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.The other man seemed lost in thought andKayden watched as various expressions passed across hisface from anxiety to a small smile.Then finally Beckettpushed himself to stand."I copied them to an account.We need a computer,"he said."Take your pick.We're in the comms room.Whatdo you need me to type?" Beckett looked uncertain andKayden got more than a little pissed that he clearly wasn'ton Beckett's trusted list.Finally Beckett seemed to get hishead around what was being asked of him and he issued aseries of addresses and passwords.Until finally there was along list of filenames on the screen.It meant nothing toKayden but he guessed Manny Sullivan, resident Sanctuarygeek, would be able to decipher the details.Opening aconnection to Manny he sent the files and received a cheeryLOLcat photo, almost instantly, by email for his trouble.Manny never did appear to take much seriously."I don't know if any of it will mean anything,"Beckett said."I wanted more.But Alastair interrupted mewhen I was in the office and I had to pretend I was usingthe computer for studying.I was going to wait until the58 Face Value RJ Scottbrothers went away to get more but then& " Beckettshrugged.Kayden could finish that explanation himself."Does it make any sense, I mean, what you saw on thescreen?" Beckett looked at him so damned earnest andneedy.Kayden suddenly wished he could say it was awhole gamut of letters and photos that were easy to look atand that they labeled the kid's family as guilty straightaway."It was random stuff, codes y'know." He expectedBeckett to pout his frustration but instead the erstwhilethief simply shook his head."I guessed as much.It's probably as encrypted andas unclear as the letters I had from my mom.Which I guessare all with this same guy you just sent the files to?"Kayden had seen Dale scan copies of everything inBeckett's possession, although the letter covered in bloodhad been near ruined."Yeah.Copies of the letter that had the blood on itare with Manny too, but the original is with our forensicsteam.""And the key? There was a key, small." Beckettheld up his fingers a width apart to indicate size."He took impressions but it's still here.Mannythinks it's to a safety deposit box which is kind of cliché.He tracked it down to a type where two keys are needed.59 Face Value RJ ScottThe location of the box is still something he is workingon.""The second key is in Texas.You know the notethat she hid the one I took back from my& fromGregory? She, Mom, said the key was in Texas." Beckettstopped talking and worried his lower lip with his teeth.Kayden didn't for one minute think that it had been easy forBeckett to go through a dead man's pockets to retrieve hisbelongings."It was ruined I think," Beckett finally said."Covered in blood and wet with it.But I had read it near tothe end and she mentioned that Texas had the key.""Where in Texas?""I wish I knew.It's this huge puzzle and I didn'tknow her.If there are clues to what she meant hidden in thewriting then I wouldn't know.She died when I was young.Ihave no frame of reference." Beckett used the chair toguide him to stand as he said this.Kayden winced at theobvious pain in Beckett's face.He needed more medssooner rather than later; his injuries had to be hurting like abitch."He asked me if I was going to avenge whathappened to her.""Who?""Gregory.He actually said that.I think maybe hehad everything to do with how my mom died." It wasevidently difficult for Beckett to hold his emotions inside60 Face Value RJ Scotthim where his long dead mom was concerned.Kaydencould sympathize a little; after all he hadn't known his ownmom either.Beckett looked sad and lost and in need of a moraleboost."You've seen a lot for being so young." Kaydencommiserated in his most supportive fashion.He wanted tosay how brave he thought Beckett had been to go upagainst the Bullens and to attempt to steal information buthe worried it would just come over as insincere."Don't say that like it's a good thing.I'm onlytwenty-one," Beckett replied.The look of sadness in hisexpression had been replaced by one of amusement."Twenty-one is still young.""I don't feel twenty-one today, more like a hundred.So if I am so young what are you then? Forty? Fifty?"Kayden smiled.Even when people could see himthey couldn't understand how someone of his age could bea doctor.Being blind limited what Beckett could tell.Hedid consider teasing him for a while and where the hell hadthat thought come from? He didn't do teasing."Twenty-six."Beckett's eyes widened and then he quirked a smile.He clutched his chest dramatically."Oh my God you areold." Smiling, he stood and began feeling his way aroundthe chair.Kayden grabbed a handful of shirt to guide him61 Face Value RJ Scottaway and out of the computer room."Jeez.When is my eyesight coming back?""Soon." Kayden was reluctant to offer a timeline.Simply because if the eyesight hadn't returned in full bythat day then he would feel as if he had let Beckett down.Beckett stumbled over the door separator and the weight ofhim, the very presence of him, ill or not, patient or not,pressed Kayden to the wall and sent a flash of need throughhim.Beckett was firm, dark eyed, and exactly what Kaydenlooked for in a man; as much as he wanted to ignore it,Beckett was a man.Not a boy.But he'd been Elisabeth'sboyfriend and the chances he was bi, really Kayden's onlyhope there, were slim to none.Even ifWait.What the hell? His patient was ill, needed hismedical expertise and he was a damn doctor.His libido hadbetter remember that.What the fuck was going on hishead? He needed downtime with some serious hooking up.As soon as possible.Okay, so Beckett was cute, and allkinds of brave, and did he mention cute, but that didn'tmean Kayden should be getting carried away."Sorry," Beckett murmured and reached out tosteady himself on the doorframe at the same time easinghimself away from Kayden."It's shit not being able to see.""Hmmm," was all Kayden managed to say and thenhe chose to ignore the flush of embarrassment that suffused62 Face Value RJ ScottBeckett's face.The embarrassment was only underlinedwhen Beckett pulled his arm away from Kayden's grip andheld himself rigid."Just show me to somewhere I can sit.""Please." Kayden couldn't resist that one [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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