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.So I clung tothe unborn, unnamed, child within me, since it was the only link I had back to its father.Idesperately needed that link.The pain in my chest had increased until, at times, I could barelybreathe, which caused Thomas to freak out and Eeian to grow angrier and angrier.Even Ir-nae,who I could have sworn hated my guts, became livid and forbade me from ever speaking Philip sname in his presence because he, and I quote,  abandoned his mate and their unborn child.Thatis not a man.That is a coward.I don t suffer cowards.I know.I about pissed myself in shock, too.I knew that none of them understood why I was still pining away for someone who hadrejected me so thoroughly, but how did I explain to them about the dreams I had where Philipwas there and was happy about our baby? How did I get them to understand about the visions Ihad of Philip, looking just as miserable as I felt, saying my name? I noticed their looks of pity inmy direction and I ignored them.I knew that Philip would come back to me.I just had to bepatient. Vicktor Alexander* * * * * *7-Eleven was hiring.They d called me in for an interview and I got dressed slowly, beingmeticulous in everything that I put on and how I looked.My black hair had grown down past myshoulders.The pregnancy had made my hair glorious, thick, shiny strands of inky blackdarkness.My eyes looked bigger and the color was a deeper blue than they d ever been.Thomasand Steven had both remarked that my eyes looked like twilight.I d thought at first that theymeant the movie with the sparkling vampires, but one night they took me outside and I saw it,the gorgeous, deep blue, almost black color, and my breath caught in my chest. My eyes look like that? I d whispered, not wanting to break the spell the night had castover the area. Yeah.It s so beautiful, Eeiran, Thomas told me, holding my hand.I turned to lookdown at him and Steven and swallowed the lump in my throat at the love and caring I sawshining in their eyes. I miss him.I miss him so much it hurts, I confessed in the stillness of the night. It sthis constant ache, this hole that will never be filled.Thomas nodded his head,  I know you miss him.I like to believe that, somewhere, hemisses you, too.I d nodded my head and then crumpled into the outstretched arms of my brother s mate,my brother-in-law, and wept.That had been two days ago.Now I stepped in the door of the 7-Eleven and tried to stillmy trembling limbs.I d been forced to start speaking in a falsetto to disguise my deep, masculinevoice and the makeup on my face was practically caked on over my jaw and under my nose inorder to hide the darkness of my stubble.I d spent much of my life subconsciously detesting mysmooth, flawless skin that made me look so feminine and now I found myself longing for it onlybecause it would have made fitting in with the humans that surrounded me a whole lot easier.Walking up to the register, I smiled at the pretty brown-skinned girl standing there andintroduced myself to her. Hi.My name is Eeirana Seelie.I m here for a job interview. I know,I know.My last name isn t all that creative, but Eeian had pointed out that our true Fae surnameswould be difficult for humans to remember and cause them to look into my background a lotdeeper than they would have before.He suggested Seelie and we d all had a good laugh over it. Vicktor AlexanderMy heart had screamed out for me to use Philip s last name as my own, but I knew that I couldnot because it would hurt too damn much. Hold on.Let me go and tell the manager that you re here, Ms.Seelie, the young girl,Trecee, told me.I smiled at her and nodded, looking back out the door as she walked into theback room.Two minutes later she returned and led me back to the interview room. Thank you so much, I told her and she smiled and nodded before walking off.Knocking gently on the door, I stepped in and gasped. Philip?I watched as he stood to his full height from the desk he sat behind.Was it just myimagination or was he taller? More muscled? More gorgeous than ever before? I let my eyes driftdown over his chest and to his groin.His erection was evident where it pressed against the frontof his slacks.Holy shit.It even looked like his cock had grown bigger.I whimpered helplesslyand looked up at him.He didn t speak.He looked me over and then closed the door, the snick ofthe lock sounding loudly in the small office.Without a word, he lifted up the bottom of my blackskirt, with the maternity flap in the front, and put his hand on my hard erection.I d refused towear women s underwear and could no longer fit into my boxer briefs and so had taken to going commando instead.I d laughed loudly when Steven had explained in great detail what thephrase meant and it was now our favorite phrase to use with each other.Steven had stepped up once he d found out I was pregnant.He rubbed cocoa butter onmy stomach to prevent stretch marks, horrible signs from the devil that no one had warned meof, and he would put his head on my stomach and talk to the baby about Philip and me and Eeianand Thomas and what it meant to look for and find your mate.Steven was a treasure, and if Ihadn t been so hung up on Philip, I would have made a play for him a long time ago [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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