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.My nose rested about an inch from his chest, giving me a nice close up of the light blond curly hairs there.The low rumble in his throat garnered my attention.Looking up, I found ice blue eyes boring into mine.I squirmed."There is one thing that I want to make very clear to you." He spoke slowly, in a loud whisper, sounding all the more ominous."You have done enough damage to me already.Under no circumstances will you wield a knife in this kitchen." Leaning downward and in, he flashed his fangs."Do you understand?"Unable to find my voice, I bobbed my head, pushing back against the solid counter, trying to put a tiny bit more space between us.He paused for another long moment before speaking."Good."I glanced out the corner of my eye, saw Cannibal standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.A rescue of the damsel in distress, namely me, didn't appear to be on his agenda or in my near future.Pulling my arms up, I pushed both palms against the shifter's chest and gave a tentative shove.He didn't budge.Instead, his head lowered as his eyes locked on my lips.I began to hyperventilate.I wanted his kiss, right? Yummy bear Yetis were hard to come by, and who knew the next time we might trek to the middle of nowhere to find one.He obviously found me attractive and worth some energy testing out his manly stamina.The part poking me in the belly made his thoughts on the matter apparent.Maybe he made magic in bed.Perhaps some women begged for his attentions after a single kiss.I shuddered and a whimper escaped.I don't want to be a Yeti addict.I'm a modern woman, after all.I just met the guy.What if he just wanted me for my body? What about Cannibal? You can't just tell one guy in the clothing-optional Yeti resort that you would share private parts with him and refuse the other.I learned in kindergarten that you had to share.It's only polite and what good people did.But I didn't want to share.I didn't want to do the horizontal boogie with the Yeti or with Cannibal.Okay, maybe my body wanted to do such things if the tingling down below in Shy parts meant anything.My mind disagreed and won the debate.I just couldn't tromp five hundred miles up a mountain in the freezing cold and snow, uphill both ways, just to get be the turkey in a sandwich.That sounded overly desperate for sex.Desperate seemed to be a harsh word.Needy?His lips brushed against mine."I can't!"That gave him pause.His hands remained in place, trapping me in front of him, but his face didn't move closer."Why not?"What could I say that wouldn't get me kicked out of the clothing-option Yeti resort for insulting the owner? "Just because." I chewed my bottom lip, while squirming under his intense gaze.Cannibal moved closer, speaking up."You're on vacation.We're here for the taking.For once, why don't you just let loose and have some fun?"I blinked back at Cannibal, then Bear.Let loose and have some fun? Did they forget who they were dealing with? I didn't jump into bed for fun.Well, amend that.I wasn't about to just go wild and crazy on the rebound from Meat.Besides, there were two of them.I couldn't afford my therapy bills as they were, let alone what kinky and embarrassing things they would probably expose me to.Jasmine warned me of rebound sex already.Hot, hardcore, and downright naughty.On second thought, maybe that didn't sound so bad after all.Wait.I don't want rebound sex, right? Shy parts perked up with a resounding 'yes!' My heart warned that I didn't love either of the men and it still held great affections for Meat while my practical mind pointed out that Cannibal happened to be my boss.Talk about awkward.That's two 'no' votes and one 'yes' vote.The no's have it.One of Bear's hands slid over to my waist, giving the area a rub before moving slowly upward, breaking me from my thoughts."I can't.""Again, why not?" Bear inquired, taking advantage of my stillness to continue exploring closer and closer to my chest."I… I…" Think.Think.I could hear the theme from Final Jeopardy in the background."Well, ummmm… you see…" What did one say when two sexy single men were staring at you like you were a pineapple, a lot fruity but sweet to eat? I'm just not interested? Snort.They aren't blind enough to believe that.It's uhhh that time? Good excuse if it actually were.No sense lying about it when someone had the nose of a bear.I'm afraid I would do you bodily damage if your naked parts touched my naked parts? Actually, he might believe that one [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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