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.Theenvelope is immediately handed to the spectator to examine and confirm that theenvelope is absolutely opaque.His demonstration concluded, the mentalist removes the cards and, after turningthe one face-up card, face-down, hands them back to the spectator to do as directedwhile the mentalist s back is turned.When the spectator has completed turning his freely selected design face-up andinserted it between the remaining four face-down cards, he is instructed to placethe packet in the smallest manila envelope which the mentalist is holding behindhis back.The small envelope is now placed in the middle size envelope and thespectator places these inside the largest of the three envelopes.The three nested envelopes are retained by the spectator who is asked to concentrateupon the mentally selected design.The mentalist then proceeds to immediatelyreveal the spectator s design, without any questions, and without fail.It is almostas if he has X-Ray Vision or E.S.P.190 The Original Stunners!That s all there is to it.No moves.No gimmicks.No nothing.Just a truly diabolicallysubtle secret that involves a most unique principle.REQUIREDYou ll need three nesting manila envelopes and 5 colored E.S.P.design cards.Everything is totally unprepared.However, once you understand the principleinvolved, you will have to search around your local stationery supply stores to findthe proper, light cream colored manila envelopes that work best.TO PREPAREArrange the cards from top to bottom: square, star, circle, cross, wavy lines.Here show to easily remember the cyclical order of the five design cards: Think of thecircle as the number  1 , because it s drawn with one continuous stroke.The crossas number  2 because it s drawn with two lines.The wavy lines as number  3because that s how many lines there are.The square as number  4 because it hasfour sides.And the star as number  5 because it has five points.You ll note thatthe cards are in 4-5-1-2-3 order.The color of the designs are: black, green, yellow,red and blue.TO PERFORMShow the five cards to the spectator and allow him to examine the three envelopes.Demonstrate what you want the spectator to do while your back is turned.State(and show him at the same time) that he is to hold the packet of cards design sidesdown.He is to then begin transferring one card at a time from the top of the packetto the bottom of the packet.He is to continue doing this as many times as hewishes.(Note: You have stopped after transferring the third card from the top ofthe packet to the bottom during this demonstration.)Tell the spectator that whenever he stops, he is to turn the top card of the packetface-up, remember it, and shove it between the remaining four face-down cards.Asyou demonstrate this, you will be inserting the cross design face-up between thethird and fourth face-down cards.Pick up the smallest of the three envelopes, holding it seam side up between thethumb on one edge and the remaining fingers on the opposite edge.Gently squeezeand the envelope will pop open.Insert the five cards (four face-down and one face-up) into the envelope and close the flap.(Note: Do not seal the envelopes; you canuse them again).Hand the envelope to the spectator seam side up.Tell him to turn the envelopeover and verify that the designs on the cards cannot be seen through the opaque191 Stunners-Plus! The Mental Magic of Larry Beckerenvelope.Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.The envelope appearsto be opaque because the bottom card of the stack is the yellow circle.It is the onlyone of the five designs that can t be seen through the manila envelope.The color ofthe envelope filters out the yellow of the design.Since you know the original cyclical order of the designs, to determine which designthe spectator turned face-up, you must learn the identity of the bottom card of thepacket.The reversed (face-up) card will always be one higher than the design onthe bottom card of the packet.For example: if you see the cross on the bottom,thespectator s design is the wavy lines.If you see the wavy lines, the spectator s designis the square, and so on.Retrieve the envelope from the spectator and remove the five cards making surethat you hold the envelope seam side up as you do so.Spread the cards and locatethe face-up cross.Remove it, turning it face-down and place it on the bottom of thepacket.The cards are now back in their cyclical order.Make sure the spectatorknows exactly what he is to do.Hand him the cards and turn your back.Eventhough you have previously demonstrated what he is to do, don t take any chances.Repeat the instructions, one step at a time, while your back is turned.While the spectator is transferring cards one at a time, pick up the smallest of thethree envelopes on the table and hold it seam side up in your left hand, behindyour back [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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