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.Chapter NineGrandma was seated at the table making rolls when Sadie walked into the kitchen.The shower hadn’t really helped her pounding headache, and the light streaming from the windows was far too bright.She and Quinn had stayed up until three a.m., but her stupid internal alarm clock was so used to getting up early for work now that she hadn’t been able to sleep past seven, so she’d driven home and decided to get started on the day.“Need some help?” Sadie asked, pulling out a chair.Grandma pinched off a rounded piece of dough and set it next to the others.“Sure.” She pushed the bowl of dough toward Sadie.For the most part, Grandma seemed to be doing well, but she tended to overdo it and then have a hard time moving the next day.Still, no one could convince her to stop cooking, and everything she made had to be done from scratch.Food was always the way to take care of people, and taking care of people was the way she showed her love.“You’ll never guess who was a hot topic at quilting this morning,” Grandma said.Sadie froze, a ball of dough in her palm.Several ladies got together Sunday mornings to quilt and basically discuss everything going on in everyone else’s lives—big surprise, Patsy Higgins headed it up.“Please say it’s because I’m singing at the rodeo.”“Oh, that was mentioned, but there was much more interest over you and Royce kissing at the Steak and Saloon.”Next to Grandma’s perfectly shaped rolls, Sadie’s looked lumpy, but she took her time putting it just so as she tried to figure out what to say.The reminder of the kiss sent an odd mix of hot and cold through her.It’d been such a great kiss—until he’d pulled away.“Once you started working with him, I figured it wouldn’t be long till you two were together again,” Grandma said.I’m gonna have to quit my job.I can’t go to work and face him after that.“It was a mistake—one I wish the entire town didn’t know about.We’re not together.He’ll never forgive me for leaving, and it’s not like I can promise I’m going to stick around, even if he did.”“Oh, honey.I know you felt like you had to go to Nashville and try to become a famous singer, and I understand.There were times I used to wonder about what I missed out on.Especially when I was younger and people liked to tell me I hadn’t really lived.I’d sometimes go to the city and be spellbound by all the stores and restaurants and flashing lights.But then I’d start to feel annoyed by how crowded and noisy it gets, and I don’t have any need for flashing lights.After a couple-day visit, all I wanted was my little house with my bed and my kitchen arranged exactly how I like it.This simple life was a good fit for me.”“Simple? Grandma, you’ve worked harder in your life than most anyone I know.I remember how you used to get up at the crack of dawn to fix Grandpa and Mom and me huge breakfasts.Then you were always baking and helping out the neighbors and keeping this place clean.Not to mention how much you worked with the horses, too.You’re kind of amazing, you know.”Grandma reached over and patted Sadie’s hand.“Thank you, dear.Now I’m old and can hardly get out of my chair most days.I hate it.”“Give it some time.And if you need help, I’m here now.”“I’m so glad to have you home, but you were always such a star with that voice like an angel.I hate to see you give up—I know your mama sometimes wonders what would’ve happened if she would’ve pursued her opportunities, and sometimes I feel like I made a mistake not encouraging her more.Just know that you can be anything you set your mind to.Just decide what you want most, and I have no doubt you’ll find a way to get it.”Being back in Hope Springs was proof that it wasn’t exactly true, but she wasn’t about to tell her grandma that she was wrong—that some things were practically unattainable, to the point she wasn’t sure they were even possible.Royce was one of those things, and only time would tell if music was, too.Grandma’s pep talk got her thinking once again about what Mom had given up, and even though she knew her mom was happy, she didn’t want to live with regrets like that.The only way to ensure she never had a career in music was to quit, and she just couldn’t let go of all the hard work she’d put in to get to where she was.She had to believe that after some time to recover, she could push herself to the next level if she gave it one more shot.The back door swung open and Grandpa poked his head into the kitchen.“Sadie.Good, you’re here.I could use a little help if you’ve got a minute.”Grandma nodded.“Go on.I got this.”Sadie headed outside to help Grandpa.Grandpa handed her one end of the wire.“Guess who I picked up last night, apparently planning on walking all the way to Dixon Ranch?”Sadie doubted he really wanted her to guess.She wanted to say it was Royce’s own damn fault for being so stubborn, but she didn’t have the energy.“You gave him a ride home, then?”“Yep.Guess Cory was heading that way eventually, but I told Royce that I could use a drive, so he hopped on in.He was pretty quiet, though.Not that it’s any of my business, but I heard you guys had been at the Triple S, so I thought you might wanna know he got home safe and sound.”After the falling-out, she’d worked to erase last night from her mind, so she hadn’t really thought about it, but it was good to hear all the same [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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