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.All I knew waswhat I didn't want.So, I dropped myclasses, and spoke with my academicadvisor. He shrugged. She helped mefigure out where my future was headed,and then she helped me get enrolled forthe fall semester under a new major.Shewas really great. That's why you were able to comeback with Doug for the funeral and thenstay so long, I muttered, dumbly. And then, today with your dad& ?He nodded, a bitter smile curving hislips. Yeah, that was a laugh a minute. Was he very angry? I'd say we had words and leave it atthat, but you'd know that was a lie.I moved my free foot to the side andrubbed the sole along his forearm. Tellme. Well, he blew out a heavy sigh. Hecalled me ungrateful.Said that if I didn'tgo to law school, as according to plan,he'd disown me.I tried to tell him itwasn't my thing, that I wanted to helppeople. What did he say?His lips pressed into a thin, humorless smile. Lawyers do help people, herecited, his voice pitched deep in aperfect imitation of his father's. You'rea Grey, for Christ's sake. Julian shookhis head. He's had my life planned outfor me since I was born.Harvard, justlike him.Law school, again, just likehim.Working with him for a few years,and then eventually, run for office.Ialready pissed him off when I choseColumbia.Now, I'm killing his otherdreams. Oh, Julian, I whispered.I sat up,pulled my feet from his hands, andscooted toward him.My fingers circledaround his wrists, and I pulled until hewas sitting up, too.Then, I circled myarms around him, squeezed tightly, and tried with all my might to conveywithout words just how wrong his fatherwas to push him into a life he didn'twant.His head dropped onto my shoulder ashis arms slid around me, returning thehug. It's alright, he murmured in myear. I've got a trust fund from whenGrandfather Grey died.I don't need hismoney.I can finish school without him.I nodded, pressed a light kiss to thesoft spot behind his ear. No more blackcard, I said, trying for a bit of levity. How will I ever survive without theblack card? he lamented and thenchuckled softly.He leaned back justenough so that our faces were mereinches apart. Now, about that happy ending.I rolled my eyes and let out a shrilllittle giggle.I couldn't help it.Same oldJulian. Glory's in the other room. She's dead to the world, babe.Aherd of elephants could come tramplingthrough, and she'd never know, he toldme just before he slanted his lips overmine in a breath-stealing, bone-meltingkiss. Still, I breathed. It just feelsweird. At which point he groaned likehe was enduring the worst sort oftorture.Maybe he was. Rain check? Ioffered. Tonight? You know I'll collect. I'm counting on it, I returned, sweetly.I leaned back in to seal the dealwith a kiss.Then, I pushed away fromhim before he could wheedle his wayinto collecting on that rain check rightthen and there. How about somebreakfast? I asked. Coffee and bagelssound good, don't you think? And, I suppose I'm the lucky bastardthat gets to go get it? He rolled hisshoulders, dropped a kiss on my cheek,and then levered himself up and out ofthe tub. I'll be back, he threw over hisshoulder as he exited the bathroom.I sighed happily as I watched him go.Then, I snatched up my journal oncemore.Oh, Hope.I just wish you were hereright now.Then, I could tell you all about how I'm feeling.Because really,there just aren't enough words for this&this happiness.Yes, I'm actually happy, for the firsttime since you left.The only thing thatcould make this moment any betterwould be for you to walk through thatdoor, grumping about it being too earlyfor anyone to be up and about much lessbeing happy about it.I'd take you here,bitching and moaning, over you gone in aheartbeat.That's not going to happen.I knowthat, but it doesn't stop me fromdreaming. MAY 9JULIAN CLIMBED IN through myopen window a little after midnight.Helanded on the floor beside my bed with asoft thud and snapped up, quicklylooking around to make certain hisentrance had gone undetected by theother occupants of the house. They're all asleep, I said fromwhere I leaned against the bathroomdoor. It's just you and me now.His head turned at the sound of myvoice and the lopsided grin that hadbegun to form on his lips froze in place. Sweet Jesus, Hannah, he whistled as he rose to his feet and held out his arms. I'm gonna have to get Glory a fruitbasket or something for buying you thatdress.I rolled my eyes and crossed over tohim. I take it you would've preferred Ihadn't paired this& this thing with jeanslast night and just wore it as is? Hell no! he growled and yanked meinto his arms. I'd rather you be coveredfrom head to toe when you're out inpublic.A berka would be a great choicefor you.That way there wouldn't berioting in the streets.I laughed softly.Happiness floodedthrough me.This was what I'd wantedfor so long.The simple feeling ofeverything being right with my world, and with Julian's arms around me, I wasalmost there.Almost.My hands slowlyslid up his chest, over his shoulders andaround his neck. Hmm.I was thinkingof wearing this at graduation instead ofthe cap and gown.He growled again and slanted hismouth over mine.Heat flooded throughme, and I clung to him.Slowly, ever soslowly, he walked me backwards untilmy legs came into contact with themattress.It was only then that his lipsleft mine.He quickly pulled his shirtover his head and tossed it to the side,already forgotten.Then, his fingers slidunder the straps of the non-dress andslipped it from my shoulders.I reached out, laid my hands flat on his chest, splayed my fingers wide andtook in the strong and steady feel of hisheartbeat. Julian, I whispered, liftingmy gaze to meet his.I swallowed,suddenly more nervous than I'd everbeen with him.My eyes slid closed and Ishook my head. I& I have to tellyou&  I cleared my throat, willing thewords to just come out already, but thered stain of embarrassment wasn't justwashed across my face; it was trippingup my tongue. Shh, he crooned softly as he leanedforward to brush his lips lightly againstmine. Whatever it is, Hannah.I promiseyou it doesn't matter.Not anymore [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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