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.Heal his heart and bless this food.Withlove, Amen. She picked up a spoon and motioned forme to do the same. You go ahead and eat a bit.Noneed ta talk right now.Git some food in yer system,then you can talk if ya want to.My memories of how much I liked Maudrahadn t proved faulty.She seemed to know exactly whatI needed.After a few spoonfuls, I was feeling a littlemore alive.Alive enough to realize I was starving andexhausted, at any rate.The stew was delicious.It had athick broth, large chunks of buffalo steak, cubedcarrots, white corn, wedges of onion, full pea pods, andhuge portions of red potatoes.The cornbread andhoney butter was so moist and sweet it made the back of my mouth ache.More memories came back as Isipped the sweet tea.I hadn t realized how much I hadmissed sweet tea.The meal made me feel safe, and suddenly all Iwanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep for a week.Once again, Maudra seemed to have a direct line intomy consciousness. Now, dear one, you go upstairsand get some sleep.You can fill me in on whatever yawant to in the mornin. As I got out of my chair tohead upstairs, Maudra tenderly wrapped her armsaround me. Sleep well, Brooke.Life has a way offiggerin itself out, you jist wait.I felt my eyes get blurry with Maudra s embrace.Near tears.That must be good too. Chapter 8I OPENED my eyes and took in the yellow-and-whitesurroundings.It took a full minute before remembering Iwas in one of Maudra s guest bedrooms.It all rushedback.It was like that every morning lately, even backhome.I d wake up, and before my head would have achance to rise off its pillow, I would remember thecrumbling shambles of my life.Surprisingly, sleep cameeasy for me.I never dreamed.I never even woke up togo to the bathroom.It was the one small blessing Iclung to.At least I could close my eyes and the worldwould vanish.Instinctively, I turned over on my side, ready tocurl up next to Jed.With a gasp I sat straight up.Jed!I d forgot! Shit! I jumped out of bed and threw myself in thesame jeans and T-shirt I d worn the night before.I randown the stairs and out the front door.The lawn wassoaked from the storm the night before, and my barefeet slipped right when I reached the car.I caughtmyself on the side mirror before I fell.After regainingmy balance, I yanked open the unlocked door.Theresat my phone, snug in the middle console.Grabbing it, Ilooked at the screen.Ten missed calls.Three messages.I didn t bother checking them.I hit speed dial and heldthe phone up to my ear as I sank down in the driver sseat.The phone rang once. Brooke? Yeah, it s me.I m sor  Thank God! Jed let out a long breath. Areyou okay? Yeah, I m fine.I just&. What were you doing? His voice becameangry. I ve waited all night.I had no idea what wasgoing on! I didn t know if you had a wreck, if you werein the hospital, if you just decided to disappear.What s going on, Brooke? Jed, babe, I m sorry. I really was.I felthorrible. I just forgot.It was kinda an emotional night.I just got in and took a bath and had dinner, thenpassed out.I just woke up.Please don t be mad. Iwas pleading.I hated to hear that sound in my voice. Of course I m mad! I m furious! It s badenough I couldn t come with you.To have no idea ifyou were all right.I didn t fall asleep  til almost four,and I was awake again by six.I am going to be a messwhen I try to teach my class today. I could hear hisfingers drumming on the back of the phone.He only didthat when he was really mad. How could you forgetme? You promised you d call when you got in! I know, I know.I m sorry.I was just a messlast night.Please calm down.Be patient with me.Youknow I don t want to be here either. I know, but that doesn t change that you  Jed! I interrupted. I m sorry.I won t do itagain.I just left my phone in my car.It s not like I wasthinking of other things I thought were more important.I just wasn t really able to function last night.We sat in silence for several minutes.Finally, Iheard Jed start to take deep, slow breaths.I justwaited.I knew he was going to be back to normal aftera few more breaths. You re okay? he inquired. Yeah, babe, I m fine. I shook my head.Hearing his voice somehow made it all worse. Actually, no, I m not.I don t want to be here, Jed.Iwant to be there with you, in bed, fighting.I don t thinkI can do this.He chuckled a little. Right, because we fight inbed! His voice took on his soothing tone. I know youdon t want to be there, sweetie.We ve talked aboutthis.There s not really another choice.Your momneeds you now. I know, but&. Brooke.This is our only option. He was sternbut gentle. We will get through this.I promise.I just sat there, listening to him breathe.  I m sorry I didn t remember to call. I know.It s okay.Just don t do it again,please. His voice cracked. I miss you, babe. I really did, although my eyeswere completely dry. You gotta get ready for yourclass now, don t ya? Yeah, I ll probably already be late. I hearddrawers closing. Call me tonight, okay? Okay. I love you, Brooke. Love you too.MAUDRA called my name when I opened the frontdoor of the house. Be right there! I wiped the wet grass off myfeet, stepped into the house, and closed the doorbehind me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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