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.Minutes seemed like hours, and near as Raz could figure nearly an hour passed before they finally managed to get out ofthe city.They didn't stop until they'd reached the forest a mile outside the city; a thin forest, not much more than an over-large copse of trees But with the late hour, it would do.Raz rounded on Pechal, temper flaring."I'm going to kill you!" He emphasized the threat by sending Pechal to the groundwith an aching jaw."You stupid, scorching idiot! What were you thinking! You could have gotten yourself killed!"Pechal hunched his shoulders and stared at the ground."I'm sorry.""Sorry isn't good enough!" Raz grabbed Pechal by the shoulders, hauled him up, and proceeded to shake him to death."You.Are.An.Idiot.Fire and ash, Pechal, what were you thinking!""I just thought-""You weren't thinking!" Raz let him go, watched him fall back down to sit on the ground."Why did you run from me? Fromme?""I didn't want you to have to deal with it.""Deal with it?" Raz looked at him in disgust."There's nothing to deal with.We're friends.Brothers.Never alone, yeah?" Hedropped down next to Pechal."Scorching idiot.You shouldn't have run.We could have slipped out of the country all quietlike - Ailill even said he'd help.""What?" Pechal's brow furrowed."Why?"Raz cuffed him lightly."Because he's a good guy," he winked, "for a Highlander." His momentary levity faded."Look - I'vegot to get back.We're set to steal the comb in about an hour, and it'll take me most of that to get back into town.Lay lowhere, don't run off, and I'll be back later with supplies and everything.We're headed for the mill; after we get there we'llfigure out what else to do.All right?""All right," Pechal agreed meekly."I'm sorry, Raz."The last of Raz's anger drained away and he tugged Pechal into a tight embrace."S'okay.Just don't be stupid again." Heruffled Pechal's curls."We're not going to let some stupid High Priest burn you." His voice caught as he said 'High Priest,'and he pressed on before Pechal could comment on it, ruthlessly shoving away the memory of green eyes."Stay out ofsight, idiot." Raz embraced him tightly one last time, then let him go."See you in a few hours."Pechal nodded, and satisfied he'd stay put, Raz turned and hurried back to the city.Unfortunately it was too late to grab a quick meal from a vendor, and he didn't have time to stop in a tavern.Well, he'd justeat later.The south end of the capital was far more quiet than it's northern half.From the palace the bells chimed eleven times.Razstuck to the alleys and shadowed portions of the main roads, carefully avoiding the priests walking about, no doubt insearch of their lost Candidate.A complication he hadn't planned for, but he'd make do.Shio and Shinju were somewhere, they'd distract the priests if itbecame necessary.Ducking into another alleyway, moving from memory - he'd explored the place thoroughly earlier thatday - Raz slowly made his away down the crowded alley until he came to a high stone gate.Houses in town were crowded together, climbing up rather than spreading out.The Earl Zholty's house was one of the moreelaborate ones, an overblown showcase of his wealth.Raz took a deep breath and then climbed up the gate, landing with aquiet thump on the other side.This was the same bastard who had apparently hired men to kill Pechal.Raz had never been so tempted to kill someone inhis life.file:///H|/NOVEL/New%20novel/2.htm[9/25/2009 10:21:36 AM] AmaSour FictionNot that ever been tempted to kill anyone.If he was comfortable with taking lives, he probably would have made himselfright at home in Ivan's little band.No, he stuck with stealing.Killing the stupid Earl wouldn't solve problems anyway, just create more.They'd attach the murder to the comb, and if theyfound out a Highlander had been in town searching for it - and Raz didn't doubt somehow they'd find that out -it wouldcause no end of trouble for Ailill.Which would be bad for business.As well as for his health.That aside, Ailill was fast becoming a friend [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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