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.He brought his seeming snoutdown for a kiss.But he did not forget what counted: he was holding thenether connection for the minute required. No! Please! she cried, trying to avoid his cruel kiss.Her face was theonly part of her capable of resisting his embrace. Delightful, he said. I think I like you better this way, hating yourloss. He tried again for a kiss.This time she met him, kissing him back.That surprised him, but heheld it, enjoying it.He didn t know what ploy she could be trying, but re-fused to be distracted from the vital action below.At last he lifted his head, savoring his victory. I think the minute haspassed. Then he froze: the fog was pink. How long ? Thirty seconds, she said. You did not complete your minute.Nowyou re on mine.He tried to jerk away and discovered that not only had the colorchanged, his loop had lost its potency.She had quietly looped his arms andwrapped her legs around his hips.He struggled, but could not escape.In thissetting her strength matched his.She held him as the next thirty secondspassed, bringing her to the completion of her minute.Connected and inpink.He had been distracted trying to torture her, and not seen the colorchange in time.She had continued crying past the resumption of her free-dom, as if remaining caught.She had deceived him.And won. Damn, he said. Come into me, Erebus, she said as her powers recovered beyond thedream.She sucked him into her, like a reverse birth, making him part of herbody.She became the whole of Night and Darkness.Then she birthed the baby he had become, for there were no humandelays with the Incarnations.She squeezed him out: the Incarnation ofDreams.She had accomplished the rest of her mission.The dream framework dissolved.Nox was back in her own chamber,with the baby.Jolie was there, amazed. Tell them I won, she said. All of uswon.rs It was an elaborate hall, decorated for a party.Kerena was in a translu-cent evening gown, her hair loose and half floating.She looked devastatinglylovely.Jolie was in a gown too, looking her best.Perhaps slightly better thanher best in life. Where are we? In Erebus, Kerena said. But I thought you absorbed him. I did, and birthed his substance as the Incarnation of Dreams.Then Ilocked him into a region between the mortal realm and Hades.He has be-come Erebus the place. But isn t that dangerous? Suppose he locks us in? He can t.I deprived him of that power.But it hardly matters; this is notthe literal place, but a communal dream recreation of it.I needed an ambi-ance that anyone can visit, for this special party. Party? To celebrate the salvation of my timeline and all the others.It hasbeen a long and sometimes difficult chore, as you know.Jolie studied the hall. It is a very well appointed dream.But where is it?I mean, in which timeline? In no specific timeline, because some guests will be from the first,some from the second.Most can t cross, but the dream has no such restric-tion. Guests? They will be arriving soon.Most are from T1, as are you.But I am fromT2, and a few others.There will be no problem. No problem, Jolie agreed uncertainly.A handsome young man appeared.He reminded Jolie strongly of SirGawain of old. Thank you, Jolie. Meet Gaw Two, in his adult form, Kerena said. He crafted this dream,of course.Music started. Will you honor me with the first dance, Grandmother? By all means. The two danced, perfectly, an extraordinarily hand-some couple.Mother and son, grandson, great grandson on through thecenturies, at last reunited, he cured and eternal as an Incarnation.A man appeared. May I cut in? Of course, Morely. And as Kerena entered his embrace, Jolie saw thatit was true.Her first lover had returned.That was an advantage of a dreamsetting: life and death no longer mattered.Morely had spent some time inPurgatory but finally made it to Heaven, and of course his soul had beenreleased for this occasion. I always knew you had promise, Morely told her. Now you have savedthe central trunk of the Tree of Life. Gaw Two turned to Jolie with a flourish.They danced, and he was theperfect partner.Jolie smiled. I knew you when you were a baby, she said. More than once. I am the culmination of fifteen hundred years of babies, he agreed. Grandmother, bless her, simply would not give over until she had restoredme. Well, she loves you.They finished the dance and went to sit on the sideline. Mother has animpressive guest list, he remarked.Mother was Orlene, the Incarnation ofGood, who had fought as hard to save him in her way as Kerena had in hers.She had coordinated with Nox to set this up.A pretty young woman appeared. Molly! Kerena cried, hurrying toembrace her old young friend. Congratulations on saving the timeline.Lovely party. Would you object if I invited Morgan le Fey also?Molly paused. I never achieved vengeance against her. This would not be for that purpose.I am inviting those who had sig-nificance in my life or career.Molly shrugged. It s your party.Morgan le Fey appeared, also eloquently garbed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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