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.These expertsthen write books about the health benefits of certain drugs.Go intoany bookstore and you can see book after book after book promotingdrug use by "an independent medical expert." The fact is the drugcompanies are paying the expert to write the books.The book is noth-ing more than an ad for the drug.Among other methods used by the government in tandem with thedrug industry:Censorship of Opposing Ideas.This is scary.We live in America.It's supposed to be the land of free speech.Well, speech is not free.Ifyour speech happens to threaten the profits of big business, you aregoing to be bound and gagged, ridiculed and persecuted.Here's whathappens.There are hundreds of books written about the drug industry,the FDA, the FTC, and the collusion between the associations, thecorporations, the lobbyists, and certain government regulators andhow they work together to suppress all-natural, inexpensive waysto prevent and cure disease.These books and these authors neversee the light of day.Why? Publishers won't publish these books.If apublisher publishes a book that is bashing the pharmaceutical indus-try, certain government agencies, or big business, the publishingcompany may be blacklisted and have its other books taken out ofdistribution.Publishing companies fear that the publishing of thesebooks will in fact cost them millions of dollars in profits.Additionally,many of the officers and directors of these publishing companies ownstock in many pharmaceutical companies, and they do not want todo anything that will adversely affect their own personal portfolio.Remember, it's all about the money!There is also censorship of advertising.Think about this very sim-ply.Let's say that you are the president of a major television network.The particular network that you are the president of is owned byanother multinational company that owns or has huge interest in adrug company.Your network gets two-thirds, or close to 70 percent, ofits advertising revenue directly from the drug industry.Now imagine aguy comes to you and says, "I'd like to advertise on your network my 40 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutbook entitled How the Drug Companies Are Ripping Off America."Would you, as the president of that company, run that ad? If you runthat ad, your boss could fire you.Because by running that ad, you couldhave a negative impact on the sales and profits of the drug companiesin which your boss has a major equity position.That means it is costingyour boss money.You may in fact own stock yourself.Think about itthis way: If you run that ad for that book, how are your other advertis-ers going to feel? What if they called you up and said, "Hey, if you runthat ad for that book, we're not going to run any of our drug ads nextmonth." Your sales are going to go straight down and you'll probably befired.Folks, this is what is happening.It's all about the money.This actually is happening to me.When this book first came outno one in publishing or the media thought much of it, but it became arunaway bestseller.In just the first few months this book has sold overone and one-half million copies and became one of the fastest sellingbooks in publishing history.However, because this book is exposingthe truth about the news media, the television networks, the reportingat magazines and radio stations, the collusion of the pharmaceuticalindustry with the FDA and FTC, many networks have stopped runningads for this book.Television stations all around America have pulledthe advertising of this book.They do not want my message being heard.They are in effect suppressing my free speech.Many news networkshave actually done very negative stories on me and my book.Think about it.A news network is sponsored by the drug com-panies and food industry.The news network then gets approachedby its biggest advertisers, the drug companies and the food industry.These big advertisers tell the news network that they had better stopKevin Trudeau and bash him anyway they can.The news network isin fact owned by the sponsors! All television, newspapers, radio, andmagazines are owned by the sponsors! Do you understand how thatworks? The sponsors pay TV stations, radio stations, newspapers,and magazines.The sponsors are the source of income to these newsorganizations.The news organizations always succumb to the whimsand wishes of their sponsors.Since the pharmaceutical industry andthe food industry sponsor most all news organizations on TV, radio,newspapers, and magazines, these news organizations can never betrusted to give unbiased information.It was reported recently, and a lawsuit was filed, about a group ofindependent reporters who did an exposé story on the drug company Who Are "They"? 41Monsanto, exposing the growth hormone that Monsanto sells used indairy cows.This news story exposed that this growth hormone wasmaking the animals sick and making the milk and dairy productsfrom these cows deadly poisonous.However, the news organizationcategorically refused to run the story.Why? Because Monsanto putpressure on the news organization! To read about this incrediblestory, go to www.foxbghsuit.com.Do you see that the sponsors controlthe information you are hearing about? Do not be misled into think-ing that when you are listening to the news on television or radio, orreading the news in magazines and newspapers, that it is unbiasedobjective reporting.It absolutely is not!The information you see and hear on TV and radio, and read innewspapers and magazines, is in effect coming directly from the spon-sors of those media outlets.The majority of money received by thesemedia outlets is from the pharmaceutical industry and the food indus-try.Folks, you are being brainwashed; you are being lied to; you arebeing deceived.A good example of this is I had an ABC news crew cometo my house at 7:00 a.m., unannounced.They banged on my door, andthey made it appear that I was unwilling to answer the door and answertheir questions or give them an interview.This was categorically untrueand false.ABC News specifically tried to mislead the public into believ-ing that I would not answer the door and give them an interview.Thefact is they never mentioned to the viewers that they were banging onmy door at 7:00 in the morning and I was asleep.They never men-tioned to the viewers that I told ABC News that I absolutely wouldgive them a live interview.They deceived the public.Folks, this is ABCNews! You have to know that you cannot trust or believe what you arereading in newspapers and magazines, seeing on television, or hearingon the radio.These outlets are simply the pawns of the pharmaceuticalcompanies and the food industry.These media outlets are simply anextension of the sponsors.Remember, the sponsors always control thecontent and the information that you are being exposed to.Remember,it's always all about the money.Can you see why I'm mad as hell, andnot going to take it anymore!Debunking Natural Remedies.In an actual government memoran-dum, the U.S.federal government states that one of the most effec-tive tools to get people to believe the government's opinion is to puttogether a well orchestrated debunking campaign.What this means isthere is a coordinated effort between the FDA, the FTC, the health- 42 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutcare associations, and the entire pharmaceutical industry as well assome major news organizations to produce scare stories about natu-ral alternatives and suppress the truth about the ineffectiveness anddangers of drugs [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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