a dangerous division back in 1939.lt seems that the two strongest chapters, one in New York Cityand the other in Washington, were at loggerheads on where the group's headquarters would beestablished.Both wanted it in their own city."Ever the politician.Streit wanted to satisfy both factions, but he didn't have the shekels to finance suchan elaborate operation.lt was at that moment the Rockefeller cavalry came galloping to the rescue.Nelson promised to provide an entire floor at 10 East 40 th Street, New York City, rent free.Twenty-five years later, it was Rocky's open espousal of ending American independence, expressed inhis book Future of Federalism.that gave many secret World Government supporters in Congress thecourage to speak up.According to Streit:'The Future of Federalism- came at a time when other US political leaders and many of our best friendsin Congress were afraid even to mention such words as"federal" or " union-in connection with Atlantica, lest they arouse controversy and opposition frommisguidedThe Rockefeller family has provided free rental for the Atlantic Union headquarters, and Streit informsus that this fact had been kept a secret for 25 years.Even this admission was made at a private dinner ofInsiders.You will find no mention of this incredible fact in the newspapers the next day.(Streit'sdisclosure appeared in their own publication, and was later placed in the Congressional Record for all tosee by a - misguided patrioteer.-)You are not supposed to know that the richest family in the country wants to abolish the independenceof the United States.For those Americans willing to go directly into the Great Merger with the Communists, without shilly-shallying around with regional intermediaries, the Rockefeller-CFR combine has several organizationsavailable to support.The most blatant, as well as the most successful, is probably the United World Federalists.The United World Federalists was formed in 1947 by two CFR stalwarts, Norman Cousinsand James P.Warburg (whose statement, promising world government" by consent or conquest," beganthis chapter).One of the most famous slogans of this Rockefeller front was" One world or none.-The UWF has been particularly effective at appealing to the idealism of youthful Americans, throughchapters on many high school and college campuses, with its promise of "world peace through worldlaw." Most of these young members apparently assume that a World Government created and controlledby Insiders would protect individual rights, guarantee freedom of the press, respect religious beliefs andpractices, and so on.Naturally, the UWF says nothing to disillusion them.The United World Federalists has been a CFR operation since it was created, more than 25 years ago, byamalgamating three small organizations, the World Federalists, Student Federalists, and AmericansUnited for World Government.Its membership has been heavily interlocked with that of the CFR fromthe day it began [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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