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.please."She nodded."This feels like I'm having an affair." She smiled weakly."You are.Surrender to it."Again, only silence and a very small portion of bathroom tile stood betweenthem.Guilt clawed at her insides, leaving her conflicted by the pure wantthat had overtaken the whole of her."Carlos did a lot of shit, but doesn'tdeserve that."He nodded."My condition makes me irrational." The being sighed and walkedaway from her."Then, perhaps," he murmured, keeping his back to her, "youmight compose a very heart-wrenching selection of whit it is, like to burn forsomething you should not have?"She nodded."That you have inspired, for sure.""Anything," he whispered, "will devastate me now." He turned slowly, a sensualsmile gracing his beautiful mouth."There is always a way for us to betogether, within the limits of righteousness."She chuckled to break the tension."Now you sound more like a male vampirethan a male Neteru."He laughed low and deep and sensually, and shook his head."I am everythingthat you have experienced.and most assuredly male." Again, his smile fadedto burn her with an expression of unfulfilled want."Admit it, if not to me,then to yourself.You want to fully know me in the worst way, right now."She couldn't, or better stated, wouldn't answer the charge.Not while wearinga towel, him half-naked, and this much heat radiating between them.All shehad to do was think about the music that swept through her while she grievedCarlos, or to remember the lusty nights of splendor in his arms that gavebirth to her best work.Days of laughter, jamming with Jose, endless momentsalone, doodling in her journal, sparking ideas, working out lyrics, getting intouch with every emotion that had ever filled her.Her eyes locked with his asa hard shudder ran through him."You know me, Damali.I am no stranger or violator.""I know," she whispered."Thank you for always being with me." She swept herhand down her stomach."I just can't sync up the physical manifestation withthe spiritual.As long as you were the spirit of creativity, I could cope.""As could I.But all that has changed.""What do we do about it?""You tell me?"She looked away."I don't know.""We have more in common than you will admit."She chuckled."You're working me, brother.""Yes, I am." He smiled."But I have also been honest about my condition.""True," she said, no judgment in her tone.The thing that was still blowingher mind was the fact that an apexing male spirit Neteru was in her bathroom.How in the.Page 44 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Do not ask me again, please." His voice was an urgent whisper.Palpabledesire made the colors on the floor around him shimmer brighter."To revisitthat just runs through me like a river."His hands found her upper arms and delivered a firm yet gentle pull towardhim.Her first instinct was to resist, but what was that now, she wondered?The moment her body fused against his, the moan he released set off a tremorthrough her womb that parted her lips.A hot mouth covered hers and the sweetness contained within it waslike pure narcotic.His tongue ravaged the soft tissue of hers, glidingagainst her teeth, finding the roof of her mouth, and then deepened as thepressure of his hold increased.His kiss of life created a tremor that stirreda bubbling whimper that made her nearly faint.Music tore through her,blinding her mind with its intensity.Colors shot beneath her lids and buckledher knees.The sound he emitted inside her mouth fractured her conscience, andproduced a vibrating echo in her lungs, dredging up a low moan from her thatshould have never been released.The next thing she knew, her towel was on the floor.A strange new pair ofmale hands covered her back like hot wax, melting her beneath them with everystroke, and her returned kisses were harder than they ever should have been.The song roiled inside her, quickly escalating from a sultry slow pulse ofbass to implode with a demanding staccato fusion treble.Acapella agonychanged key, bridged to punishing instrumental, and ended on a long mentalcarry near a soprano shriek that she delivered right into his mouth."Your voice," he gasped, breaking the kiss to breathe the words out againsther neck."That is my river.My weakness.Your mind, my undoing.Damali, letme love you hard, right here, right now, in this key." His damp foreheaddropped to her shoulder."For the love of God, do not deny me.""We can't do this," she said, practically losing consciousness in his hold."Then give yourself to him tonight, like this, with me in your mind.Just callme."When he dragged his jaw along her throat and bit her, she literally saw stars.But that's when she also held him by the shoulders and put an inch betweenthem.He dropped his hold on her, ran his fingers through his hair, and walkedto the far side of the room."I'm sorry," he said quietly."That was never supposed to happen.You'realready marked, and I know that." He was panting, beginning to walk in acircle, the level of agitation and frustration making several candle flamesdance wildly before going out."The Neteru mind lock is.Damali, I have togo." His eyes held a quiet plea."I have been with many women and have hadmany wives over decades of apexes, but never." He stopped, swallowedhard, and leaned on the far wall with one hand, staring at the floor,steadying his breaths."You will make me sire in the flesh, and that alsocannot happen.With you, it is forbidden."Still breathless from the near miss, she hunted him for an explanation withher eyes."What is your name?" she asked in a gentle tone that made him closehis eyes and swallow hard again."If you're Heaven sent then you're safe."Immediately, she shook her head."What am I saying!" She snatched up her toweland wrapped it around her body with precision."I've lost my freakin' mind."He nodded, winded, and kept his gaze to the floor until she was covered, andthen closed them again to stem the pain."So have I." When he opened his eyeshe simply stared at her."No.I'm not safe.But now I truly understand so muchmore." His gaze searched hers."The conundrum is neither are you, detriment ofmy soul.I must leave.""No, wait," she heard herself say while her mind yelled the central question:Was she crazy? But she had to know what had just happened in this very insanemoment."I have so much more to ask you," she whispered."You've been just themusic before.I don't understand how you could have materialized like this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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