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.It can be used indoors.It s very helpful andhandy.In sh, ads improve our lives.145.Some people prefer to spend their free time outdoors.Other peopleprefer to spend their leisure time indoors.Would you prefer to be outsideor would you prefer to be inside for your leisure activities? Use specificreasons and examples to explain your choice.Outside for leisure activities.Opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature.Eg; visiting a botanic garden near our house-somany beautiful flowers and trees, relaxing.Good for health- plenty of fresh air will refresh our brains.-fresh air, sunshine and softbreeze.Enjoy outdoor picnics with family and friends.Outdoor leisure activities-chance of appreciation nature and most practical way to stayhealthy.146.Your school has received a gift of money.What do you think is the bestway for your school to spend this money? Use specific reasons and detailsto support your choice.To build basic laboratories for students and teachers.Firstly, our school is not well equipped with such facilities.teaching is limited to classes.Educational qlty is questionable.Second, it will benefit the school in the long run& parents assess schools based on facilities.It will make donators more comfortable.147.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing gamesteaches us about life.Use specific reasons and examples to support youranswer.Agree.How to deal with diff people.Teamwork-eg: soccerHelp us to understand strategies used in real life.eg:chess.When we meet with a challenge,we analyse the situation and estimate what to do next.Help us to focus our mind and use our energy to reach the goal.Life is not a game, but games surely teach us abt life.148.Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish.Howwould you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.I would use this land as a site for a new library with all information facilities-internet.Source of knowledge for people.Knowledge is Power.People can spend their leisure time in a more meaningful way.Good and safe place for children.Using the land for a new library would be my first choice.149.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watchingtelevision is bad for children.Use specific details and examples to supportyour answer.125 Disagree.Watching TV benefits children if they make good use of it& watching shows that helpchildren learn easily, listen to news, Animal planet& children can learn a lot from it.Entertainment for children.programs hosted by children.Make good use of their time.since they know the time of their favorite programs.helpsplanning.Though it needs proper direction from parents, watching TV benefits children.150.What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animalimportant? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.The magnificent tiger, the national animal of India- with thick yellow coat of fur with darkstripes.Symbol of Grace, Strength & power has earned the tiger great respect and is held in highesteem.Tigers are fast runners & excellent swimmers.The combination of grace, strength, agility and enormous power has earned the tiger itsproud place as the national animal of India.151.Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such asforests, animals, or clean water.Choose one resource that is disappearingand explain why it needs to be saved.Use specific reasons and examplesto support your opinion.ForestsMaintain ecological balance.Eg: cutting down some trees may prevent breeding of batswhich may eat some insects which spoil our crops.Protect endangered species of animals and birds which live in forests.Eg: pandas, tigers.To prevent soil erosion by rain and floods, necessary to protect forests.From above pts, it s clear that forests r an imp natural resource, by protecting which, othernatural resources such as animals and soil are also protected.152.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A zoo has nouseful purpose.Use specific reasons and examples to explain youranswer.I disagree.Zoos help to preserve endangered species.Research conducted in zoo animals help animals living in wild& about their natural habitat.Children obtain direct knowledge of animals when seeing them in zoos, and arouses theirinterest in animals.see animals from diff countries.Eg: Australian Kangaroo.Zoo is a place for educating the public abt the impce of preserving forest life.Zoo.preserve endangered species, educate the public and have fun.153.In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in manypublic places and office buildings.Do you think this is a good rule or a badrule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position.Good rule.Smoking is highly injurious to health and the adverse effects of passive smoke is beingestablished each day.Smoking in offices and public places cause irritation and discomfort to nonsmokers.No:1 cause of lung cancer.raises med expenses of employees in a company.154.Plants can provide food, shelter, clothing, or medicine.What is one kindof plant that is important to you or the people in your country? Use specificreasons and details to explain your choice.126 One plant imp to my state, Kerala, in India, is the Coconut tree.The name of my state, Kerala, comes from the name Keram which means coconut in ournative language.Just as in the name, Kerala state is filled with a lot of Coconut trees, andvery beautiful, known as God s own country.The coconut tree has many uses in our state.Coconut is an essential ingredient in thedifferent dishes we make, either snacks or meals.Coconut water, is a very refreshing drink obtained from kernels of young coconuts.Touristsenjoy it.Large Coconut leaves r used for many purposes, for making shades for cattle sheds,making brooms.In addn, also many handicrafts r made from the jute and hard shells of coconuts.Hence, the coconut tree is an imp tree to my country.155.You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details toexplain your choice.Canada-A country with a diversity of sceneries, especially since I like photography andtaking pictures of beautiful landscapes-In Canada, there r glaciers formed from IceMountains and many other sceneries.There r so many interesting places to see.For eg:Van Couver.156.In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home byusing technology such as computers or television or of studying attraditional schools.Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specificdetails to explain your choice.2 ways, In my opinion, former is better choice.Individualized and effective way of study using high technology at home.Can spare much space and resources.Schedule acc to individual needs.157 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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