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.He brings his fingers to his mouth, sucks it all off, winks at me, and jogs out of the room.I listen for him to finish in the bathroom and I have a turn.We arrive back at the room at the sametime and we both stop to stare at the naked body in front of us.Jay lets out a low whistle,  Damn baby, you're fucking sexy. So are you, my mouth has gone dry from remembering that I ve had that naked body on me andinside me.Yum.We get back into bed and Jay takes a bite of pie straight from the middle.He had brought in thewhole dish that we never got around to eating earlier. Hey! I cry,  Ladies first.He takes another bite, moaning, completely ignoring my protests, and twists his body when I tryto grab the fork from him. It's too good to share, he mumbles, mouth full of pie.When he goes to bring another bite to his mouth I bend over and snatch it into mine.So good.I lay back in bed, letting the pumpkin linger on my tongue. Fuck.Never mind, I m definitely sharing if you make noises like that.I open my eyes to find Jay hungrily devouring me with his. I didn't know I made any. It was soft, but fuck, it was just about one of the sexiest things I have ever heard. He feeds meanother bite and I'm in pumpkin pie heaven. Okay, time for round two. Jay throws the pie onto his nightstand, causing the glass to clink onthe wood.The taste of pumpkin in my mouth and in Jay's is fantastic. Fuck baby, the noises you make when you taste pumpkin.It's like a damn aphrodisiac to you.I never really thought about it like that before, but I guess it is. Next time if I think I'm going to come before you do, I ll just shove some pumpkin pie in yourmouth and I think that would do it.My eyes get wide and eager at the idea,  Can we try it?Jay laughs,  I was joking, but yeah baby, I'd like to see that. Let's get started then, I throw my arms around his neck and bring my lips to his.We begin toprepare each other for round two of what I think will be a long night full of many rounds, and lots andlots of pumpkin pie. Chapter 14Monday, January 132:16pm Jay? Hmm? He grumbles, half asleep.I hesitate before carrying on,  I have a favor to ask of you. Anything, baby, his voice is gritty, and he begins to stroke my back.I'm lying on his chest in the same position we fell asleep an hour ago.We've been alternatingbetween making love, talking, eating pie, and sleeping.I play with the muscles on his abs,  I want to have sex with me on my stomach, and you frombehind. I've been thinking about it for the last thirty minutes.The idea has me a little shaky, but I feelthe need to do it.Jay stops stroking my back and I feel his body tense under me,  Isn't that.? Yeah, I answer more throaty than I wanted to; I was hoping to come across more confident. I don't know, Lily.Are you ready for that?I shrug,  It's hard to explain, but I want to.Last night was the most wonderful, amazing moment ofmy life. I stop to savor Jay's lips on my hair, and the way he plays with the hairs at the bottom ofmy neck. If we do this, you need to promise that if it gets to be too much and you think you might startcrying you tell me.I couldn't handle watching you cry in sadness while I'm inside you. I will, I promise. Are you sore? A little, but I'm okay.Jay scrubs the scars on his face,  Okay, but before we do I need to make sure you're the horniestyou've ever been and have no time to think about what's happening because you're fully in themoment. That's every time you touch me.Jay rolls our bodies, and hovers over me,  Tell me to stop the second any signs of panic set in.I nod and he kisses me, slow and sweet.He begins to worship my body the same as the first time we were intimate, but this time as I'mabout to come from his mouth between my legs he stops to kiss and tease other parts of me.He doesthis five more times, leaving me panting, sweating, and my blood pumping wildly from needingrelease.His tongue laps circles around my nipple before taking it into his mouth and biting down on it.Heplays with it with his tongue while his fingers stroke my inner folds.I moan loudly when I'm close and he softens to a slower stroke, moving my wetness aroundwhich isn't necessary  I'm drenched. Jay, please, just fuck me already! I slap my hand over my mouth in shock with how feral Isound.Jay stops with my nipple between his lips, wickedly grins, pulls it up with his teeth, and tugsbefore letting go.  Aahh! I cry out from the pleasurable pain.I grab hold of Jay's head and firmly plant his lips to mine.I start to kiss him with an eagernessand greed I didn't know I had in me.I'm sure our lips will be raw by the time I'm done [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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