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. I'lltell them to meet us there.Someone like Tucker was okayto be alone with, but not me? This girlwas horrible at reading people.We walked into Boozer's andheaded straight for the bar.As always,there was a great crowd and Ryan thebartender nodded to me and shook my hand. Hey, Ry, what's up? This is thebeautiful, albeit untouchable, Grace. Ilooked down at her beautiful eyes, Grace, this is Ryan. She said hello tohim.Of course, Ryan, being a man,openly gawked at how beautiful shewas.I wanted to slam my fist into hisface, and then rip that lip ring of his rightoff his lips. Ryan, everything she gets is onme, whatever she wants; no limits, Isaid.I gave him a threatening glare, buthe was too busy eye fucking Grace evento see me.When I turned back to ask herwhat she d like to drink, she had takenher coat off and placed it on the bar.Myheart rate tripled; adrenaline spiked in my veins.My eyes slowly took in herbody, from head to toe and back again.Ittook all my restraint not to fall to myknees in front of her and beg her to loveme.She wore a tight silver shirt thatshimmered around her body and matchedher eyes exactly.The neckline plungedlow and the curves and perfectroundness of her breasts sent waves ofdesire spiking through my entire body.She wore skintight black leggings andthose fuck-me knee high leather bootsthat I had dreamt about wrapped aroundme. What would you like, Grace? Icould hardly breathe standing so close toher.  Tequila, please, shewhispered. Ryan, the woman wantsTequila.Line up the shot glasses, saltand limes, sir, I said to Ryan.Then Iturned back to look at Grace,  And letthe regretful behavior begin!Ryan lined up a row of shotglasses, a glass saltshaker, and placed ahandful of limes on a napkin in front ofus.His eyes never left her.I think Imight have growled out loud.Without a moment of hesitation,Grace licked the back of her hand withher tongue slowly, her eyes meetingmine.She sprinkled salt on it and lickedit again, slower.With her gaze stillsteady on mine, a rush of crimson colored her cheeks.She tilted the shotback and slowly placed the lime in hermouth and sucked.Instant massivehard-on.It took every last little bit ofmy self-control not to slam my lipsagainst that sexy mouth of hers. My God, I whispered.She narrowed her eyes playfullyat me. Why am I drinking alone? Oh, don't worry, Grace, you'renot alone, I said as I took my shot, notanywhere near at sexy or sensual as shedid it.Her cheeks reddened morethough, and I found myself, yet again,wondering what she could possibly bethinking of to blush like that around me. Holy shots! Lea's voice tore me from her eyes. Lea! Grace yelled, and huggedher tight.She pulled away and scoldedher friend,  That, my friend will be thelast time that you will ever talk me intogoing on a date!Lea held up her finger to Grace, Iguess to disagree and Grace bit it.Holyshit, did that turn me on even more.Iheld out a shot to her and smiled,believing for the first time, Lea reallywas the reason she went out withTucker. Last time, Lea.It's my messedup life and if I want to waste it, I will!She grabbed the shot glass out of myhands and brushed her fingers againstmine.Our eyes collided with each other s.Her breath caught and for thesecond time, I thought I felt there wassomething there.After two more shots, I took herhand and entwined my fingers with hers.I nodded to the dance floor and shesmiled and came with me, not hesitatingfor a minute.Lea and Conner followed.Ispun her around and held her back to me.I knew if I faced her, she'd run, and Iwanted desperately to feel her moveagainst my body for just a little while.And my God, did she.She melted rightinto me like we were one.Like shefound where she belonged.Her hipsswayed with mine to the music and shelifted her hands up over my head.Myhands wrapped around her, pressing on the flatness of her stomach.I pulled hercloser, crushing my body against hers,still moving our bodies to the beat of thesong.Sweating into each other, grindingand sliding against each other.I roamedmy hands up the sides of her body,grasping her skin, and skating myfingertips along the damp flesh.Whenshe ran her hands through my hair, Icouldn't bear not to face her any longer.I spun her around and for a moment,desire pulsed in her eyes, but she pushedme away and stopped dancing. Shane, she breathed, throughparted lips.Guilt and fear shone throughher features, yet she fisted my shirt inboth her hands, not letting me moveaway too far. I tightened my grip around herwaist, pulling her in closer until she wasfull fledge up against my body, and hadto realize how much I wanted her bywhat she felt against her.I buried myface in her hair and inhaled those sweetwildflowers. You're killing me,Grace, I whispered against her ear.Her breathing quickened as I slid myhand slowly up her ribs until myfingertips grazed the underside of herbreast.Damn, she felt good.She leaned her face away fromme and looked terrified.I didn't want toscare her, I didn't mean to do anythingwrong, but she was giving me signals,wasn't she? Shit, probably not. I know.I know, Grace! My hands flew up into the air. I haveabsolutely no chance at a night with you.I'm not trying to sleep with you.I'm justhaving fun, you smell awesome, you areinhumanly beautiful, and you're makingmy heart beat overtime& Shots?After a split second of sheerterror, an enormous smile pulled at herlips and she laughed and nodded. Shots! I wiped my sweaty palmsdown my pants as I followed her off thedance floor.Back at the bar, we did a fewmore shots.I lost count.The only thing Iknew was that I wanted her to want me.Ihad to know how she felt.The girls went to the bathroom,as they always do, in packs.The night was speeding by [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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