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. 58Continuity of Costume and PropsPreparing Continuity in PreproductionThe table below relates a basic set of scenes to a breakdown ofcostume and props and would be prepared during preproduction.Script - Jenny s Day Costume/Jenny Dressings & Props1 Int./Day Lounge Office Wear 1 Lounge dressings +Jenny rushes her toast and Toast x 10coffee while dressing for work.plateCoffee MugBriefcase2 Ext./Day Street Office Wear 1 CarJenny hurries into her car.KeysBriefcase3 Int./Day Office Office Wear 1 Office dressings +Jenny, cool and efficient is briefcaseready for work.4 Int./Night Lounge Casual Wear 1 Lounge dressings +Jenny briefcase is open on briefcasethe table.It s completely full paperswith paperwork and she is penbusy working.From the breakdown above it is simple to gather what is requiredfor each scene and a breakdown such as this could be expandedso that it covered a full script and besides noting costumes, setdressings and props, could also include, make up and specialFX.The costumes and the props would be chosen duringpreproduction and Office Wear 1, Casual Wear 1, and thedressings for the lounge and the office would be itemised andrecorded.If, for instance Office Wear 1, consisted of dress suit,blouse, stockings and shoes all of this costume would be kepttogether, so that it could be carried complete to the locationsrequired.In Scene 1, the prop toast is X 10, because this is a prop whichwill be used during the scene and to keep continuity a fresh piecemay be needed on each take.Any prop or costume which isaffected by the action within a scene will require multiple copiesto be readied during preproduction.Costumes that change canbe itemised so that the link between the costumes is clear; Forinstance,Office Wear 1/smart and clean.Office Wear 1a/rumpled and stained from coffee.The number of copies of a costume, or a prop that are requiredobviously depends upon the number of set ups which will coverthe action where the costume, or prop is used and the number oftakes per set up. 59The sample script does not mention the briefcase until scene 4,but it is listed in all the scenes because it may be required.It isimportant when breaking down a script to ensure that nocostume or prop, which is required for continuity is missing,simply because the script does not detail it.The director may notwish to emphasise the briefcase until scene 4 and may leave itout of the first lounge scene, but it must be ready in case it isrequired.Shooting must never be stalled, because a prop ismissing, or has been overlooked.Continuity during ProductionFor continuity purposes a scene by scene breakdown of thescript lists the costumes and make up for every character andany extras appearing in the in the scene.The breakdown alsolists props for specific scenes, the dressings for every scene andall special FX.This breakdown means that in preproduction allthese necessary items can be thought through and prepared andthis script breakdown puts in place the continuity from scene toscene across the length of the script.When the production isunderway and all the scenes in one location are being shot, if thisbreakdown is properly done the gathering and preparing of itemscan be efficiently achieved.What the preproduction break down does not note is thecontinuity within a scene.In the sample script breakdown thelounge scene may start with the toast half eaten, and also Jennymay not have her jacket on, in relation to the costume OfficeWear 1, so that to retain continuity these would have to be resetfor any set up that covered the start of the scene and any takeswithin those set ups.Continuity of costumes and props isfinalised during the first rehearsals on the set and like dialogueand action is strictly adhered to if set ups need to be editedtogether.Anyone dealing with costume, set dressings, props,make up or special FX will prepare the necessary itemsaccording to the script breakdown and on the set the scriptsupervisor will note the continuity for their use within the scene.The simplest way to help performers keep continuity of costumeis to itemise their appearance at the start of a scene.Forexample:Suit jacket undoneTie on.Top button undoneWatch in left pocket of jacketCigarettes in left trouser pocketMatches in right trouser pocketAfter a take has been made or the shooting moves to a new setup the performers and the script supervisor can simply reset thecostumes for the start of the scene.The need to keep continuityof costume and props is another reason why set ups should run 60through as much of the scene as possible.Starting and stoppingscenes haphazardly can soon lead to confusion and situationssoon arise where for instance, someone is wearing a jacket atthe start of a take when for continuity reasons it should havealready been taken off.Keeping the set ups clear helps thecontinuity of action, dialogue, costume, props, special FX andmake up and a good director will want to help maintain a highstandard of continuity.Continuity for Lighting and CameraPreparing Continuity in PreproductionAs with costume and props the continuity of the lighting has twostages.The first is a breakdown of the script, so that lighting canbe planned and suitable equipment chosen.Script - Jenny s LightingDay Treatment1 Int./Day Cold rainyLounge morningJenny rushesher toast andcoffee whiledressing forwork.2 Ext./Day Cold rainyStreet morningJenny hurriesinto her car.3 Int./Day Office A brightJenny, cool and sumptuousefficient is ready officefor work.4 Int./Night ArtificialLounge lightingJenny briefcase Lamp onis open on the tabletable.It scompletely fullwith paperworkand she is busyworking.In the sample script script breakdown the lounge is noted as coldand dreary in the day time scene and even this simpledescription can give a cinematographer sufficient information towork with.A lighting breakdown makes it possible to work outwhat lamps, camera filters, lighting gels and other equipment willbe needed for a scene and also identify the need to gather and, ifnecessary, prepare any lights which will appear in the frame.Alamp in shot will often need a low power bulb and a gel mayneeded to colour balance the bulb. 61A lighting breakdown will identify when locations will be lit thesame way and therefore these scenes can be grouped and shottogether.The level of detail required by the planning of lighting dependsupon the complexity of the production, but the intention is alwaysthe same; The script breakdown allows the lighting to be plannedand controlled so that the results are not erratic and uneven.If,for example the lounge scene was brightly lit for sunshine andthe next exterior scene was flat and dreary this wouldunacceptable, but such incongruities can pass unnoticed whenscenes are shot out of order and no lighting breakdown isprepared.Continuity During ProductionThe script breakdown for lighting ensures that scenes will be lit toa prepared plan and ensures that the necessary equipmentneeded for each scene will be in place and ready for shooting.When filming begins the continuity of lighting concentrates onkeeping continuity within a scene and this includes:maintaining colour balance and colour temperaturemaintaining contrast rangemaintaining exposureThe preproduction planning should indicate the intended lightingtreatment and the lighting of the scenes can therefore be plannedin a systematic way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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