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.Think of all of the places I couldfuck you the side of the house, the barn, and even the wood pile.Icould just bend you over the sawhorse and sink my cock into yoursweet ass. Yeah.Yeah.Neumus had yet to be able to fuck Kye.There just hadn t beentime.But his mate did not seem to be adverse to the idea.If anything,the more Neumus talked about it, the more excited Kye became. 128 Stormy GlennKye s breathing hitched when Neumus flicked his thumbnail overthe head of his cock.He started groaning, and he wasn t quiet aboutit.Neumus was pretty sure every shifter in the area could hear hislittle mate.He just didn t care.Kye was gorgeous every second of the day.In the throes ofpassion, Kye was absolutely stunning.The soft flush that tinged hisskin gave him a healthy, ethereal glow that made him seem like hemight have been an angel from heaven sent to earth to entice hismates.It was working.Neumus was totally taken by his mate.Hugh washandsome, rugged.He made Neumus ache just by walking into aroom.Kye was beautiful.He made Neumus s chest ache just bysmiling. Are you going to come for me, little bit? Neumus asked as hewrapped a hand up in Kye s long hair and pulled him forward. Showme how much you want my cock in your ass.Neumus knew he was being a little forceful when he pulled onKye s hair and yanked his head back.He just couldn t help it.Kye gotto him like no man ever had.He leaned closer and stroked his tongueover the mating bite he had left in Kye s throat when he claimed him.Kye screamed and stiffened.Warm heat sprayed over Neumus shand.Kye s natural scent combined with the smell of his release,grabbed a hold of Neumus and thrust him into an orgasm that causedspots to dance in front of his eyes.Neumus grunted, sinking his teeth into Kye s throat as he came,relishing in the sweet taste of his mate as much as he did his orgasm.Both brought him extreme pleasure.Knowing that he had given hismate his first rub off only added to the amount of pleasure sweepingthrough his body.After a moment, Neumus extracted his teeth and licked the bloodaway from Kye s throat.He loosened his grip on his mate s hair and A Little Bit of Heaven 129leaned back to look into Kye s eyes.They had lightened again to theirnormal moss green, but they were dazed.Neumus chuckled when he licked the cum off his hand and Kye seyes darkened right back up.He was beginning to suspect that hismate had a little bit of a kinky streak in him.Vanilla sex had a timeand place, but so did balls-to-the-wall, earth-shattering sex.Neumus couldn t wait to introduce Kye to sex toys.Neumus tucked Kye back into his pants and zipped them up andthen did the same to himself.As soon as his hands moved away fromhis groin, Kye slumped against him, burrowing his head in underNeumus s chin.Neumus smiled and wrapped his arms around his mate, feelingtotally content except for the lack of one of his mates.He glanceddown the driveway, wondering where Hugh was and if he was okay.He couldn t help but worry that something had happened.Theyhadn t heard form Hugh since they left Stellan s place.He thoughtthey would have at least received a phone call or something.Hell,he d settle for carrier pigeon at this point. Who s that?Neumus blinked, realizing that there were a couple of vehiclescoming up the driveway.He instantly stood up, Kye cuddled in hisarms. Otto, he shouted as he walked into the house.He needed toget his mate to safety.Otto walked out of the bedroom at the end of the hallway, Kumikoand Tre coming out right after him. What s wrong? We have company.Otto nodded and walked into the living room, heading for a blackbag sitting against the wall near the fireplace.He squatted down andpulled several items out.Neumus s eyes widened when he realizedthat they were weapons.Otto armed himself and then stood, turning back around. How doyou want to do this? I think we should find out who they are first. 130 Stormy GlennOtto nodded. And if they belong to Alpha Aldo s pride?Neumus shrugged. Kill them?He wasn t taking any chances with his mate s safety. Done, Otto replied.Neumus frowned when Kye smacked him on the chest. What? You can t just go around killing people, Kye insisted. I can if your safety is threatened. At this point, it s not.We don t even know who is out there. Fine, then let s find out. Neumus set Kye on his feet andpointed his finger at the man. If you don t want me to kill anyone,then stay here where it s safe.Do not step out that door until I givethe okay.Understood?Kye rolled his eyes, but only where Neumus could see it, no oneelse. Fine, I ll stay here.Just try not to maim anyone if you don thave to.I don t want this pride to have the reputation as a bloodthirstyone. I do, Neumus snorted.He d be thrilled if they had a bloodthirstyreputation.No one would mess with them.Kye planted his hands on his hips and glared.He suddenlyreminded Neumus of his brother s mate, Benji.Kye had the same no-nonsense glint in his eyes that he often saw in Benji s eyes.Neumushad the sinking feeling that Kye s true nature was coming out nowthat he was mated, and he and Hugh were going to be wrapped aroundthe little man s finger.Damn.Neumus sighed. Just stay here, Kye.Please?Kye sighed and raised his arms from his hips to cross them overhis chest. I ll stay here. Thank you. Neumus nodded to Kumiko. Please find the othersand help Tre keep them safe.Kumiko nodded and darted off down the hallway.Neumus gaveKye one more look and then turned and walked out onto the frontporch.He really wished that Hugh was here right now.Hell, he d A Little Bit of Heaven 131settle for Boone being here.Just someone.He was terrified that hewouldn t be able to keep Kye and the others safe.Neumus had no idea what the members of Hugh s old pridelooked like, so he didn t know if the people climbing out of thevehicles were ones he needed to be wary of or not.When Otto relaxeda little, he wasn t relieved, but he felt better. Are they from your old pride? No, Otto replied. I don t recognize them. Who do you think they are? The neighborhood welcoming committee?Neumus groaned. Gods, I hope not. That s all he needed.Hehad enough problems on his hands without meeting the neighbors.Neumus felt a little better when he realized there were only two menand two women in the group.The rest were all children. Hello, an older man called out as he approached the porch. I mnot sure if you remember me, Mr.Mihos.I m Allan Granger.We metwhen your brother came for Benji.Neumus suddenly remembered where he had met the man andwhen.He blew out the breath he had been holding.Neumus plastereda smile on his face as he stepped off the porch and held his hand outto the man. Yes, I remember you, Mr.Granger.And please, call meNeumus. We ve come to meet with our new alpha and see if you all needany help getting the place fixed up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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