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. Sam reached down, cupping his aching cock.Nick s hand grabbed Sam s wrist, twisting it slightly as Nick pulled it away from Sam sprick. That s mine and you don t get to touch it unless I say so. I need&  Now, he got it.Nick would have to take him to the buy, to keep an eye onhim. That s your punishment, boy.You get to need while I get to come. No fair, Sir.Please. I ll bind you after I ve come. The fingers on his hips tightened.Sam whimpered softly, driving himself back on the fat cock.Nick pulled him back evenharder on the next thrust, angle changing so that fat prick banged against his gland. Nicky! His thoughts shattered, his cock dripping.He was going to shoot.Nick grabbed Sam s balls, pulling down and twisting. No&  Sam arched, sobbed, the ache deep in his gut. You re not allowed to come, boy. Nick kept fucking him, twisting Sam s balls everyfew thrusts. Please.Please, Sir. Sam drove himself faster, harder, thrashing in Nick s arms. No. Nick slammed in again, groaning, coming deep inside Sam s ass.Sam wasn t playing anymore.He needed.He hurt.Nick pulled out and tucked his cock back into his pants before Sam could even blink. Nicky&  Sam reached for his own cock, needing to jack off, to release some fuckingpressure. No touching. Nicky slapped Sam s ass.Hard. Come on, boy.Get dressed.We havepeople to see. Please&  Sam groaned, stumbling off the bed.Fucking bastard.Prick.Jackass.Making him beg. * * * *I m keeping you.The words echoed in Brian s head.He d said them.To Griff.And he d meant them, too.He moved the tip of the sound, made sure Griff was still with him.Griff moaned softly,eyes rolling as they stared at him. You ready for the next size up, baby? Ready to have yourworld rocked? No. Griff nodded. Yeah, me, too. Grinning, Brian got the next bigger sound ready before grabbing thatlittle ball at the tip of the one buried in Griff s cock.It came out in a single smooth motion, justlike that.The noise that chased the sound was high-pitched, wild, Griff thrashing for a second, andit sent a shudder through Brian.He couldn t wait to be inside Griff again.His wild, desperatebaby boy.His fingers traced the brand on Griff s ass.His.All fucking his.Marked permanently.And Griff had let him do it.The man knew it wastrue.Brian leaned down, put his mouth on the mark, sucking.He hadn t been able to touch itfor days when it had been done, and it had made Griff crazy.Brian kept sucking, pulling theblood up, pulling the heat up. Oh.Oh, fuck.Sir.Sir, please&  See? Mine. Yours.I need. I know.I m going to fuck you when we re done here.And by here, I mean with thesounds. You re going to let me come, though? Needy little slut. Eventually. Before the weekend was over, anyway.He leaned in, bit Griff s ear. Going to make you scream.Griff shook his head. Oh yeah, baby.I am. He licked where he d bitten then lubed up the next sound. It won t fit. You know fucking well it will.You ve taken bigger. You damn near killed me. Griff was making the best noises for him now. Uh-huh. It was fun, wasn t it? No.No, it was huge.Stubborn man. But also fun. For you. So I shouldn t do this. He slid his hand around Griff s prick and squeezed gently. Orthis. He put the tip of the sound in Griff s slit. No&  Griff s eyes rolled back in his head. Liar. He pushed the sound farther in. Brian. Griff licked his lips. Yeah, baby-boy?Those eyes met his. I need you. Right fucking here, Griff. He dropped the sound partway in, and Griff groaned, tryingto suck in air, hands fighting the cuffs.He pinched Griff s nipple and met those eyes. Breatheinto it, baby.You know how to do this. Need you.Shit, burns so good. Let s get this one in, and I ll fuck you  til you scream for me. Please.Please, sir. His boy was desperate. Easy now.I need to get this in properly. He kept moving slowly, letting gravity workthe sound in.Griff s eyes got wet. Hush, baby, there s no crying in BDSM. He winked at Griff; they both knewdifferently. Fucker. He got a smile, though, and he could grin back and settle the sound in place. There.Fucking perfect. Brian licked his lips, fingers sliding up and down Griff s cock. Fucking perfect. He was repeating himself, but it bore fucking repeating.Nothing was likethis.Nothing ever. Gonna take my boy now.Griff s moan was like a drug.Brian wanted this, more than anything, so he tugged out thebutt plug, earning himself another sweet sound from Griff.Slicking up his fingers, he teasedsome lube into Griff s ass.The tiny wrinkled hole was soft and swollen, hungry for him, kissinghis fingertips, so he pressed two fingers slowly into Griff, groaning as that tight heat gripped him hard while Griff panted, lips parted, body shivering around him.He pushed his fingers in deeper,searching for Griff s gland. Brian& No.Damn it.Sir.His boy had some bad habits back.Brian pushed that gland again. What was that? Fuck.Fuck, your fingers, Sir. You want three now? Brian pushed a third finger into Griff s hole. Yes! Griff s head slammed back.He spread them apart. Stunning, baby.You are something else [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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