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.His capacities for producing the male product seem to become stepped up and he became inexhaustible.Rona settleddown on the bed and she was sucking her Nick's cock while she watched Alicia punishing Orville.Janetslid beneath the young man and she used her mouth to capture the juices that Alicia's whips drove fromhim.Janet was enjoying herself and Alicia was enjoying Arturo's hungry mouth at her crotch and whileshe continued to whip Orville's midsection her own pleasures were accounted for by the eager andardent Arturo.The session lasted for hours and when she finally went to her own bed with her slaves, she was tired andsated for the time being.She got into her bed and slept without bothering to shower.Janet and Arturosettled down on either side of her and they were too tired for the shower, too.Now it was time for a late breakfast and after some sleep, her sexual desires were raging anew.Ronawas radiant and very happy, and Alicia hoped that she was part of the reason for Rona's cheerfulness.She knew that Rona was pleased with the way she was learning the things that she had come to learn."You have a real talent for the whips," Rona told her, while they lingered at the table over coffee."I'msure that you will be quite talented too in many of the other ways of sex.I certainly hope so.Now,would you like to take on some new customers?"Alicia laughed as she felt a brand new surge of excitement bursting inside of her.She was dying to takeon new customers.She knew that she was especially fond of wielding the whips, that she couldexperience the greatest and most intense sexual orgasms while engaged in such activity, and she didn'tseem to care too much whether her victims were male or female."I would love to have some new customers," she said."Send them along and I will treat them to newagonies and real thrills.You can watch if you like.""Janet likes to be whipped," Rona said."And Arturo can always be restored to brand new vigor with agood whipping.I want you to practice and if you think that you can handle it, perhaps you can begintaking house calls.Would you like that?"Alicia nodded, wearing a happy grin.She knew that she was learning rapidly but she had not supposedthat she was ready to take on strangers.Rona apparently thought that she was ready.She smoked several cigarettes and drank several cups of coffee with Rona and the older girl said thatshe would send some of the masochists up to Alicia's suite and she could deal with them as skillfully aspossible.She would look in on the whole business, either in person, or by using the closed circuittelevision hook up."I will try to spend some time with you so that I can teach you some of the finer points of the art that youare beginning to learn.And, perhaps, Janet can be helpful.She knows quite a lot about such things forone so young.Now, run along and let us get you started on your way."They talked a bit longer and Alicia was surprised when Rona told her that she would be permitted to doanything at all that she might want to do to the young people who came to her for a type of sexualexperience that was the only thing that would really satisfy their urges.Rona explained, too, that many ofthose who would come to her for service were people who would return to their homes after awonderful vacation spent in Rona's mansion.They were paying huge sums of money for their pleasuresand the harsher that Alicia would deal with them, the better they would like it.Alicia was determinedthat she would be quite vicious with all of those who came to her suite but Rona just laughed at that."It takes a lot of practice to be absolutely callous in these matters," Rona said, "but, I have high hopesfor you.In time you will be very valuable to me." When Alicia and her slaves returned to her chamber, she told them that they were to keep their clotheson.She did not want to share her nice young slaves with her visitor and she was hopeful that later in theday they would be able to spend some time with Orville.Her first customer was a very pretty young girl.She was a blonde and she had a very beautiful body,with large firm breasts and wide, softly rounded hips.She wore a shift and she smiled a bit selfconsciously as she entered Alicia's room."Hello," the girl said."My name is Shirley and Rona told me that you would give me a whipping."Alicia smiled."I will, too," she said."Now take your things off and I will try to help you."The girl seemed to enjoy having them watch her disrobe and when she was naked, Alicia couldunderstand why.The young woman had a superb figure and when Alicia reached out and squeezed thesharply shaped breasts the girl moaned and slid to her knees.She lifted her face upwards and her eyesclosed.She began kneading and squeezing her own breasts and then she was begging Alicia to whipthem, to bring them to glowing, seething life.Alicia looked at Arturo and Janet and she saw that theywere very much excited and when she asked Arturo if he would like to eat the girl's twat while she wasgetting whipped he nodded, too stirred up to speak.Alicia had Janet bring the flat case to her and she chose a whip with a short handle and several thongswith beaded tips.She noticed Janet's face and she gave her a questioning look."You should use the strap at first," Janet said."That makes the skin and the flesh tingle and get red hotand then when you whip her she starts coming and keeps on doing it."She invited Janet to show her how to hurt the girl's flesh and she was glad that the girl had already shiftedinto a state of sexual excitement too advanced to be interested in the talk that was taking place aroundher."Why don't you take care of her?" Alicia said."I can watch and you can show me just how to be reallygood at my work.""I would like to do that," Janet said, happily."I like this kind of fun any way.I mean I get lots of fun outof dishing it out and I can enjoy taking it, too."Arturo was already on the floor, his upturned mouth busily teasing the girl's sexual meat into a statewhere she was already feeding him the sweetness of her glands.Janet began stinging the girl's breasts with an instrument that looked like a narrow, elongated fly swatter.The blade of the strap was perforated and the blows that Janet gave the young breasts seemed to turnthe girl into a bundle of excruciating anguish.Janet was merciless, stinging the top of the breasts, firstone then the other, then she would bring the strap upwards in a harsh, cruel stroke that turned the underpart of the glorious breasts into crimson, shimmering excitation.Alicia glanced at Arturo and it was plainthat the girl was drenching his expert tongue, forcing her juices into his mouth, driven into spectacularagitation by Janet's efforts with the strap."Now she's ready for something new," Janet said, gaily.She stepped back and began stinging the nipples with the brutal weapon and as Alicia looked at the girl'scrotch to see what sexual reaction was possible she saw that the girl had wet all over Arturo's face, hercontrols gone now, her whole person a seething, fulminating mass of over-stimulated cells and screamingnerve ends and she was in a world of erotic ecstasies not even imagined by more sedate humans.This Alicia could see and envy.She was becoming much too stimulated herself and while she watched Janet turn the girl into a symbol ofspectacular sex, she ached with the desire for sexual release."Why don't you sit down and our little guest will make love to you while I work on the rest of her body,"Janet said, as she stopped for a time, to select a new weapon.This time she chose a strap that lookedlike an old fashioned razor strop and that too, was perforated for greater sting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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