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.Not that how she d gotten heremattered.Present, and looking entirely too delicious, he couldn t push her from his mind.Anirrational urge came over him.He needed to see her, touch her.Mark her, whispered his wolf.However, instead of doing any of those things, he stayed put, and lost sight of her among the densebodies.His beast just about lost its mind, pacing and growling that he find her.Surely a peek wouldn thurt, a glimpse to ensure nothing untoward happened whilst in the grips of the seducer. Let s dance. He dragged Jenny, craning to locate a mop of auburn curls, and when he found it,both man and beast let out a low growl.Stopping dead on the dance floor, he watched as Francinedanced with Alejandro, her hourglass shape undulating to the music s fast tempo, the cat s hands onher hips guiding her.A hypnotic sight if he ignored the other male and imagined himself in his stead.An arm wrapped around him from behind, a bony frame pressing up to his back.Jenny shoutedin his ear,  I thought we were going to dance?Pivoting, he tried not to let his annoyance show on his face.Poor Jenny.She d done nothing todeserve his ire.He moved jerkily to the toe-tapping rhythm, trying not to cringe when his date keptrubbing against him.Harder to fight was his urge to peer back at Francine and see what she did.Helost that battle.Twirling Jenny, he swapped places with her in time to catch the girl that he could nolonger consider as a sister, dirty dancing with the cat.Facing away from Alejandro, she gyrated herbuttocks against him while the seducer let his hands roam over her stomach, sliding them to a pointjust under her breasts then down again to clasp her hips. Unbidden, Mitchell s cock swelled at the sight, their dance so mesmerizing and sensual that hewanted to join them, press in on her from the front, have her hands wander over his back as hehungrily devoured her mouth. Mitchell, yelled a voice that didn t sound like a husky promise coated in laughter. I m soflattered. It took a hand cupping his crotch for him to clue in on what Jenny meant.He recoiled fromher touch, repulsed and imbued with a sense of guilt.Not at having gotten caught lusting for anotherwoman, but because he didn t want Francine to see Jenny touching him.His distaste didn t go unnoticed.Confusion twisted Jenny s face, and he could see her openingher mouth to speak.An answer eluded him so he took the cowardly route.He turned on his heel andmade a beeline for the bar.Unfortunately, she followed, not so easily ditched. What the fuck is wrong with you? Jenny asked, her fingers digging into his arm, trying to stophim. This was a bad idea. Such a bad idea, because like a fever, thoughts of Francine consumedhim, and his Jenny remedy just wouldn t do. What was a bad idea? Dancing? We can leave anytime you like.My roommate s gone for thenight.We ve got the place to ourselves, she said seductively, pressing herself to his side.God, how he wished he could take her up on the offer.Screw something until this crazy mess inhis head sorted itself.But the thought of banging Jenny and not Francine shriveled his dick better thanan arctic swim.Shit, how to get out of this pickle? Honesty seemed like his best option.Wasn t that whatwomen always clamored for?  The mistake I meant was you and me going on a date.I m sorry, Jenny,you re a nice girl and all, but I think we need to just be friends.Her jaw dropped and hurt made her eyes glisten. But, I thought you wanted to be with me? Isn tthat why you called? I mean, everyone knows you and me are going to get together eventually.Youjust need to sow some oats first before you settle down.Feeling like an ass, but needing to make sure she didn t misunderstand, Mitchell took a deepbreath before speaking. Listen, Jenny.I called you because I was horny.It was wrong of me, I admitit.But I realize now, I can t do that to you.It wouldn t be fair. How is it unfair if I m willing? You don t have to propose to me tonight.Let s just go back tomy place and I ll show you why you made the right call.She clutched at him, and Mitchell pried her fingers free, trying to refrain from grimacing indistaste. No.I can t.I was trying to use you to forget someone else, but it s not going to work.Wearen t going to work.I m sorry.I ll just drive you home. Who is she?  No one. The hottest woman alive. I m sorry, Jenny.Come on, I ll give you a ride.Anger twisted Jenny s features. Screw you, Mitchell.Don t do me any fucking favors.I ll getmy own ass home, and it won t be alone, she yelled, shoving at his chest before stalking away.Sighing, he turned back to the bar and ordered a beer.Despite the nastiness of the past moment,relief swept through him, quickly followed by urgency, make that an overwhelming need to keep tabson Francine.Sweating brown bottle in hand, he sauntered over to the edge of the dance floor, callinghimself all kinds of stupid for doing it, but unable to stay away.Sipping his brew, he found himselfriveted by the sight of Francine dancing in the arms of her lover.Or is it mate like she implied? Eventhe thought roused his wolf, which paced in his mind with a snarl [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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