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.Koda had been interested in looking at him last night.Maybesome of that curiosity lingered.Koda s gaze strayed to Flynn s groin. You re curious, Flynn said.He smiled at Koda. Goahead.Look.As Koda s gaze drank him in, Flynn s cock filled andlifted.Koda s perusal stilled on Flynn s penis. What are you curious about? Flynn asked after amoment. You are very pale.Why did the gods remove youbefore your skin finished baking? My skin is finished.Come touch me and see foryourself, Flynn encouraged.Koda gave him only a parting look of skepticismbefore he crawled toward Flynn.Koda scooted close, justshy of touching, and sat by Flynn s hip.He stayed perfectlystill, turning his head toward Koda, but not challenging himwith a direct look. Don t try to leave your testing. Ah, the requisite warnings of dire consequences. Our people need you, and the gods have heard ourcries.You were brought to defeat Manaba s reign, but ourpeople won t follow you if you re not at least his equal. Kodacautiously ran the tips of his fingers through Flynn s hair. You ve been given beauty and form for the task, but they veleft your training to us. Why would they do that? Flynn asked, wanting Kodato think about how preposterous it sounded to send a saviorwho wasn t ready for battle. Why wouldn t they just send aman who knew what he was doing? Knowledge doesn t provide wisdom.Flynn blinked. I think I read that in a fortune cookieonce.Koda s curious fingers pushed gently at Flynn sshoulder, seeming to test the resilience of his flesh.Theydragged lower, over his ribcage.Flynn twitched and laughed.Koda smiled, nodding his head with approval.His hand fell away as it reached Flynn s hip.Only hiseyes continued the journey, his lips parting as his gaze cameto rest on his cock again.Flynn had no illusions aboutKoda s interest. Go ahead, he murmured.Koda barely brushed the length of Flynn s cock withthe same three fingertips.Flynn bit back a groan at the feather light tickle. Touch me, Koda. Chapter SixHe was touching the god-man.He wanted to touch somuch more! Never had he been given permission to touchanother man so intimately as this.He half-feared his fingerswould shrivel and curl like burning vines.When nothingpainful happened, he carefully slipped his fingers beneaththe heavy weight of pale cock until it rested on his palm.Flynn made a choking sound, much the same wayKoda would make if Flynn were to touch him.His eyessought the priest s.Bright and green, his direct look didn tfrighten him, it fascinated him.Did he see things the sameas Koda did? How did the world appear to a man whoseeyes were filled with layers of green and gold?There was no hesitation in Flynn s bold stare.Perhaps he wasn t made like Manaba and the other priests.Perhaps testing wasn t necessary.Flynn didn t seem timidhaving a man touch him.The other priests had to have theirchastity confirmed with long rounds of testing.Long days ofno female contact lest their purity be compromised by apriest lusting for a woman. priest lusting for a woman.Koda saw no evidence that this man would lust for anyfemale.The idea of it, of freely touching Flynn withoutrestraint, made his cock achingly eager.The loin cloth boundhim uncomfortably, and he shifted up on one hip, his kneeaccidentally brushing Flynn s thigh. Koda, don t be shy.Touch whatever you want.I likeyour hands on me. He nodded to the proof, proudly erectbetween his thighs. I d like you to touch me a whole lotmore.Koda cupped Flynn s penis.His knee lightly rested onFlynn s thigh, and Koda leaned in.He kept his eyes onFlynn s until he was too close to his neck to see him.Flynn smelled different than other men.Warriorscarried the aroma of earth and sweat.Though Flynn was farfrom being a child, he smelled like the tribe children afterthey d splashed in the creek bed, but slightly tangy.He didn tknow this smell.Experimentally, Koda darted out his tongue to see ifhe tasted tangy too.Flynn gasped, his body tensed, but hedidn t try to escape, and Koda did it again.This time heflicked his tongue on the outside curve of Flynn s neck.Hisskin tasted sweet, Koda decided.The man shuddered at the tiny licks, and Koda feltabsurdly powerful.His hand closed around the shaft [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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