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.Castor appeared as a completely different person.The other manknew this, of course.Michael spoke first and his voice sounded as hard as twounbreakable stones colliding.The words came out of his mouthwith total confidence and absolutely no fear. Is there something you require? Yes.I wish to cancel the order for the sister ship. That is not possible.You were aware of the terms at the outset.My master will not allow any alterations to the agreement. Tell your Master that he will receive payment in full as per theagreement.I am sending the payment as we speak. The sum wasstaggering.Michael looked away from the screen for a moment.His face neverlooked puzzled in the least. Why? Michael looked into the screen and seemed to be muchcloser than the billions of miles that separated the two men. Why is our concern.We do not wish to take on another asset ofthat magnitude at this time.Consider the remuneration a gift of ourgood will for the future.I wish to preserve our relationship andhope that you and your Master will remember this gesture shouldwe do business in the future.340  I will inform my Master at once.He does not forget those whokeep their word.The screen went dark.Castor looked out into the night.It was longon this planet.Strangely, he felt relieved.The Nightshade wasalways a concern.He was glad to be free of it.He left his officeand went through the private passage to his chambers.She wasalready there, dressed as he preferred.Of course, she asked noquestions.She had his drink prepared and was already emitting apleasing wave pattern.She had been warned that any attempt to gofurther than a soothing tone would result in instant death.He wastaking a chance having a resonator, but was strong enough to avoidaddiction.She knew this and had easily found the appropriatefrequency for him.He looked at her and said nothing.She knew he would speak if hedesired.They sat for awhile and then went to bed.The sound of thewind played on the windows and the mist gathered on theunbreakable glass.Below, guards walked silently and watched thenight.The planet moved along its orbit and the galaxy remained eversilent.341 342 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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