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.( 2 )Your Score : _______Comments :A ) Not quite right, too sneaky.Probably what most guys would do though.B ) This is way too intimidating a situation for the LSM.He s paralyzed to act.C ) Only a confident HSM would have the courage to do something like this, butreally, it s not a huge social risk so long as you play it cool and try not to be too obviousabout what you re doing.It is a party after all -- you re just making the rounds and beingfriendly, right? Good cover.D ) What, like James Bond? Sure.This ought to be the zero joke question, butagain, I m not all that sure about some of you guys.~~~~~~~~~~7 ) You're out at a fancy restaurant with a date and the waitress goofs up yourorder big time, how would you react?(Appendix -- Pg 301) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big PictureA ) Give her a dressing down and embarrass her.( 2 )B ) Make a joke about it and let her know that it's ok.( 10 )C ) Insist on seeing the manager.( 1 )D ) Ask her if she'd like to meet you later for a few drinks.( 0 )Your Score : _______Comments :A ) Here we go again with the LSM trying to boost his own frail ego at theexpense of others.One of the things that women look for on a date is how the guythey re with treats  the little people , i.e., valets, waitresses, etc.whose job it is to kissthe public s ass.This puts them at an unfair disadvantage to their customers, but theLSM exploits this artificially-created differential in social power to make himself feellike a big guy.It s all bullshit though, and the woman knows it.Even worse for the poorLSM chump, she also knows that this is how you ll be treating her after she s given yousex.Except that, if she s smart, you ll never be getting any.not from her anyway.B ) This shows that you have no desire to seize on another person s mistakes toput them down or embarrass them.It s called being magnanimous, and is something thatonly the gracious person operating from a position of power can do.It signals HSMall the way.C ) This is even worse than response A because it exposes a malicious desire toreally harm someone, or even get them fired.A real nasty, bitter LSM who s been shiton all his life from every direction and is looking to give it back wherever and wheneverhe can.D ) What can I say? Some of you horndogs are just too smooth for me.Whydon t you write your own book?~~~~~~~~~~(Appendix -- Pg 302) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big Picture8 ) How do you typically act around your male friends?A ) Like a tough guy, with f-words flying every few seconds.( 2 )B ) By verbally sparing with them -- half-jokingly putting them down.( 2 )C ) Like myself.based on however I feel that day.( 10 )D ) Quiet, always hanging around in the background.I just like to observetheir antics for my amusement.( 5 )Your Score : _______Comments :A ) This is an example of the false bravado that the LSM likes to wrap himself upin.It s easy to play tough with your friends because they understand that it s all bullshitdesigned to make you feel good about yourself, and that if any of them ever challengedyou, you would quickly move back to the bottom of the pecking order heap where youbelong.They know it and so do you.So why not give it a rest?B ) Same thing.C ) The HSM is secure in his identity and self-worth and therefore free to acthowever he wants to around his friends.They respect him for  and because  of it.D ) This demonstrates a classic case of something called the disabled will, which Iwill talk about more in Chapter 4.It manifests itself in the form of an arrogance and afalse feeling of superiority to everyone else.This is because the person with the disabledwill can only think of himself in two ways: either god-like and supreme, or a worthlessworm.There is no middle ground.No healthy sense of shame to ground him.Bad stuff.~~~~~~~~~~9 ) You are hanging out with a small group of people at a social setting.An(Appendix -- Pg 303) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big Pictureattractive woman you've never seen before is standing nearby, but neither of you haveacknowledged each other's presence except for some brief eye contact.Are you mostlikely to.A ) Wait for her to say something to you first? ( 2 )B ) Introduce yourself and shake her hand? ( 10 )C ) Wait for someone in the group to formally introduce the two of you? ( 5 )D ) Show her your Gene Simmons tongue waggle? ( 0 )Your Score : _______Comments :A ) Afraid of being rejected? I know the feeling.B ) The best move to make.It demonstrates a willingness to take a social riskwhich impresses the hell out of women because.that s right, it s the mark of the HSM.C ) This is the safe move that most guys would wait for.It s not the best way tomake that high status impression that B gives you though.D ) I, want to rock  n roll all night.and party ev-ery day!.~~~~~~~~~~10 ) You look out your living room window and see two dudes talking out in thestreet.One of them is leaning up against your new car parked out front, and he's wearinga belt with a big buckle that looks like it could scratch the paint job.Do you.A ) Go outside and ask him to ".not lean on my new car 'cause the bankstill owns it." in a non-threatening way? ( 10 )B ) Charge outside and scream "Hey dude, get the fuck off the car!." ( 5 )(Appendix -- Pg 304) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big PictureC ) Sneak around from behind and sucker punch him in the head? ( 0 )D ) Say nothing, go back to the couch and continue watching Who Wants tobe a Millionaire? ( 2 )Your Score : _______Comments :A ) The best way to defuse a situation like this.It shows courage without issuinga direct challenge.The HSM doesn t go looking for a fight everywhere but will stand upfor his rights when he has to.Guys respect that.(Except for serious LSM s who willhave to take every threat as a call to fisticuffs since their weak egos cannot survive thethought of them having backed down from anyone.And don t forget the simmering rageaspect of his character either.)B ) This works too I suppose, but it also shows you off as the LSM who takesevery little transgression in life as a life-or-death challenge to his flimsy ego (see above).Relax already.C ) Yeah, in your dreams.Rambo.D ) Don t want to miss the $128,000 question, right? You big pussy.~~~~~~~~~~11 ) How scared are you of your boss?A ) Terrified, I can't even look him in the eye.( 2 )B ) I'm respectful, but not scared.( 8 )C ) I am the boss (or, I work for myself).( 10 )D ) Fuck him, that stupid cocksucker.( 2 )Your Score : _______Comments :(Appendix -- Pg 305) Without EmbarrassmentThe Big PictureA ) This is a very meek, cowered male.You re so far down in the pecking orderthat you actually fear being in the presence of a clearly more powerful, dominant male.B ) This an alright answer.It shows that you are not so far away from being a topmale in your own mind that you can t stand toe-to-toe with your boss.Someday you mayeven challenge for his spot.C ) Best answer, the dominant male is in charge.either of other people or simplyhis own destiny.D ) This is the same as A with a splash of good old LSM rage mixed in.~~~~~~~~~~12 ) You're picking up your date at her house for an evening out at the newdowntown nightclub.Her ten year old son is having a mood and giving her grief [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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