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.This can be done by visualizing success at the event, going through rituals in preparation for the event and practising meditative exercises designed to calm the body, ridding it of the stresses that hamper peak performance.32MegaLiving! 30 Days to a Perfect LifeIn 1954, Roger Bannister did what many people thought no human could ever do - he broke the four minute mile barrier.When asked how he did this, he replied that he simply ran the perfect race over and over on the movie screen of his mind before he ran it in reality.Tennis ace Andre Agassi is a master at the art of visualization as is golf legend Jack Nicklaus, soccer superstar Pele and Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner.But mental excellence and the technique of visualization should not be limited to the playing field.Visualization, where one mentally rehearses the ideal performance in his mind over and over before the actual event, should be a tool in the success arsenal of every peak performer.Increasingly, non-elite athletes in the arena of life are applying the mental conditioning strategies of Olympians to live better, live longer and achieve positive results.You must condition your mind and enter into a mind-training routine as if you were an elite athlete preparing for the event of your life.You must take your training seriously and become devoted to true excellence.You have phenomenal powers lurking deep inside of you, whether you realize this or not.You are likely using only 25% of your mind’s vast reserves.What about the remaining 75%? If you want a supermemory, to have the focus of a laser beam, the creativity of a genius or the serenity of an Indian yogi living deep in the Himalayas, you must earn it and train your mind.This will not occur overnight but it will happen if you use your personal power to make it happen.MegaLiving! will get you on track for the big results that you want and deserve.Also, it is imperative that you develop a winning attitude.The limits you impose in your mental factory are the limits you impose on your life.Shatter the myth, once and for all, that you are too old, too young, too tired, too taxed, too poor or too average to do extraordinary things.You can have whatever you want but step one means controlling the thoughts swirling around in the garden of your mind.If you encourage yourself daily and cultivate the garden of your mind it will blossom far beyond your expectations.But if you let the toxic weeds of negative thoughts and bad habits take over, you will never achieve the quality of life which you desire and deserve.You must expect to win at the game of life.Marcus Allen, the MegaLiving! 30 Days to a Perfect Life33first-class NFL running back said: “My whole game is attitude.You’ve got to think positively to achieve the impossible, to be what you expect to be.If you seek mediocrity, then that’s all you get!” As you prepare for each day or a special event such as a big presentation, court case or sports meet, run a mental video of the perfect result in your mind.Smell the air, see all the details of the activity-the more precise the better.See yourself smiling and meeting with huge success.Think of how you want to feel and will feel.Feel the success and the pleasure you will receive on another job well done.Creative visualization works so put it into your self-mastery toolbox.Become the most positive person you know.Cultivate the spirit of positivity and joy in every area of your life.Become a true adventurer, seeing life’s little obstacles as challenges that will allow you to become wiser and to grow.Learn to love adversity and to thrive on it.The great business leaders of our time from Getty to Ted Turner loved big challenges and turned them into opportunities for magnificent wealth.Critics called CNN the “chicken noodle network” when it first came out.But Turner persisted.He understood that successful people are no different from anyone else, they just stay in the fight an extra round longer.This is the difference between winners and less developed people.Unsuccessful people see adversity as something that will break them and complain that life is hard.Winners design strategies to benefit from challenges, regroup if they do not work and maintain a burning commitment to succeed at all cost.Winners will always find a way.THE MAGIC OF GOALS :YOUR VISIONS OF EXCELLENCENothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.W.W.ZiegeHighly successful people, from leaders in the world of finance to parents leading happy, loving families, all share one powerful habit: they set goals.Clear goals are the essential foundation of success and 34MegaLiving! 30 Days to a Perfect Lifelife mastery.Without clearly defined goals for both the near future and the long-term, you are like a ship moving through the deep seas without a course.You are like a jet flying without a flight plan.You are like a brain surgeon operating with a blindfold on.Lasting self-mastery and life excellence will only come about when you set precise objectives for every facet of your life.Peak performers know precisely where they are going mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.Because how could you possibly hit a target you cannot even see? Once you take the time to set and regularly review your goals, your mind will spot opportunities to allow your desires to be fulfilled.This is when you start to live your dreams and put far more living into your life.One of the truest laws of Nature is that what you focus on constantly with great emotion and expectation will become a reality.You can use this age-old principle to destroy your life by thinking about the negatives or to make it phenomenal by aiming for the stars and expecting your desires to come true.As Henry Ford has said:“Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing seems impossible.” You do not start creating the life you want 20 years from now in 20 years, you start this very day by setting precise goals, developing a clear plan and then by taking dedicated action.Every day, you must take some action to advance confidently in the direction of your ultimate destination.Every thought must be a useful one that will boost your enthusiasm for the accomplishment of your hopes.Step one on the magical road to success is the setting of your goals.Here is the MegaLiving! 7 Step Formula to Achieve Your Goals:1.Know What You Want.Find, recognize & mentally visualize the goals you are working towards.One of life’s biggest success tips is to figure out what you love doing and then find someone who will pay you to do it.What are your secret ambitions? Perhaps the best way to determine your life goals is to write your own eulogy.Picture your own funeral and what you would like said about you and your accomplishments.Do you want to hear that you were the richest person in your country, the best piano player in your city or the happiest person that anyone had ever met? Think deeply about where MegaLiving! 30 Days to a Perfect Life35you want to be in 5, 10 and 20 years.These are your life goals.2.Set Precise Goals with a Deadline & Develop a Strategy.Once you know the direction in which you are travelling through life, your days take on new meaning.You start to live with tremendous passion and focus [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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