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.Sage felt a swell of pride forhis lover’s courage.When visiting hourswere over and it was time to leave, Sagekissed his godfather goodbye with thepromise to see him the next day.Outside he looked at Alex.“Do youwant me to take you back home toLondon?”Alex shook his head.“No.I’ll comehome with you if you don’t mind.Thenyou can take me home tomorrow if that’sokay.”Sage smiled in relief at having Alexfor longer.“That’s fine with me.We’llneed to stop and get some food though.I’m starving.I don’t actually think we’veeaten all day and all that exercise hasdefinitely given me an appetite.” Heleered at Alex as he zipped up hisleathers, getting up on the bike behindhim.They finally reached the house aboutseven p.m.armed with bags of Chinesefood and various other householdprovisions.They watched the newstogether, seated at the kitchen island.Sage was almost through his secondhelping of spicy beef when Alex’smobile rang.Alex looked at it, grinning as heanswered.“Cully! This is a surprise.Ithought you were in Argentina.”Sage could tell this person, a manfrom the sound of it, was very special toAlex.He felt a surge of jealousy as heconcentrated on the TV, trying not toappear to pay attention whilst he listenedto every word.Finally Alex rang off, turning to himwith a huge smile.“Cully is a very goodfriend of mine.I’m seeing himtomorrow.He’s the one who rescued meout of Bohemia.”Sage frowned, feeling a sense ofrelief at finding out who Cully was.“You mentioned both names earlier.Was Bohemia the name of the cult youwere imprisoned in?”Alex looked down at his food, astrange expression on his face.“Youhave to understand that when I firstjoined, I wasn’t a prisoner.I chose to gothere with Rudy.I was seventeen andconfused, and after a load of fosterhomes all I wanted was one place Icould call home.”Sage stopped chewing, looking at himin dismay.“You were a foster kid?”Alex nodded.“My parents died whenI was two.They were killed in a fire.Iwas in and out of foster homes all mylife.Some good, some bad.When I wasseventeen, I’d had enough.I came toLondon to try and find work, make somemoney.I met Rudy in a bar.He wasolder than me, twenty-five, and heseemed friendly and very concerned.Iwent home with him.”He shrugged and Sage watchedAlex’s face as once again he laid hissoul bare to him.“One thing led to another andeventually I was staying at his place.Afew days later he said he knew thisgroup we could go to who would lookafter us, feed us, give us somewhere tostay and ask very little in return.” Alexgrimaced.“I said, why not.We went tothis huge compound out in Surrey, out inthe middle of nowhere.” He swallowed.Sage laid a hand over his.“Don’t youthink you’ve made enough breakthroughstoday? You don’t have to tell meanymore just yet.” Sage’s innatecuriosity was burning questions on hisown soul but he felt he needed to makethe offer.Alex nodded, linking his fingers withhis.“It’s all right.I think I can do this.”He looked down at their combinedhands.“The first few days were okay.The people seemed decent, they reallylooked after us.Then things changed andRudy…”He cleared his throat.“Rudy startedto turn nasty.I found out he was theleader of the cult.He’d go to London,find stray boys and men who hadnowhere else to go, sweet-talk them andthen take them back to Bohemia.Wewere mostly men but there were somewomen there, cooking, cleaning, doingthe whole stereotypical thing.”“What kind of cult was it?” Sageasked.“Did they have any specific rulesand beliefs?”Alex nodded.“Very much ThirdReich teachings.White supremacy, thewhole Nazi thing.Apart from onedifference.Bohemia had to stay a fringeorganisation because as a lot of themwere homosexual.The really right-wingThird Reich guys didn’t like them forobviousreasons.ButRudywasbisexual, and he didn’t care what theextremists thought about him fuckingmen.He had a huge following and waspretty powerful.”Alex took another large gulp of hiswine, his hands trembling.“Most of theguys there were blond, fair skinned.ButI was his favourite.I dyed my hair blondback then.And I had something special.Ihad two different colour eyes and in histwisted imagination that made mespecial.He saw it as a sign from God.He kept me for eight months.I foundmyself locked up in the compound mostof the time and let out when I was goodto him.And I was good a lot, Sage.”Alex’s voice was husky.“It was the onlyway I could get out and see daylight,walk around other people and have aconversation with someone that wasn’thurting me.”“Jesus, stop.” Sage couldn’t stand tohear the pain in Alex’s voice.“That’senough.You don’t have to go on.”Alex ignored him, drinking the rest ofhis wine then pouring another glass.“Iwas so broken I’d do anything.I knew itwas wrong, I knew deep down inside hewas a monster but he was all I had.Ithought if he cared enough to be with meall that time he must feel something forme.I was lucky though; some of his‘consorts’ as he called us—male andfemale—were given to the other men inthe compound, but he never did that withme.I was only his.”Alex looked at Sage and he saw thedesolation in his lover’s eyes.“So I putup with anything he wanted.I learntmore about sex and bondage and painthan anyone ever should know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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