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. Rock tousled the kids hair and pulled out four plates, starting to fill them.Maddie frowned over and pointed to Dick's plate. Eat?Rig chuckled and nodded. That's right, Maddie.We're going to eat.Rock got the kids sorted out and piled his own plate high. I don't suppose your Momma would approve if I had a fu beer? Momma's taking a nap.I don't see how she'd know. Rig scooted over for the twins and Louie, who were fighting over who got to sit next to who. Y'all stop it and sit.There's enough Uncle Richard for all y'all.He grinned. I think it's you they want to sit beside, Rig.Rock got out three beers and set one down in front of him, another in front of Rig and the third at his own place.Maddie frowned, eyebrows lowering, making a little growl that would make Rock proud. Mine Lex!He bit his lip and watched Rock give Maddie a considering look. My Alex, but I tell you what I'm willing to do for you he can be your Lex while we're visiting.Rig went pink, eyes fastened on the table, and Maddie tilted her head, then nodded. Yes. Good, deal. Rock held out his hand, waiting for one of Maddie's little ones to wrap around his fingers and they shook on it.Then he dug in, eating like a man starving.Louie chuckled and started nibbling, the twins sharing a plate.Maddie shared Rig's breakfast and they all sort of relaxed.It wasn't long before Lisa and Rachel wandered in and Dick kept thinking that nobody but nobody at the barracks would believe this six kids, two marines and a nurse, eating Christmas breakfast after a nice morning fistfight.He hardly believed it himself and as they ate, everything just seemed more and more normal.Which was kind of nice, to be able to put it behind them like that.He started teasing the girls, nabbing bits and bites off their plates.Presley and Tammy were giggling at him, Maddie protecting Rig's plate with a stubborn persistence, at least when she wasn't busily playing  Itsy Bitsy Spider with her Uncles.Man, what he wouldn't give for a video camera.He offered to do the dishes once they were all done, figuring he could avoid Sissy until she was done crying. Yeah.I'm going to get the ham into the smoker out back.Rock, will you go get the fire box filled and started for me? The turkey's been in the oven since early. Rig stood, patting little blond heads. Y'all take your dishes to the sink, now. Are there potatoes or something they can peel, Rig? He could remember being little and always wanting to help and never being allowed to. The older ones can, yeah, and the wee'uns can put the vegetable tray together. Rig looked at Louie,  Boy, run in and fetch your brothers.We got supper to make.Dick watched, wondering how Louie was going to react to the order coming from Rig after the way Bobby had dissed Rig in front of all the kids. If they won't come, can I say you're gonna send Uncle Jimmy in? Louie was grinning, bouncing on the balls of his feet. You can, Rock told Louie. And you tell them I eat marines for breakfast so they'd best not make it come to that.Dick bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing. Cool! Louie hit the front room running. Robert! Y'all going come help cook or Uncle Jimmy's gonna eat you!Rig started wheezing, hand covering his mouth as he fought the laugh.Rock just grinned, patting Rig on the back.Rock got a look, Rig's eyes dancing. Merry Christmas, old man.Rock gave Rig a quick hug and kiss. Merry Christmas, Rigger.Dick smiled and started doing dishes.Chapter 29Between staying up most of the night with Momma, the fight with Bobby and more food than even he thought he could put away without exploding, Rock was really feeling it tonight.He climbed the stairs, feeling about eighty years old.Until he noticed Rig's sweet ass right ahead of him and the kid's just past Rig.So maybe he wasn't so old after all.He reached out, one hand sliding past Rig to goose the kid, the other squeezing Rig's ass.Dick yelped.Rig, little slut, just pressed back and wiggled. Somebody's knocking. Gonna do more than knock. Mmm.promise? Rig slowed and let him catch up, so their bodies rubbed together as they headed up the stairs. Yep.Slut. He grinned and kept his hand on that sweet ass.Dick got the door opened for him, the kid already starting to strip.The kid could always be counted on for enthusiasm. Mm-hmm.Yours. Rig grinned at Dick. Poor baby, he's had clothes on for damn near twelve hours.Dick stuck his tongue out and came over to tug them further into the room, fingers working off Rig's sweater.Rig raised his arms, belly with its black bruise stretching up.He growled, fingers stroking over the bruised skin. Mmm.You're warm. Rig snuggled towards him, eyes falling closed.His growls morphed into chuckles, his Rabbit was always cold. Bed. Before they got all tangled together on the floor. Pushy marine. Rig's voice was warm, fond, sexy. Slut, he countered, moving Rig toward the bed as Dick kept stripping them.By the time the three of them fell onto the mattress together, they were naked. Yours. Rig kissed him, tongue pushing deep, long hand wrapped around the nape of his neck.Dick pushed into the kiss, eager and hot.Rig pulled the kid closer, moaning low into their mouths.Rock shifted them all so he was on the bottom, his lovers on top of him, his arms wrapped around both. Mmm. Rig dipped his head, mouth open and hot against his shoulders, his chest, his nipples.He brought the kid up for another kiss and then let the kid go, moaning as they both attacked his nipples. Yeah, so fucking hot. Rig was rocking, humming as that tongue flicked over the tip of his nipple again and again.He rubbed his hands along their skin, loving the feel of muscles and warmth under his fingertips.They worked down together, mouths on his ribs, his belly, his men stealing long, lazy kisses as they slid down.His hands wrapped in their hair as they made it to his hips.Fuck, but there was nothing like this and he'd fight a million Bobbys to keep it.Their mouths met over the tip of his cock, two low moans vibrating his prick. Oh fuck. He pushed up with his hips, searching for more of the sweet fucking sensations.They took turns, licking and nuzzling and sucking and fucking surrounding his cock with wet heat.Dick's hands slid around his balls, Rig's slipping beyond.Rig slowly pushed inside him, spreading him as a tongue pressed into his slit.He roared, coming hard.He was licked and nuzzled and cleaned, Rig and Dick licking spunk off each others lips.Fuck, they were gorgeous.Fucking sexiest guys ever.And all fucking his.He growled, hands moving over their heads.They raised up, still kissing, bodies rubbing together over him, cocks full and heavy.He got a hand around each, thumbs sliding across the tips as he stroked.Fucking sexy.It was so hot, watching how Rig draped himself over the kid's muscles, how Dick shivered and moaned into Rig's mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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