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.a) Shape - The basic shape of a floral cluster isdetermined by the internode lengths along the mainfloral axis and within individual floral clusters.Dense,long clusters result when internodes are short along along floral axis and there are short internodes within the individual compact floral clusters (Hindu Kush).Airy clusters result when a plant forms a stretchedfloral axis with long internodes between well-branchedindividual floral clusters (Thailand).The shape of a floral cluster is also determined by thegeneral growth habit of the plant.Among domesticCannabis phenotypes, for instance, it is obvious thatfloral clusters from a creeper phenotype plant willcurve upwards at the end, and floral clusters from thehuge upright phenotype will have long, straight floralclusters of various shapes.Early in the winter, manystrains begin to stretch and cease calyx production inpreparation for rejuvenation and sub sequentvegetative growth in the spring.Staminate plants alsoexhibit variation in floral clusters.Some plants havetight clusters of staminate calyxes resembling invertedgrapes (Hindu Kush) and others have long, hanginggroups of flowers on long, exposed, leafless branches(Thailand).b) Form - The form of a floral cluster is determined bythe numbers and relative proportions of calyxes andflowers.A leafy floral cluster might be 70% leaves andhave a calyx-to-leaf ratio of 1-to-4.It is obvious thatstrains with a high calyx-to-leaf ratio are moreadapted to calyx production, and therefore, to resinproduction.This factor could be advantageous incharacterizing plants as future parents of drug strains.At this point it must be noted that pistillate floralclusters are made up of a number of distinct parts.They include stems, occasional seeds, calyxes, innerleaves subtending calyx pairs (small, resinous, 1-3leaflets), and outer leaves subtending entire floralclusters (larger, little resin, 3-11 leaflets).The ratios(by dry weight) of these various portions vary bystrain, degree of pollination, and maturity of the floralclusters.Maturation is a reaction to environmentalchange, and the degree of maturity reached is subjectto climatic limits as well as breeder's preference.Because of this interplay between environment andgenetics in the control of floral form it is often difficultto breed Cannabis for floral characteristics.Athorough knowledge of the way a strain matures isimportant in separating possible inherited traits offloral clusters from acquired traits.Chapter IV, Maturation and Harvesting of Cannabis, delves intothe secrets and theories of maturation.For now, wewill assume that the following traits are describedfrom fully mature floral clusters (peak floral stage)before any decline.c) Calyx Size - Mature calyxes range in size from 2 to12 millimeters (1/16 to 3/8 inch) in length.Calyx sizeis largely dependent upon age and maturity.Calyxsize of a floral cluster is best expressed as theaverage length of the mature viable calyxes.Calyxesare still considered viable if both pistils appear freshand have not begun to curl or change colors.At thistime, the calyx is relatively straight and has not begunto swell with resin and change shape as it will whenthe pistils die.It is generally agreed that theproduction of large calyxes is often as important indeter mining the psychoactivity of a strain as thequantity of calyxes produced.Hindu Kush, Thai, andMexican strains are some of the most psychoactivestrains, and they are often characterized by largecalyxes and seeds.Calyx size appears to be an inherited trait inCannabis.Completely acclimatized hybrid strainsusually have many rather small calyxes, whileimported strains with large calyxes retain that sizewhen inbred.Initial selection of large seeds increases the chancethat offspring will be of the large-calyx variety.Aberrant calyx development occasionally results indouble or fused calyxes, both of which may set seed.This phenomenon is most pronounced in strains fromThailand and India.d) Color - The perception and interpretation of color inCannabis floral clusters is heavily influenced by theimagination of the cultivator or breeder.A gold straindoes not appear metallic any more than a red strainresembles a fire engine.Cannabis floral clusters arebasically green, but changes may take place later inthe season which alter the color to include variousshades.The intense green of chlorophyll usuallymasks the color of accessory pigments, Chlorophylltends to break down late in the season and anthocyanin pigments also contained in the tissuesare unmasked and allowed to show through [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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