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.Hewasn't stupid.However, Marcus had a wicked, sexy smile going on, face sheened with sweat, six-packripped.Bastard."Uh-huh."Marcus leaned in and spoke quietly, that smile become even more wicked. Not to mention you lookhot in that outfit, baby.""Stop it. He was in little shorts and a muscle shirt.He wasnot being hot.Not to mention that if he goteven the tiniest hint of a stiffie, he was fucked."I just call  em like I see  em. Marcus eyes were seeing, all right, looking him up and down."Stop. He looked away, trying desperately to focus on the weight, the ache, the burn in his ass from hisspanking this morning, Marcus making him come twice from a slow, seductive session that had himmelted and.No.Nope.Stop it.Reps.One.Two.Three.Marcus pouted. I've done my reps.I'm going to move on to the treadmill."The treadmills were right behind the weights.If he looked into the mirror he'd be able to see Marcusass behind him.If he turned and faced the other way, he'd be facing that ass head on.Jim closed hiseyes, doing his reps, trying to imagine ugly, awful things, trying to forget that beautiful body, workingbehind him."Hello, Marcus! Nice to see you.""Well, hello there.Long time no see."He looked over, a beautiful, buff, dark-skinned man standing alongside Marcus, hand on his lover's hip. You don't come in at night to work out anymore." "No, no, we're scheduled to work out at noon now. Marcus looked back and met his eyes, smilingwarmly."We? You have a we, now?"Jim growled a little.Yes, indeed.Marcus most definitely had a  we'."I do. Marcus smile widened. Jim? Come on over and meet Darren."He put the dumbbell down and stood, nodding and wiping his hands off as he headed over. Hey,Darren.""Hi there.Jim did you say? Darren waited for the nod from Marcus and then grinned and took his hand. We'll all be sad to know Marcus is off the market.""Not all of us. Jim chuckled. I'm very pleased."Darren chuckled and Marcus laughed. Well put, baby."Jim pinked and then headed over to the next treadmill.No sense in getting cooled down."Maybe we can go out for a drink or something after your work-out? Darren looked hopeful.Marcus shook his head. We have plans, but thank you."He felt like he ought to interrupt, say no, you go or we can, no problem.It wasn't true, though.Theywere going out to lunch and then to the book store.Then home to.play, Marcus had said.Play hard as a reward for this morning.Like this morning hadn'tbeen its own reward."That's too bad.Maybe some other time?""Maybe. Marcus didn't make any move to set a time or take Darren's number or anything, though. Itwas nice to see you.""Nice to meet you. Jim pushed the treadmill a little faster, focusing on his legs, his rhythm, not on theman beside him.Darren lingered a moment longer, but Marcus had also gone back to his running and the guy eventuallydrifted off."He was hot.Have you known him long? Not that he was jealous.Marcus shrugged. I've seen him often enough at the gym and we've been out a few times for drinks.With a group.I knew he was interested in more, but I never was.""No? Why?""He's pretty enough, but he's not the serious type. Marcus chuckled. And he thinks he's into the lifestyle, but he's only playing at that, too.""How do you know? Marcus seemed to have this radar thing about that."For one thing, I've never seen him at the Hammer.""Is that important? He'd never been there when Marcus had chosen him."Well, it confirms my instincts about him.""But I hadn't.Been there.I mean, I didn't even know about us.About our life. The angle went up againand he started panting, hitting his limit."My gut was screaming at me over you, baby."Jim looked over, stumbling a little, the need in those words enough to make him whimper.Marcus eyes were on him, heated. You about ready to go?""I.You? I have another two miles, but. He was getting harder and harder."I can wait if I have to. Marcus winked and continued running on his treadmill."I.Marcus.I'll get.I have to.Fuck. He closed his eyes, focusing hard."You sound all flustered, baby. Marcus throaty words werenot helping."Hush.No talking. Even Marcus damn chuckles were sexy. Stop it.I'll get hard, Marcus. He hissedthe words out."A lot of guys get hard at the gym, baby.""I'm in little shorts.Don't talk.""I'm not talking dirty or anything, Jim.""You don't have to. He looked over, grinned. Really."Marcus grin was smug. I knew you'd love the gym, baby.""Shut up. He stuck his tongue out, and they both laughed.His treadmill beeped and Marcus turned them both off, grinning widely. I'm not sure how we'resupposed to wait until we get home.""Cold showers. He dared to reach out, nudge Marcus wrist."Very cold, growled Marcus."Uh-huh. He headed for the locker rooms, not looking at anyone.He could feel Marcus eyes on hisass as he walked.He thumped his cock, hard, sighing as it went down. "Ow, baby.Be nice to yourself. Marcus hand ghosted across his ass as they turned a corner in thelocker room and found themselves alone.He headed right for the showers, the cold water.Marcus took the stall next to his. Better? Marcus asked as soon as the cold water came on."Uh.Uh-huh. He legs muscles started cramping and he gasped, knees buckling a little."Jim? Are you all right? Marcus looked over the top of the stall."Y.yeah. Fuck.Fuck.Ow.Ow.Cold.Frowning, Marcus came around, turned off the water and supported him. Cramp?"He nodded, panting through it, the muscles like rocks in his legs.Bending, Marcus began to massage hislegs, fingers digging into the hard muscles."Oh.Oh, God.Damn.""No more cold showers right after exercising, baby. Marcus kept working on his legs."Okay.Okay.I promise. Anything.Just make it better."Come on, baby.Relax.""I don't knowhow ! His voice was loud, surprising him, and he jerked away.One foot went out fromunderneath him, and he slammed to the floor of shower, his breath huffing out of him."Baby. Marcus sat and tugged him into his lover's lap, fingers still working on his poor muscles."Ow. He could just die."It'll ease, baby.""Uh-huh. His head was pounding from where it cracked on the floor, his butt was stinging.On the goodside, his legs were better.Okay.Okay, up off the floor.Quick.Before someone came in."Whoa, where's the fire? Marcus steadied him as he stood."Someone could come in." "We weren't doing anything wrong. Marcus wrapped a towel around his waist."I was in your lap.Naked.""You were hurt. Marcus grabbed a towel of his own."Yeah. He stopped, turned to Marcus. Thank you for the help.That really sucked.""You're welcome.It put a bit of a damper on our visit, hmm?""Kept me from getting hard, though. He got dressed, smiling over. I have a knot on my head."Marcus snorted. We're all men here, baby.No one's going to get upset over a hard-on.""It's just.I don't like to, not in public. It was wrong."I know you don't, but we weren't hurting anyone. Marcus snorted. We weren't even trying to doanything sexual, baby, so don't worry about it.""Yeah.Yeah, okay. He got dressed, nodded. You know, it's your fault."One of Marcus eyebrows rose up toward that beautiful, bald head. What's my fault?""You make me all. He shrugged. You are incredibly sexy.It's impossible to ignore.""Good.I don't want you to ignore me or your reactions to my being near. Marcus looked around andthen leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Now let's get home.We have plans [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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