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."And the troops are not inclined? That is good." Hefrowns."Is there anyone I can send to you? Obvertag.Very good.Will you do me the favor of remaining on this line, Sergeant Krang? I thankyou.He looks up, gestures at an aide as he covers the mouthpiece."Get me ColonelObvertag.He is deputy advisor to "Dead," Sorya says.Constantine looks at her, brows lifted."Yes?"We tried to contact him early in the game," Sorya says."He wasvaluable brought the Marines to us before, after the Keremaths forced him toretire for the crime of being an efficient officer.But his.widow." Alittle smile flashes catlike teeth."His widow said some officers visited himearlier today, in hopes he would join them, and when he refused them there wasa scuffle, and he was killed.A bungle, apparently they hadn't meant to harmhim, but when he began to call them avaricious incompetents and greedy fools,they defended their honor and professionalism by filling him full of lead."You did not tell me this before?She looks at him with a degree of patience."It has been a complex day,Constantine.A few things, now and again, may escape my memory." She rises,tugs her tunic into place."I will go to Plasm Control.We should organize acounterattack soon, just to see how good these rebels are.Constantine uncovers the mouthpiece."I regret to inform you that the rebelshave killed Colonel Obvertag.Shot him down in his own apartment, in front ofhis wife.You may confirm this simply by calling her.Will you share thisnews with your comrades?" Pause.There is a glow of triumph in his eyes."Thank you, Sergeant Krang.Please leave this line open and return to it whenyou have confirmed Obvertag's assassination to your satisfaction.I hope Imay use you as a conduit to the other Marines." He flicks the switch thatplaces the sergeant on hold, glances over the line of uniforms in the room."That may swing things our way if the Marine Brigade loved anyone, it wasObvertag.His last service to us might have been the foolish fashion in whichhe died." He glances up at the map, reflected coordinates glittering in hiseyes, and then turns to his assembled staff."Several of the Marines' officers, including their brigadier, ordered them toembark and head for Government Harbor," he tells them, "but the soldiers havethe scent of them and do not like it, and have so far refused.But neitherwill they declare for us, and I must find someone to bring them over.Do wehave someone here willing to make the journey? Preferably a Marine, or someoneelse who will know their people?Page 99 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe uniforms glance at each other.A youngish man, bull-necked andbespectacled, steps forward."I've served with the Marines.Gunboats andbellyachers, both."Your name, Captain?"Arviro, Minister.Constantine nods."Very good, Captain Arviro.May I ask I realize this is adelicate question, but when you served with the Marines.did they likeyou? I understand that one may be a fine officer, taut and meticulous, andnevertheless not have the soldiers in love with you, so if you answer in thenegative I will not hold it against you.The captain considers this question."My platoon gave me a party when Imarried, so I suppose they liked me well enough.There are always disciplineproblems, even in a good unit, but I don't think I gave them cause to hateme.Constantine straightens and looks down at the officer, his voice like anincantation, magic to work his will on the world."I will give you a boat,then," he says, "and an escort.I would have you go to the Marine compound,talk to the soldiers, and bring them back to the government.Arrest any rebelofficers if they resist, you may shoot them then report to me.The captain nods, very serious, oblivious to any notion of high drama."Verygood, sir."In the absence of any loyal senior officers," Constantine says, "you mayconsider yourself the commander of the Marine Brigade.But you will have towin the brigade to you, and that will not be easy." He looks at Arviro withsteady eyes."It is not given to many officers to earn their command thisway.The captain blinks behind his spectacles."Yes, Minister.I'll do what Ican."I will write an order confirming your authority, and then arrange for anescort with Geymard when he returns.The captain hesitates for a moment, then speaks."Beg pardon, Minister, butMarines will not be gratified to see me escorted to them by foreignmercenaries.If I could arrange for an escort of Marines.?Constantine is surprised."Are there Marines in the building?"There's an honor guard at the Ministry of War.It's only a squad, but theyhave combat gear available.Besides, if we're seriously opposed, we'll bekilled no matter what our force, and if there's only light opposition or none,the squad and the boat's crew should suffice.Constantine nods."Very well.Let me write out your orders, and then Iwill leave you to your work.As he bends over a sheet of paper and picks up his golden pen, one of Sorya'saides approaches to murmur in Constantine's ear.Understanding glimmers inhis eyes, and as he presents the captain with his orders, urgency underlieshis voice."I have received word that planes are landing at the aerodrome and dischargingtroops.So your first task, on taking command of the Marines, is to move tothe aerodrome and retake it.The captain nods."Very good, sir.Arviro leaves and Constantine looks after him, a thoughtful frown on his face.He turns, looks at the others, and murmurs, "Well, between Sergeant Krang,Captain Arviro, and the late Colonel Obvertag, we may be able to throw afistful of diamond dust in our enemies' gears." He looks up."How many combatmages do we have available? We may be able to create some mischief among thesetroop transports as they land.Aiah glances up sharply perhaps this is the time she should mention her magesin the shelters."More are reporting, sir." Another aide."Perhaps a dozen, though not all aretrained.Page 100 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"And sufficient plasm for them?" He turns and glances at Aiah, sitting alertin her chair."Miss Aiah, I believe I need you now.Aiah puts down her coffee she has almost emptied the cup, she sees, allwithout realizing she had been drinking and rises."Yes, Minister?" ButConstantine is already in motion, his broad back to her, and she has to trotto keep up.Words fly to her lips, the words she's been wanting to speak this last hour."Minister," she says, "I'm sorry about Gentri.You were right and He dismisses her apology with a wave of one big hand as he dives into thetunnel that leads to Plasm Control [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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