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.Not that they re after us, headded, seeing her raised eyebrows. But it doesn t hurt to be cautious.Logan reached out, covering her hand where it lay in her lap.He squeezed gently. Nervous?Bryn placed her other hand over his. A little, she confessed. Although not too much, now that I vemet Jace and Cade and some of the others. She returned his squeeze. Thanks to you.Hoping to initiate Bryn slowly to the presence of other werewolves, he d invited Jace, Cade and theirdates to the house for dinner.The next week brought John Maigrey and his mate, and Dillon Bennett andhis mate an older couple who were close friends of Logan s parents.Somewhat nervous at the beginning of both evenings, Bryn had soon settled down and enjoyed thecompany.Logan s friends were all very nice people, talkative, friendly, easy to get along with.The factthat they were also werewolves? Well, what the hey, she d thought, just as with anyone else, you treatme right, I ll treat you right and we ll get along just fine.And they did. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlCars and other vehicles were parked on either side of the wide drive.Logan parked behind the last, andhe and Bryn, holding hands, walked the rest of the drive and into the clearing. Wow, Jace really has quite a place here.It s gorgeous, Bryn commented as they walked toward thehouse.The house was two stories with a wraparound porch and second-floor balcony.The natural woodand stone melded and flowed with the wooded surroundings, creating an aura of belonging. He designed the house himself, Logan revealed. The fact that he s an architect didn t hurt the projectany.In the grassy clearing people mingled, talking and helping themselves to soft drinks or beer from severaliced tubs.Logan was hailed by more than a few people as he and Bryn neared the house.He returnedtheir greetings and casually introduced Bryn.Many a curious glance was sent their way.Word had gottenaround that Bryn was Logan s chosen, and naturally everyone was more than interested to see who hadcaptured their pack liaison s heart.Logan led Bryn through the crowd and up the porch steps just as Jace, Delancy, Cade and a few otherscame out of the house.Jace greeted Logan with a slap on the back as he bussed Bryn on the cheekunder Logan s watchful eye.  Bout time you got here.Everybody s about to bust a gut wondering who Logan s mate is.It s all I veheard since the first bunch got here, Jace announced with some exasperation.Logan greeted the others then replied to Jace,  Well, why don t you just settle down and make theannouncement.Then you and everybody else can relax and be happy.Jace McKenna was just as handsome in person as he d claimed to be on the phone that day in Logan sden.Equal to Logan in height, he carried the same well-built, muscular physique.His hair, croppedstylishly short, was black as a raven s wing, his blue-green eyes filled with amber flecks. Well, I guess I ll do that, now that I ve got permission from the all-powerful pack liaison. Jace grinnedat Logan s scowl.Jace stood silently on the porch facing the crowd, his posture straight and sure, his aura of power andcommand radiating outward like a wave.The chatter fell silent and all eyes turned to him. How did he do that? Bryn whispered. That s what being an alpha is all about, Bryn, Logan replied proudly.Sure of undivided attention, Jace began. As you know, we ve gathered here today, as we have before,to promote peace between Twin Pines and Iron Tower.And to make Logan s job a little easier.Chuckles followed Jace s announcement. We re also here today to welcome a new addition to ournumbers.Logan Sutherland has taken a mate.Greet Bryn Roydan.Logan stepped forward with Bryn and descended the porch steps into the waiting crowd.Not sureexactly what to expect, she was nervous, but Logan s presence at her side kept her steady.The gatheredcrowd approached and gave quiet greeting and words of welcome.There was also, to her slightconsternation, a lot of surreptitious sniffing.Nothing overt or rude, but somewhat disconcerting just thesame.Some of the younger ones went so far as to take her hand and rub their cheeks against it in Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlgreeting. Why do they do that? she asked Logan quietly. You re the mate of an alpha, Bryn, deserving of subservience from the young ones and respect from theentire pack, he explained.The greetings continued for a few moments more before a disturbance began at the outer edges of theassembled pack.An opening was made, and through it strode Lillian Adair.A very angry Lillian.Hereyes snapped with blue fire. Well, isn t this just the cozy little scene, she intoned sarcastically. Our illustrious pack liaison brings hislittle human twat among us and you re all panting to welcome her.Wouldn t want to miss an opportunityto kiss such influential alpha ass, now would we?Mutters and warning growls filtered through the crowd. Lillian, you go too far, Delancy warned. Do I, Charles? she sneered. As soon as I ve put this human in her place, perhaps I ll put you inyours.Gasps of disbelief rippled through the crowd.Lillian had all but challenged Twin Pines alpha.Before hecould respond, Lillian faced Bryn. I invoke right of challenge, she declared. Invalid, Logan stated coldly. Bryn s not joining Twin Pines but Iron Tower, of which you are not amember. I m a member ofthis , our brotherhood and sisterhood of werewolves.Are you saying now thatmembers of Twin Pines pack are not entitled to full rights and privileges? Lillian asked, deliberatelybacking him into a corner. I would be the last to imply such a thing, as I m sure you re well aware, Lillian. In his anger, Logan seyes had bled to amber pools. Then my challenge stands, she stated. Come and face me little bitch, unless you re afraid? Her scornwas clearly apparent.Bryn pushed forward. I m not afraid of you.I m only surprised you have the guts to challenge meface-to-face.Last time you took the coward s way.I ve been hoping for an opportunity for somepayback.Her words caused a stir, as everyone was well aware of the speculation that Lillian had administered thedrug that had made Bryn ill. I ll do more than make you sick this time, she bragged, in her anger unwittingly confessing. You regoing to bleed, bitch.Bryn, fueled with anger, started toward Lillian,  I ll show you who s the bitch,bitch. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlSeveral things happened simultaneously.Logan grabbed Bryn, restraining her.Delancy and Jace camebetween Lillian and Bryn, and a voice rang out. I accept the challenge on Bryn s behalf.Murmurs of amazement filled the stunned silence of the clearing as Reece Cofield stepped into view.Itwas well-known that Reece and Lillian were lovers.Bryn was the first to recover. I don t need him tofight my battles, she declared hotly.Her blood was up and boiling hot. Shut her up, Jace instructed Logan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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