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.In some forms of Taoist meditation, people are taught to visualize a stream of energy flowing in a circle that starts near the navel, travels down to the groin, up the spine, over the head, down the chest and back to the navel.Kundalini yoga teaches a similar thing, but the energy doesn't flow in a circle, it flows out through the top of the head.I don't recommend the latter method because some Taoists claim that it's dangerous to push the energy out your head.When you try to induce an OBE, just relax and let your breathing become normal again.Don't try to breathe differently in any way.It may be helpful, however, to quietly listen to the sound of your own breath.During the OBE, it may suddenly seem as if you have stopped breathing.If this happens, don't be alarmed.Your body is still breathing, but you have lost awareness of the body.CHAPTER 21 People and AnimalsPeople often ask me, do you ever meet anyone while you're out of your body? Yes, I have, but not often.Maybe 10 percent of my OBEs have had interaction with other people.There are two categories of people you are likely to meet during an OBE: physical and nonphysical.A physical person is inside their physical body during your OBE.A nonphysical person can be someone who is also having an OBE, or a person who is without a physical body--"dead." When you meet someone on the astral plane, it's easy to tell if they are physical or nonphysical.The physical people usually seem preoccupied with trivialities.If you meet up with a physical person, they will usually be busily preoccupied with reading, doing dishes or another physical activity.They don't seem to notice you.You can speak with them, but usually they won't look at you while they speak, although sometimes it may seem as if they look at you.Physical people are always affected by gravity.Also, physical people usually have irregular or discolored auras.On the other hand, nonphysical people are not preoccupied.They usually notice you, and look at you when they are talking.They often wear out-of-place clothes.And they can be found perched in midair or just about anywhere.Quite often in my experience, I've been able to hear or "feel" the presence of discarnates, but haven't been able to see them.Also, their auras are mostly clear, regularly shaped and evenly colored.There may also be cases where nonphysical people don't seem to see you.A good example of this is OBE #116, mentioned in chapter 16, where I saw a group of people in my room, dressed in 1950's style clothes.In these cases, I'm not sure if I am seeing spirits from a different "wavelength" or some sort of psychic afterimage.Physical PeopleIn Robert Monroe's first book, he believed that when we are speaking to a physical person, we are talking with their subconscious minds.He described elaborate conversations with people while out of the body, but when he went to verify the experience, nobody remembered the conversations.His theory seems to fit perfectly with my experiences.Talking to a physical person is strained, as if they are too preoccupied to talk with you.Or perhaps their conscious minds feel uneasy having their subconscious talking with a "spirit." It seems as if physical people are so focused on their daily lives that they feel uncomfortable turning any portion of their consciousness away from that focus.For example, during OBE #21 mentioned in chapter 18, when I tried to rouse my mom from sleep, she just seemed to ignore me.Here are a few more examples from my journals:05/02/81 Sat - OBE #39.I walked through the living room of JP's apartment and entered JP and CA's bedroom.Both JP and CA were in bed.CA was laying down with her eyes closed.JP was sitting up in bed with some reading material.I jumped up and down and waved my hands to try to get JP's attention.He looked up at me.Then he nudged CA and she stirred.He pointed at me and said, "Look.I think there's something there." She looked, but didn't say anything.I didn't want them to be afraid of me, so I said, "It's me, Bob.I'm projecting." JP then said, "It's probably Bob projecting," as though he didn't hear me.He went back to reading.I said, "How can I be sure I'm going to remember this? What if I forget? I've got to remember." JP said, "Don't worry, we'll remember for you." I said, "How can I be sure you will remember?" He said, "We're awake.We should remember." I said, "Okay, but I may still forget." He said, "Don't worry about it; you'll remember." When I asked JP and CA about this incident later that day, they didn't remember anything.JP wasreading at the time.CA was awake but doing various things around the apartment.Several times, she reclined on the bed to relax for a few minutes.Here's another example:07/30/81 Thu - OBE #44.Well, I turned around and saw my father sitting in a kitchen chair with a sad expression on his face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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