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.Brak was moving forward with swift strides,reason overridden by anger.Ibrahim of Quran recognized potential dangerthough he was still many paces away.He shied his horse.Out from behind himrode a man a third again as tall as Brak or the Red King.The man looked immensely strong.He had a huge big-eared head.His pate hadbeen shaved bare and shining.The man rode expertly, planting his mount infront of that of his lord and lowering his lance.The man wore black boots, loose trousers of shiny black hide, and a hidefighting harness over his chest.In his head were two ruby eyes.Stoneyes.Brak's belly knotted.He did not understand how the giant could see him, butBrak was sure the giant did.When Brak tried an oblique left step, Stoneyesadjusted his pony's position to account for it.He waited, a living shield.Brak lost some of his momentum.His run became a walk.The giant's pendulouslips curled up in delight.How could the killer-warrior possibly see?Testing, Brak lifted his broadsword higher.Helane screamed as Stoneyes sailedhis lance.The barbarian leaped aside.The lance buried where he'd been.Stoneyes had hisown broadsword out in an instant.There was laughter along the line of mountedmen.Page 56 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html His devotion to myself and my lady, Queen Shar, is nearly as great as hisstrength, Ibrahim called. I'd have him test you, except that you are plainlythe one that I seek.You have the outlander's look, slayer of my good youngcousin Efrim. Ibrahim smiled a thin smile. Of course when your scout offereda splendid prize in the form of your caravan's treasure, that whetted my tastefor the hunt even more.Huge, faceted, the ruby eyes of the giant turned toward Brak.No man can seethat way! Brak thought.But was Stoneyes born of woman or a wizard'sformulary? Who knew? Hear my words, the rest of you! Ibrahim gestured to those huddled behindBrak. There will be no blood-letting here.I'll even save the outlander,until we return to the Jewel City.But when my men ride among you, bepeaceable and meek.This storm makes tempers wroth and Up he rose in his saddle, suddenly noticing Brak's rush back toward Hadrios. Stop, you long-haired savage!But Brak had already reached the tiny band.Face flushed, eyes angry, hepleaded with them. Better we die fighting than be carried off to be locked up and disposed ofcruelly whenever they please.Helane's face lighted with a desperation that matched Brak's. He's right,father.I'll join him if no one else will.I know where there's a blade lightenough for my hand  Before Hadrios could prevent her, Helane whirled anddarted back toward the stamping animals.The old man eyed Brak ruefully.Then he looked along the line of mountedriders.They were tall men, and dark.They looked healthy and vigorous intheir black padded coats.They would be formidable foes, even in small groups.The glance of the old caravan master jumped from bow to tautened bow, fromlance to upheld lance.Finally he said,  My daughter is either far wiser orfar more witless than I.There's no chance of winning  What chance do we have if we're taken? Brak growled. Do you prefer chainsto death? I don't.Trying to decide, Hadrios looked to Pol. Madness.We're cursed.What do yousay, Nestorian?Friar Pol's eyes watered.He lifted the small stone cross. I I will fightrather than let them take this and mock it. The priest's face shone withsweat.All at once Brak admired him.Hadrios eyed Lord Ibrahim and Stoneyes obliquely. Look at them grinning, heseethed. Jackals! All right, barbarian.If we must go down in our blood,let's not do it whimpering.A thin but strangely joyous smile curved Brak's mouth.He clapped Hadrios onthe shoulder, turned in time to see Lord Ibrahim walking his pony in nearer.The bald giant Stoneyes rode close at his side.The Quran were alert to their lord's safety.Black bows tautened a little moreall around the circle. Savage, Ibrahim cried at Brak with some petulance,  Come here! I'm notaccustomed to having my orders ignored.What were you and the otherswhispering about? Be damned to you and your  Brak began.Terrible and high, the scream keenedin the wind.Brak whipped round.A nervous archer let his arrow fly.It struck and killed amule.Hadrios clutched Pol's arm, would have fallen had the Nestorian notcaught him and held him up.The bile of panic rose in Brak's throat.Bedraggled in their jeweled apparel, the twins held Helane between them.The girl struggled.But Ky had an arm bent around her throat, and a littledagger pressed to her bosom.Helane felt the knife, struggled less.Brak's head pounded with confusion and terror.He looked wildly to Friar Pol.The Nestorian was stumbling forward, lifting his stone cross out toward thetwins, who evidently had crept silently into the camp from the rear.Kya's pink mouth pursed in alarm.She pointed.Ky's pearl eyes narrowed.HePage 57 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmldug the knife point deeper into Helane's breast.Friar Pol's forearms shook ashe gripped the stone cross with both hands, raised it over his head, advancedwith an unsteady step toward them. Who are those two? Lord Ibrahim demanded. Speak your names! Tell me what "No!"Brak's howl drowned the rest.The big barbarian crossed the distance in one,two, three leaps.Kya retreated, spitting filthy words.She tugged herbrother's arm, urged him to strike Helane.She loathed the stone cross, thatmuch was clear.With a brutal sweep of his hand the barbarian knocked the cross from theFriar's hand.As it hit the sand, Pol shrieked."Blasphemer!" Fear puts faith back in your bowels, eh, priest? Keep on and they'll killher! The Blood-eaters tremble before the cr "And you'll have the girl's blood on your hands!"In sullen fright, Pol picked up the cross and held it against his belly.Aninsulting little smile curved Kya's mouth.A smile of triumph.Brak knew he had saved the unholy pair.But he had done it out of necessity.Helane was too close to the dagger's tip.She was near to fainting, he saw.She knew the nature of the plump white handsthat held her, and her mind hid from it.Abruptly, her body sagged. Lord Ibrahim of the Quran, Kya cried,  if that is indeed your name  Aye, the Red King bawled back. And yours? Quickly, if you please.Mytemper's growing short. I am Lord Ky of Jovis, responded Kya's twin. We address you as royalty toroyalty, and beg you not to listen to the bleatings of these brutes you'vetaken prisoner.Unable to bear more, Brak yelled,  Listen to him at your peril, lord.He andhis sister aren't exiles, as they'll be claiming any moment  Exiles from Jovis, Ky interrupted. My sister and I are friendless, preyedupon by these  They'reBlood-eaters! Demons.They suck out blood and life from Displeasure growing on Ibrahim's face brought a sudden roar from Stoneyes. Silence, outlander! The giant's voice was deep.It had a strange, rattlingquality. When high blood speaks to high blood, commoners keep peace. High blood ? Brak's laughter was macabre.But clearly, Ibrahim did notregard matters as a joke: The ear of Quran is yours, Lord Ky.Speak, please, and ignore the wild man'srantings.Fool, Brak thought with fury.Incredible fool.But Ibrahim the Red King looked proud and almost pompous now.He sat very talland straight and aloof so that all especially the twins would recognize hisimportance.Ky thrust Helane aside like a meal sack [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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