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."Oh, fuck." Alec's legs spread wide."Oh, god.""I don't know, Kono, but god might actually be betterthan sir."Kono nodded, watching Alec writhe."Sir.Kono.Guys.Please.Please, someone touchme." Now that was begging.And Swan rewarded it."Mmm.Now there's a goodboy.Explore him with your tongue, boy."108 "Yes, sir." Kono started with the tip of Alec's cock,tongue tracing the metal."How does it taste, boy?"He moaned, wrapped his lips around Alec's cockheadand sucked, before his lips popped off."Different."Alec keened, his whole body going tight.Konomoved down, taking one of Alec's balls in his lips."Fuck!" Alec shivered and moaned for them.Swan began to touch Alec, too, fingers dragging overAlec's skin, teasing the little brown nipples.Alecwrithed, so lovely, so hungry for them both."You have no idea how amazing you look, Alec."Swan's voice had a rasp in it, a deep-seated hunger.Kono just moaned, pulling on the heavy sac."How does the penis plug feel, Alec?" Swan's fingersflicked back and forth across Alec's nipples as he spoke."Full.Full.God, I can't ignore it."Swan chuckled."Why would you want to ignore it?""Because it's maddening.""Good.I want it to be." Bending, Swan licked theshell of Alec's ear, making Alec jerk, every touchunexpected, startling.It was hot."And you're not theonly one who can't come.Kono was going to shoot, justfrom putting it in you.Can you imagine that?""Oh, fuck.And you? Are you hard?"Swan shifted, pressing his very hard cock againstAlec's belly."What do you think?""Uhn." Alec arched, his sac popping from Kono'smouth."I want to fuck you while you're wearing that plug."Swan said the best things, making Kono need to shoot.Even if he couldn't.He kissed his way up Alec's belly, his.metalizedshaft rubbing on the man's leg.109 "Can you feel the sperm stopper Kono's wearing?"Swan licked Alec's lips."Sperm stopper?" Alec asked.Kono's lips wrapped around one nipple, and he kepthumping, driving harder."That's what they call it.Because it keeps you fromcoming.""I just feel his heat." Alec reached down for him.Swan grabbed Alec's hand."Ask for permissionbefore you touch.""Please.Please, Swan.I need to feel.""Good one, baby." Swan took Alec's hand and guidedit down to Kono's prick.His hips rolled, pushed into that perfect, heatedtouch."Love!""Can you feel it now, Alec? Feel how the metalsurrounds his glans, how the metal goes into his slit?""I need to see it." Alec's fingers explored his prick."Please, Swan.Love.Please.""Not yet.We're not done with you yet."The little ball was pushed, just a little deeper, andKono cried out, humping Alec's hand."Oh, someone likes to play more than he admits."Swan's hand covered Alec's, pushing the ball evendeeper.He flailed a little bit, the pressure perfect."He likes that, Alec.His face is stunning."Kono grabbed their wrists, not guiding, just holdingon.Swan met his eyes, holding his gaze as the manmoved their hands on him."I ache.Love.Alec.Sir.God, it aches." He had to tellthem.It was so good."Have you ever had an orgasm without coming,boy?"Kono shook his head, throat working.110 "Then today will be a first.""Please.Please, I need." His balls felt heavy, full.Hehad to come, he just had to.Swan and Alec kept moving the ball in his slit andSwan leaned in, spoke right into his ear."You're allowedto come, boy.""I.How? How? Please." He turned, took Swan's lips."Just let it happen.It'll be huge."His hips moved, rocked, and he heard Alec beggingSwan to let him see, let him watch this."When the blindfold comes off -- that's when youcome." The order was clear in Swan's tone."Anything.Please.Please, sir." Alec could rememberto sir their Swan when he needed something badlyenough."When the blindfold comes off." Swan kept playingwith the metal in Kono's slit, free hand slowly moving toAlec's head.Then suddenly the blindfold was gone, Alec blinking,trying to focus.Those eyes slid down his body, andKono arched as they hit his cock, his body convulsing ashe lost it."Oh, fuck." Alec sounded like he was going to cry.Swan moaned, hand holding his prick even tighter.Kono's cock throbbed, the room swimming.It was thelongest, most incredible orgasm he'd ever had and yetnot had at the same time."You look stunning, boy." Swan's hand slid to strokehis belly.Alec just whispered his name like it was a prayer.Kono sobbed softly, overwhelmed, a little shaken,and it was Swan who held him close, murmured softwords of praise.111 "You're amazing, boy.Your pleasure makes youexquisite." Swan stroked his back, hand solid and warm,there.He cuddled in, clinging to Swan as his heartbeatslowed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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