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.1586482985-Jordan:Layout 1 8/25/08 10:09 AM Page 152152VERNON E.JORDAN, JR.in actual dollar terms, British ownership of assets in Americaoutstripped that of Japan, and Canadian and Dutch businessinvestments were nearly as prominent.Yet those investmentsdrew little notice and no hostility.That flaring of the simmering controversy was elevenmonths away as I prepared in early January for my visit toJapan.My preparations were interrupted on January  whenthe news flashed that Hirohito, emperor since , haddied.His death was expected; he had been ill for some timewith cancer.Nonetheless, given the admiration of him inJapan and the reverence the Japanese held for tradition, Iwondered if the leaders of the Keidanren would ask me topostpone my trip.They did not.I gave the speech on the day originallyplanned, advising my listeners in some detail about their needto expand the boundaries of their thinking concerning whatconstituted good business practices and what being a good cor-porate citizen meant to fit the American landscape.This adviceincluded taking an active role in community improvementprojects, supporting voluntary associations in the arts and edu-cation, and recognizing that the significant inclusion in theirAmerican workforce of blacks, other minorities, and womenmatters.Given that Japanese society placed great store in ho-mogeneity and conformity, I especially wanted to impress uponthem that they should understand and acknowledge in theirpractices the importance of America’s great diversity.I was focused on making sure my message got through tomy Japanese hosts even as I conveyed my sympathies to them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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