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.We just carry out those activities as simply andas straightforwardly as we can, to the extent that anyonearound us wouldn’t even be aware of our internal resistanceand turmoil.In our meditation we come back to what we are meantto be doing at the time, which is remaining centred in aware-ness by catching ourselves when we become lost in thoughtsand mental pictures, and also, crucially, containing the nega-tive emotions and passions.Now that we are engaged in adaily activity, we are doing precisely the same thing.Wecome back through our awareness to stay mindfully withwhat we are meant to be doing — centred in the awarenessof our activity.Because our minds are continual y engaged in thoughtsand mental pictures it is unrealistic to try to extinguish them,but the passionate outflows are quite a different issue.esewe can work on, and it is the taming of the passions andnegative emotions and the transforming of them that willeventual y take us out of samsara.It is the taming of the pas-sions and negative emotions that is at the very heart of thebodhisattva training.In the example we have been using, instead of givingin to the negative emotional desire to stay in bed, we don’tallow it to take over but contain it and carry through withthe activity we know should be done.is emotion can buildto a passionate intensity to the extent that it becomes almostunbearable physical pain, usually centred on the hara — the6465seat of the emotions — in the lower abdomen.But ratherthan give in to it we learn to open up and surrender ourselvesright into the heart of that physical experience with a will-ingness to burn up inside that fire.ere will be thoughtsand mental pictures continually trying to deflect us fromour commitment, but we don’t yield.But what are we reallydoing?In a situation such as this we have finally decided notto buy into an old familiar situation and get carried away bythat ingrained habit.We are not going to get carried awayany more by the fire of those thought-habits and attachments,to likes and dislikes and our opinions about what is rightand wrong and what we want and don’t want.All those oldfamiliar things only give us trouble and cause problems inlife with others and ourselves.For once we are not going togive into that, that which turns the wheel of becoming andall the karma that accompanies it, that compels us to be thehelpless participants in a world that is not conducive to hap-piness.We are surrendering ourselves.We are quite literallygiving up this sense of self and ‘me’.Giving all of ourselvesup with a bright clear mind that is aware of all that is hap-pening, that resists those habitual reactions and says ‘yes’ toall that arises from within the mind and which embraces andaccepts without judgements and labels.ere is a wil ingnessto accept what we may not want to see, and a willingness toaccept that this is a part of us, for good or bad, and to bearwith all the force that drives it.We stay with our world andbear with it until eventually, because these forces are not6667being allowed to turn and perpetuate the karmic cycle anymore, they gradually change and transform back into theirtrue original nature, the true nature that expresses itself asa gentle and genuine human being, who is warm and at onewith others and the wonder of life.is example of getting up in the morning is simple,but it applies to all our everyday experiences; the same open-ness to, and containment of, the negative outflows is appliedto everything, including the more complex experiences ofhuman relationships.To open and accept, contain, and func-tion in as human a way as we can, is the practice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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