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. Don t worry, man.You re gonna get fucked.But we re doing this my way.By the time we get there,you re not just going to be asking.You re gonna be pleading for it.John shuddered under the man s skilled hands.Ryan fisted his cock firmlywith one hand, while the other slid lower, lubed and wet.John spread his thighswider for the touch, tilting his hips up.Ryan worked him, rolling his balls,running a finger around his hole.The finger pressed in, slowly.Heat burnedthrough John, arcing from his ass to his dick.He was leaking hard.Ryan slid ahand over his dripping slit and added the slick fluid to the mix.Two fingers, and the burn hovered near pain.Then Ryan slid lower, andtook John s dick in his hot mouth. Holy crap, Ry.Don t.I don t want to come yet.Not yet.Ryan hummed as he pressed in with his fingers, stretching John s tightopening.All John could feel was the wet vibration of Ryan s tongue on him.Johnknew he was gasping nonsense, but it was out of his control.He was out ofcontrol.He arched upward, wanting more pressure, more touch.Ryan pulledback, and ripped open a condom.His other hand slid rhythmically over John shard, aching length.And then John watched, his breath coming short as Ryan slid the slipperylatex down his shaft. Roll over, Ryan told him.John followed orders.Ryan tucked a pillow under him as he turned.John serect dick pressed into the fabric.Ryan s hands spread him open. Jesus, John, Ryan whispered. That is so hot.You are so hot. He bent andkissed the base of John s spine, his hip, his ass.Ryan s thumbs pressed wide. Ready?John was vibrating between need and fear. Yeah, ready, please, I m ready.Just& go slow?www.samhainpublishing.com 151 Kaje HarperThe touch of cool latex was odd at first, then pressure, then pain as his bodyfought against it.He struggled to relax.He could hear Ryan s rough breathing.Then suddenly his body consented to be taken.Ryan slipped inside with a groan,and stopped. You okay? Ryan asked. Only if you don t fucking stop there, John grated through clenched teeth.Ryan felt huge and hot inside him.He slid a hand underneath himself, needyand shaking.It still hurt, but in an odd way that didn t stop the building craving.He jacked himself hard, and the friction spiked into him.Ryan pressed in, slowly, and then drew back an inch.And Jesus God, that wasfreaking amazing.He d never thought pain went with sex, but this mix ofsensations was beyond anything. Do that again, he begged.Slow slide of pressure, sharp drag outward.The sound he made had nowords.He fisted himself urgently. Yeah, John, Ryan groaned. Let me see you touch yourself.Ryan s hips moved harder, each drive a little deeper, each pull a little faster.Ryan s hand was clamped on John s right hip.Ryan s thighs lay heavy againsthis own.John gasped, again and again, as Ryan drove him up and up.Thesounds from Ryan s mouth were ones he d never heard before.And thensuddenly the last resistance of his body was gone.Ry sank deep, and brushedagainst John s prostate way inside.John arched, convulsed, coming in waves thatrolled through him.He heard Ryan cry out, but could feel nothing more over theblack velvet heat that burned inside him.Ryan collapsed on John s back, breathing in rasping shudders.John couldn thave moved if the house was on fire.He lay boneless, feeling Ry s breath hotagainst his neck.152 www.samhainpublishing.com The Rebuilding Year Wow, Ry whispered. I think I broke something. Not literally? No. Ryan bit his shoulder lightly. Moron. I don t think you re allowed to insult me while you re still inside me, Johnsaid, and shuddered.His body tensed hard, and then slumped again.Ryan pressed a kiss to his neck. Should I move?  Cause I m not sure I can. Not yet. He could feel an ache beginning.He was going to be sore.But fornow he was warm and content, and replete.He reached a hand back to pressRyan s ass down over his own.The weight was sweet.The ripples of scars underhis fingers were just Ryan.His Ryan.This is right.Ryan s mouth moved softly over his skin. It never felt like that before.Either you have the hottest ass in creation or it s just that much better when it syou.Warmth spread though John. I m thirty-seven.You guess.Ryan s teeth scraped his skin. Hot ass.Definitely.Eventually Ryan reached down to hold the condom and pulled out slowly.John whimpered as his body released the last inch of flesh.Yeah, that was goingto smart.He felt oddly loose and sticky.But so worth it.Ryan dropped thecondom into the trash, and turned to him.Ryan s fingers traced over his features, like a blind man learning his lover sface. Tell me you re okay.Because I m going to want to do that a lot.John kissed a wandering fingertip. I m a little sore, but it s a good sore.Itfelt& so right.Give me a day or two. Let me know when. Ryan lay down and pulled John into a spoon. Notthat all the other things we do aren t awesome too.But& wow.John chuckled.Maybe Ryan wasn t telling the world about them.Yet.ButJohn figured he was in no danger of losing the man any time soon.Patience.www.samhainpublishing.com 153 Chapter ElevenRyan cursed softly, his voice echoing in the basement laundry room as hewrestled with wet fabric.But he was too content to put much heat into it.Even ifJohn s washing machine was prehistoric and temperamental and deserved to beinsulted.He bent over and dug deeper.Ah, there was the problem.No matter howcarefully you loaded the damned thing, it would end up unbalanced, with theclothes in a wad on one side.Then it would start banging like it wanted to takeout the back of the house [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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