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.I have attempted toention explain in basic terms, the up to date, no bullshit approach that must be takenem.The in todays world of bodybuilding.My articles in the NO BULL magazine eachck month give testimony to that.I believe that you the reader should be told whatwill help is what, any other way is just asking for a kick in the pants.Many of you askthe questions but are not given the answers that you seek.Do you think that initself is not dangerous.There are those who would wish to stop all aspects ofn the bodybuilding, period.They do not understand, we do simply because we aree involved in the sport daily and we treat all training aspects with respect, wethey train with a passion.If you do not then you had best take up something lessND taxing.I personally am involved in this sport almost 24 hours a day, I requirethat very little sleep.I receive anything from 100 calls per day from people who wishto ask questions on not only steroid therapy but the simple basics.I amconstantly trying to improve not only myself, but the sport in general, for manyreasons.hat haswill You see I have been there.Competed with success, coached with even greaters to offer success, been ripped off, taken too much gear, taken to little (hee hee),watch studied, qualified and even cried about the bloody sport, many times.I havee been through all that you can imagine.It is from the heart that I write this bookwill be and not like the bullshit, load of bollocks publications that I have seen of late.39 Prove me wrong!Let me tell you of one recent occurrence, one of which I would ask for yourhelp.I need your support in order that I can help YOU! As I have said earlier, Iam the Chief Correspondent to Britains leading bodybuilding magazine, BODY-BUILDING MONTHLY, a magazine that I have been with now for quite a fewyears.I love the damn thing, as do all of the other people involved.In the Julyissue of 1993, my editor and myself came up with the idea that because of allthe letters that I have been receiving over the years it would be a great chanceto give the readers something that they have been asking for years, a help lineif you like.We did it and "The NO BULL COLECTION" was born.It was atremendous success.I had wanted to do something like it for years and now ithad come to pass, thanks to my editor who showed great courage.Within afew weeks we had one complaint, two tops, and they had been planted I firmlybelieve by someone in opposition to the mag.Pricks! Subsequently, W.H.Smiths and their associates threatened us with non-distribution of the mag ifthe article were not pulled out.That is Big Brother tactics that really pisses meoff - period!You the reader had already appreciated my honesty, wanted the truth and wasgetting it, no bull, how it should be.They now want us to stop it.I DON'T! Iwanted to expose the companies that are ripping us of, the supplement sharksthat dish out nothing but rubbish, you pay for that rubbish - why should ya? Ialso feel that there was a little influence there also, se la vie'.I would ask you ifyou prefer the truth? I think so too! You can help me kick the arses of thesemothers.Please write to me at my home address which is featured inBodybuilding Monthly and also MuscleMag International.Your thoughts wouldbe much appreciated as this is a very important issue which should be dealtwith.I would also like to announce my own publication in the near future,please look out for it, it will be quite controversial I can tell you - Phew! You willbe able to obtain this at the place at which you purchased this book or directfrom me - no problem.Finally - honest.With regards to the training aspects involved with steroid ther-apy, it would be totally stupid of me to put a workout in this book and then sayto you all, "this workout will guarantee results".NOT! It is pointless to put onedown I feel for many reasons.Being in the coaching game for so long, I knowwhat will work, but this has to be individualised and no other way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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