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."They will be waiting in the next bay," said the Lady."Quick,then," said Ransom to her; and then, in answer to her look: "No, he will not come." She did not,presumably, understand his urgency, but her eye was on the sea and she understood her own reason forhaste.She had already begun to ascend the side of the valley, with Ransom following her, when Westonshouted, "No, you don't." Ransom turned and found himself covered by a revolver.The sudden heatwhich swept over his body was the only sign by which he knew that he was frightened.His headremained dear."Are you going to begin in this world also by murdering one of its inhabitants?" he asked."What are you saying?" asked the Lady, pausing and looking back at the two men with a puzzled,tranquil face."Stay where you are.Ransom," said the Professor."That native can go where she likes, the sooner thebetter."Ransom was about to implore her to make good her escape when he realised that no imploring wasneeded.He had irrationally supposed that she would understand the situation; but apparently she sawnothing more than two strangers talking about something which she did not at the moment understand -that, and her own necessity of leaving the Fixed Land at once."You and he do not come with me.Piebald?" she asked."No," said Ransom, without turning round."It may be that you and I shall not meet soon again.Greet theKing for me if you find him and speak of me always to Maleldil.I stay here.""We shall meet when Maleldil pleases," she answered, "or if not, some greater good will happen to usinstead." Then he heard her footsteps behind him for a few seconds, and then he heard them no more andknew he was alone with Weston.file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry%20kruisw./spaar/C.%20S.%20Lewis%20-%20Voyage%20to%20Venus.txt (42 of 115)19-2-2006 4:46:17 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry%20kruiswijk/Mijn%20documenten/spaar/C.%20S.%20Lewis%20-%20Voyage%20to%20Venus.txt"You allowed yourself to use the word Murder just now, Dr Ransom," said the Professor, "in referenceto an accident that occurred when we were in Malacandra.In any case, the creature killed was not ahuman being.Allow me to tell you that I consider the seduction of a native girl as an almost equallyunfortunate way of introducing civilisation to a new planet.""Seduction?" said Ransom."Oh, I see.You thought I was making love to her.""When I find a naked civilised man embracing a naked savage woman in a solitary place, that is thename I give to it.""I wasn't embracing her," said Ransom dully, for the whole business of defending himself on this scoreseemed at that moment a mere weariness of the spirit."And no one wears clothes here.But what does itmatter? Get on with the job that brings you to Perelandra.""You ask me to believe that you have been living here with that woman under these conditions in a stateof sexless innocence?""Oh, sexless!" said Ransom disgustedly."All right, if you like.It's about as good a description of livingin Perelandra as it would be to say that a man had forgotten water because Niagara Falls didn'timmediately give him the idea of making it into cups of tea.But you're right enough if you mean that Ihave had no more thought of desiring her than-than." Comparisons failed him and his voice died.Then he began again: "But don't say I'm asking you to believe it, or to believe anything.I am asking younothing but to begin and end as soon as possible whatever butcheries and robberies you have come todo."Weston eyed him for a moment with a curious expression:then, unexpectedly, he returned his revolver to its holster."Ransom," he said, "you do me a greatinjustice." For several seconds there was silence between them.Long breakers with white woolpacks offoam on them were now rolling into the cove exactly as on Earth."Yes," said Weston at last, "and I will begin with a frank admission.You may make what capital of ityou please.I shall not be deterred [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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