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.She nodded. Good.For all she knows, you arrived early to get started on the bathroom. Probably. But unlikely.With the coffee brewed and poured into mugs, they stretched out on the couch again, their feastspread around them.Kate took a bite of lo mein. I think we need to talk about what happened lastnight. I am sure you do. He grabbed the carton of sweet-and-sour pork and grabbed a fork. But is thereany chance we might agree, just this once, not to talk about it? To just let things happen as they might.No second-guessing our choices.I had a good time last night, and I m pretty certain that you had justas much fun. He looked over and got some satisfaction at seeing her blush.Again.She set the food down and met his gaze again, still flushed but determined. I meant what I said.Nothing has changed.And I think that it s best if what happened last night  And early this morning, he added, not able to stop himself. She paused and this time her cheeks looked like they were scorching her, because if he wasn tmistaken, the second time they d made love just before dawn, she d been the one to initiate it.She tried again. What happened between us should just be chalked up to poor judgment.Somethingwe shouldn t let happen again.Because I really like having you in my life right now and I d hate to doanything that would make it impossible for us to continue to be friends.Okay?He wasn t going to argue.It would be pointless.Instead he was going to show her in the comingdays and weeks that he wasn t going anywhere.That her future could be whatever she wanted it to be,whether with him or someone else.That it wasn t decided for her.So he sighed heavily, making it look like he was giving in.He could pretend if that made her happy. Okay. Good. She nodded again in agreement and picked up her food again, probably feeling back incontrol again. I should probably hurry and get showered.I want to get up to my grams s house andback in time to get that work done I missed yesterday. She paused and looked over toward the diningroom, where her stuff was still lying out. I can t wait for this one to be over.He hated how she almost sounded defeated as she said that.He put the now empty carton on thetable and grabbed the rest of the lo mein that Kate had left. I probably will need to clear out of hereby five if I m going to make it on time to my parents for dinner.Should I assume you won t be able tomake it tonight? Shoot.That s right.Your dad s getting released today. Her brow furrowed and he could see thestress surround her eyes. I wish I could go with you, but Daisy s temporary hearing for support andcustody is tomorrow afternoon, and Mark s deposition begins Tuesday, so I m going to be swamped.But let them know I can t wait for Thanksgiving. I ll tell them you ll be there with bells on.She stood, modesty taking over again as she pulled the T-shirt down over her hips. Guess I bettergo jump in the shower and get going.Images flooded through his mind of what she looked like under that formfitting T-shirt, the soundsshe d made as he nuzzled her, the line of moles on her belly that he d traced down with his fingersand then tongue before she pulled at this hair in frustration and pleasure& Yeah, he rasped, grabbing his coffee from the table. You d better.&Kate had a hard time dragging herself out of bed Monday morning.She spent half of Sunday night andearly this morning remembering Dominic s touch and how for those moments she d never felt sohappy and alive.She d spent the other half second-guessing her decision not to fall into bed with him again.Which was why today she had less than two hours of sleep to go on and a week from hell to lookforward to.Most particularly having to look into Ms.Herrera s eyes as she sat through MarkMcKenna s depositions on Tuesday, seeing her anger and hurt and need for justice even though Kateknew that things weren t looking so good for her at this point.Seeing Mark s smug face because he knew the same thing.Not to mention the mind-numbing hours reviewing the testimony with Nicole to make sureeverything they d heard from Ms.Herrera s deposition lined up with the facts they wanted to gleanfrom Mark.There were four voice messages waiting for her when she arrived in the office.Including amessage from Ava Herrera s attorney saying that he had recently attained some discoverable evidencethat he d have dropped off later that day.How convenient.Was it an accident that they d waited until after her deposition and just beforeMark was scheduled for his testimony? But the rules of civil procedure were pretty generous in thisrespect, and it wasn t worth trying to object to the late admittance.If there was anything they wantedto address with Ms.Herrera, they d schedule a follow-up later.Kate picked up her extension and dialed her assistant. Trish? Ms.Herrera s attorney is sendingsome documents over today.Keep an eye out for them and let me know the moment they come in.Ihave to run out soon for the hearing on Daisy s divorce case but should be back around two. Sure, Kate.I also stuck several invoices that have come in on the McKenna matter for yourapproval. I ll start looking through them now.Thanks.Kate hung up and found the stack of invoices in her basket and scanned them.Wait [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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