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."Truce?" Copper offered a hand.Dillon hesitated only a second before shaking."Truce.For now."42Triad CheyenneMeadowsChapter 7Tossing the remains of their meal in the trash can, Dillon took a moment to study the lion alpha presently spreading out a large map over the dining table of the small apartment-style hotel room.Strong hands pushed the corners outward, then set an empty glass on either edge to hold the paper in place.As he stretched, snug black jeans molded to his rear, outlining a well-built, scrumptious backside begging to be explored with mouth, tongue, and dick.Dillon's cock began to fill with blood, his arousal fast blossoming, while throbbing at the tight enclosure of his own jeans.Rick glanced over his shoulder, gazed at Dillon's crotch, then tilted his head in question.The corner of his mouth hitched upward in a sign of amusement.Leave it to his longtime lover to sense Dillon's reaction to the lion.In his other dealings with shifters, those of his own kind as well as other varieties, he'd never felt an immediate sexual response like this.While some might have marginally piqued his interest, no one garnered the fast and hard physical response this cat did.Why now? Not only did43Triad CheyenneMeadowshe have a potentially deadly rogue to find and stop, but Rick stood in the same room, already in tune to his physical response.The timing couldn't be worse.Not to mention the attitude coming from the alpha lion.Temperamental came to mind.So did haughty, a throwback to his king of the jungle genetics.While he might carry the same qualities, he couldn't mesh well with someone head-butting him every step of the way.No.If he and Rick decided to take in a third, the other man would have to be a beta or lower, willing to take on a submissive role and maintain the peace.Take on a third? With the lion? Y eah, he and Rick talked about it now and again, even invited a couple of men into their bed over the years.But when the chemistry didn't match, they tossed out the idea and went on with their lives together."Are you going to come over here and listen to what I know, or are you going to stand there and stare at my ass all night?" Copper grumbled, twisting his head to meet Dillon's gaze.Rick smirked, causing his fangs to flash in the light.Dillon scowled.The words were pretty damn close to what he said to Rick a couple of days ago, which led to a glorious round of hardcore, pounding sex.His erection twitched with need.Too bad he couldn't repeat the action44Triad CheyenneMeadowsright now.If the smart mouthed cat bore the same predicament with too tight pants, he didn't show his discomfort.Neither did he scent arousal from the reddish-brown haired man.No fucking fair.He sported a painful boner, and the one responsible appeared to suffer no similar effects.Leave it to him to find a straight man in his hotel room, a tempting treat that would turn sour if presented with a sexually interested male.Rick's eyes twinkled with mirth even as he grinned widely."Well, which is it, Dil? Ogling the man's ass or work on the case?"Dillon flipped his lover off, grumbled under his breath, and moved over to stand on the other side of Copper.The heat radiating from the man, along with his spicy woodsy scent, shot waves of need straight to his already demanding groin.Frustrated and annoyed, he edged over, then eyed the other men."Start talking.I have other things to attend to tonight."Copper arched an eyebrow in a regal manner as if considering the benefits of arguing versus the energy expenditure needed.He snorted and shot him a dismissive look.The mighty king of the jungle obviously found a debate too much of an inconvenience or not worthy of his45Triad CheyenneMeadowstime.Rick licked his lips.Dillon groaned.Work before pleasure."Shadow tossed out a few potential names.A couple of Clear Sky troublemakers I saw today were included." Rick tilted his head to meet Dillon's gaze."He's hanging back, knowing they'll recognize him and run for the hills.""They're rotting meat.""While the other killings have been here, here, and here, Sugar Springs is the only place that's had two.""That we know of," Copper inserted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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