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.Rig's fingers slid against his head, petting, stroking, sliding.It felt so good, his Rabbit'stouch on him, those lips.He was even enjoying the sound of the fucking waves.Of course, thatcould be because Rig was moving with them, rubbing against him.He chuckled as he realised it."You wanna move this inside, Rig? Somewhere less sandy?""Yeah.There's places that don't need abrading."He laughed heartily at that."You got places that do need abrading, Rabbit?"Rig gave him a grin, cheeks heating."Yeah.Yeah, I might just at that, Blue.You willing?""For you? Anything." Grinning, he turned them, heading for the house."Mmm.so good to me." Rig chuckled as he saw the pups, ears flapping, trying to reach them."Now y'all! Get on back to the house, you know better.""Face it, Rig -- everyone wants a piece of you.""Uh.Rock? They're coming for you."He snorted, surprised as the dogs leapt at him and not Rig.He guessed he'd just sort of assumedthey'd gravitate toward Rig, especially with the old boy gone now.Rig chuckled, smile a littlemelancholy, but not much, more pleased.He petted the dogs and then sent them back up to thedeck."Go on."He had a lover to fuck.Rig chuckled as they turned the puppy eyes on him, Trouble (or Mutt) whimpered, tail wagging.He put his arm back around Rig's shoulders."Inside, Rig.We've got a date with a flat surface.""Oh, wow.I won over puppy eyes." Rig went up the porch steps, tight little cowboy buttwiggling.He snorted."You'll always trump the damn dogs, Rig.You'll trump whatever you stick in front ofme and if you don't know that, I obviously need to fuck you harder."128 Out of the Closet "Oh, I'm all for a good, hard fucking, Rocketman." Rig turned to kiss him, cuddling in.He purred.Yeah, Rig always was.Just one of the things he loved about his Rabbit."Come on, thekid's no doubt got the lights off and the bed turned down in the bedroom already, just waiting tostrip us down."Rig's fingers twined with his and they opened the door."He's good that way, our Pretty."Rock chuckled."He sure is."Sweet and eager and theirs.Rig led him down the hall, down to where the light shone from under the bedroom door.The kidwas already naked, waiting in bed with a book, trying to look casual, but that eager grin shone atthem as soon as they went in."Hey Pretty." Rig stepped out of his shoes, grinned."Whatcha reading?""Something not nearly as interesting as the two of you." Dick put aside the book."You guys needhelp getting naked?"Rock chuckled."We got it covered, kid.""You can just watch.Admire Rock's beautiful bod."Dick made one of his porno noises, hand sliding down to his filling cock."I'll admire you both.""You tell him, kid."Rigger chuckled, stripping off the tight t-shirt before reaching for his buttons.He slid his handalong the slim body, slowly working Rig's jeans open as Rig undressed him."Mmm." Rig's belly rippled, sucking in to give him room."Sexy motherfucker," he murmured, bending to bring their mouths together.Dick moaned and he could hear the kid start to pull on his cock.Rig moaned, opening up, thighsparting as they rocked together.Their jeans were pushed away and his moan joined theirs as skinmet skin.Rig's hand slid around his waist, down to cup his ass.He cupped Rig's ass in return,pulling their hips together hard."Oh.Oh, fuck.Blue." Rig groaned, tongue fucking his lips."Yeah." He pushed Rig back toward the bed.Rig moved easily, trusting him, focused on the kiss.The kid was right there, helping Rig lie back onto the bed and he climbed up after, sliding theirOut of the Closet 129 bodies together.One long leg curled around him, holding him tight, fingers sliding over hisshoulders.He purred, letting Rig have his weight, pushing his hips into Rig's, sliding their cocks together.Fuck, it was good.The kid's hands and mouth slid on him, on Rig, warm and sure and making hiscock drip.Rig's mouth covered his, tongue pressing in deep, a soft cry sounding.Yeah, this was what he loved, the three of them moving together, leaving everything else outsidethe door.Dick's slick fingers circled his cock, teased his skin and his groan filled Rig's mouth.One of Rig's hands joined Dick's, pumping and petting, stroking him right off."I want Rig to do me while you do him," murmured Dick, fingers going away and coming backslick."Mmmm.all of us together." Rig nodded."I can handle that, Pretty.""Sounds like a plan, kid."And it looked like Dick was ready to do all the work of preparations as well, the kid's other handsliding along Rig's prick and then down beyond to push into Rig's hole."Oh." Rig arched up against him, rubbing."He likes that, kid."Dick chuckled."I know.I can feel it.""Uh-huh.Do it again."Dick laughed happily and Rig bucked again and then again."Oh.Oh, fuck.That's.yeah." Rig panted, eyes rolling a little."Yeah, I want some of that myself." Dick's hand slicked his fingers up and tugged his hand to thekid's hole.Rig's mouth slid over his throat, breath hot and sweet.He pushed two fingers intoDick's body, letting them slide deep, making Dick jerk and cry out.Bingo.Again and again, hehit the spot, making Dick dance as much as Rig had.Rig moaned low, "I need.Come on, now.Enough playing."He chuckled as Dick moaned and whispered "fuck yes.""On your knees then, kid.Let's get this train set up.""Choo choo." Rig grinned, looking horny and happy.All his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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