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.Bast brought his knees up to hug John's bodybetween his hard thighs, his anus beckoning right atJohn's rigid eager cock."René --" John was about to say something about himnot being wet enough."I'm way ahead of you.Bring it," Bast said.And John, aroused past any restraint, pushed his cockthrough that tight hot gate, in and out, sliding easily.Hesmelled cinnamon.* * *Bast had a change of clothes in his car.In themorning John and he drove in to headquarters together.For as drunk as Bast had been last night, he should'veChasing Shadows 118 been hammered this morning.Bast was as chipper andhappy as larks sounded like they were."You should have called me to come get you lastnight," John said at the wheel of Bast's Saab."That wasdumb, driving like that.""I was in complete command and control until I gotto your door, cher.Then I didn't want to be in controlanymore."John drove in silence for a few moments.Then hesaid, "You need to tell me where to get that cinnamonstuff."He heard the glove box opening.Then Bast wasslipping a tube into John's breast pocket.* * *Getting coffee before roll call, John was on a highglide.Meyers poked his head into the break room."Where'sChuck?" Chuck Wallice was usually the first one here."Does anyone know where Chucky is?""Don't care," John growled low.Then, on a suddendark thought, he looked around for Bast.Bast was rummaging through drawers.His facelifted."Does anyone know where the coffee filters are?"Chasing Shadows 119 Chapter NineFor the second day in a row, Chuck Wallice was ano-show.At lunchtime the commander stepped into the breakroom.He had an announcement."I have bad news.Thedetails of this are not for the public.I regret to report thedeath of Detective Chuck Wallice."Amid rustles, stirrings, and murmurs, John held backfrom saying anything.He hoped Chuck died ugly.The commander reported that Chuck Wallice hadchoked to death on a dildo while bound and cuffed andwearing the whole leather kink rig.John forgot to swallow.He coughed.Thea Pittman-Jones gave him a thump on the back."Chucky?" Marv Meyers said."He's the last guy I'dever peg for that type.I'd've thought an S but never anM.""You just never know, do you?" Antwan said,waiting for the microwave to ding."He died?" It wasn't really a question.Georgia washaving trouble believing it."I thought S and M wasconsensual."The commander said somberly, "The consent is inquestion.Coroner is saying it took Detective Wallicehours to die.He suffered."Georgia said hopefully, "Well, that means he diedhappy, doesn't it?""I will let you know about funeral arrangementswhen I know," the commander said and left the breakroom."I guess it's tough to say your safe word with awoodie down your throat," Antwan said."I guess," Georgia said."Safe word?" Meyers asked.Chasing Shadows 120 Thea said, "It's a signal.Something you say insteadof No or Stop to say No or Stop."Georgia added, "In S and M 'no' doesn't mean 'no'and 'stop' doesn't mean 'stop.' So they pick somethingelse they won't say by accident.Like Fledermaus orrutabaga.""And just how do you all know this?" Meyers let hisstirring stick seesaw from one to the other to the other."Hel-LO.Two years on vice?" said Antwan, bringinghis steaming lunch to the table."I watch CSI," Georgia said."I read a lot," Thea said.As the news buzzed through the offices, John noticedthat absolutely no one was grieving.Bast wasn't weighing in.He wasn't even at the table.He was watching the little TV on the other side of thebreak room.A baseball game was on.Bast loungedalmost horizontal in a chair, one long leg hooked overthe armrest of another chair.Meyers bounced a waddedpaper napkin off his head."Hey N'Orleans.Nothing toadd?"Bast -- always good for an evil comment -- wasstaying oddly quiet.He gestured with a kernel ofpopcorn at the TV screen."I think the Cubbies mightactually win this game."* * *At the end of the work day the commander asked hisdetectives to stay for a meeting."New case.ChuckWallice.I don't have to tell you this is one of our own.Stop sniggering!"They did their best, but devolved fast, their facescontorted, trying hard not to grin or make any sound likea laugh.They only got worse and worse.John wastrying to swallow his upper lip.Meyers had his hand tohis mouth.Antwan's lips were writhing and trembling.For a moment Antwan lost it, flashed a blinding whitesmile, and immediately squelched it.Thea looked to betrying hard not to laugh.She had tears running down herChasing Shadows 121 cheeks, not from grief.Bast slouched way down, hisarms crossed, staying out of it [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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