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.Brent turned around on the couch, settling back into a deep slouch with a bottle ofbeer propped with both hands on his belly as he watched Hell and Johnnie battle in somefuturistic, fantasy fighting game.He couldn t have told you the name of it if he tried, butJohnnie had been jazzed to find that Hell could play.He d claimed to have not found hismatch yet, which had made Tyler snort in offense.So Johnnie and Hell sat on the floorbetween the couch and the wall where the huge television was mounted.Hell looked like a child, so small next to Johnnie.He even had his tongue peeking outbetween those full lips, biting it as he concentrated.How cute is that? Those long, talentedfingers were wrapped around the game controller, and Brent let his mind happily wander tovivid recollections of those fingers wrapped around his cock, pulling pleasure out of him assurely as had that wet mouth and the tongue that was currently being bit.Brent wrapped his own hand around the neck of his beer bottle and brought it to hislips, visions of sinking his fingers into the imp s soft curls while the imp sank balls deep intohis ass dancing through his head.Around him, the casual, impromptu pizza party continued.Luc and Reese hadgraciously accepted having guests for this last night of the week that the band would spend 102 Jet Myklesin the Weiss Strande East.The next day, they would hop on a plane to Los Angeles to filmthe second part of the video.Deciding he d watched enough of Johnnie and Hell duke it out, Brent got up to headtoward the table to see if there was pizza left.He wondered how much longer he d have tostay.Then he wondered if he could lure Hell back to his room afterward.Or duck into Hell sroom.So far, they d spent every night since the first together.Brent s ass was quite happilysore, and his cock had never been more ready nor more sated, a strange juxtaposition, but hewas enjoying it.He d just snagged a piece of pepperoni pizza when someone grabbed his arm.Heshoved a bite into his mouth as he turned to see Reese, who was pulling him into thedeserted bedroom.He chewed and swallowed thoughtfully when they got there, watchingReese drop his wrist and turn to face him.His blue-tinged black hair made for odd shadowsin the half-lit room. Okay, Luc and I have a bet going.He says he doesn t know for sure. Reese glancedover Brent s shoulder.Brent glanced back to see Luc coming through the door, fingers tucked in the frontpockets of his jeans.Casually, he flipped on the overhead light, meeting Brent s curious lookwith a smirk. Are you sleeping with Hell?Reese s words got Brent to turn back to face him, eyes open wide.He also stoppedchewing in shock.Luc laughed.Reese scowled. Well?Brent swallowed and twisted his neck to look at Luc, who now leaned against theheavy wooden armoire at the foot of the bed. How did you find out?Reese hissed, slapping his hands on his thighs, which only made Luc laugh again. Heaven Sent 3: Hell 103 You knew, Reese accused, pointing at his lover.Luc shook his head. I didn t. He smirked at Brent. I guessed.Brent flushed, shoving another bite of pizza into his mouth. When d you guess? heasked around the mouthful. At Sunday night s performance.You two were acting strange, and you -- He grinnedand cocked his head. -- were walking funny He laughed, and Brent felt the blush on hisface that prompted it. If I had to take a guess, I d say something happened after theperformance Saturday night. When Brent winced, he chuckled. And it looks like my guessis right. Damn it, Reese grumbled, dropping to sit on the edge of the neatly made bed.Luc cast a fond look on his lover. I told you, tiger, don t test me where Brent sconcerned.I know him too well. Yeah, yeah. Reese pointed a mildly accusing look at Brent. I just didn t think you dsleep with another member of the band.Brent blinked and turned quickly away from Reese, keeping his face averted from bothof them. Yeah, well. He took another bite of pizza. Oh, hey, I m sorry, Brent.It s not that you can t, of course. Reese grinned at him,leaning forward eagerly. I think it s great that you and Hell are together.Brent glanced anxiously toward the door, flapping his free hand at Reese. Hey, keep itdown. The music from the other room wasn t up all that loud, so he wasn t sure if anyonejust outside the door could hear.Reese frowned. Is it a secret? He hasn t told anyone, tiger, Luc reminded Reese gently. Uh, yeah.Right. Big blue eyes tossed the question at Brent. Why not?Brent shrugged, then glanced toward the door again. It s just sex.There s nothing totell. He looked up, pizza poised at his lips, just in time to see them exchange a look. What? 104 Jet MyklesLuc returned his look calmly. Nothing.He tore a bite of pizza. Well, it is. To drive home his point, Brent put on a wolfishsmile. It s awfully good sex.Luc grinned at him, but it seemed a bit placating. About damn time you got laid.Brent sneered and flipped Luc off. Anyway, it s no one else s business but ours. As long as you two are happy with it, Luc said.Brent met his gaze.He was happy.For now.Until Hell was done with him.But hedidn t have to think about that right now. Yeah. So?! Reese actually bounced on the edge of the bed. Tell! How d it happen?Brent gaped at him. Jesus, are you a twelve-year-old girl, too?Reese s mouth fell open in shock, and Luc doubled over in laughter.Brent was about to take pity on Reese and explain when a commotion in the otherroom lured all three of them to the doorway.Just about everyone was ringed around thecouch, watching Hell dancing like a football player who d just made a touchdown.Whichwas a funny sight considering he wore a big indigo jacket that fit kind of like a dress andsnug white pants that fit like tights.His hair flailed around like one of the Muppets.Johnniewas on his butt on the floor, back against the couch, staring in disbelief at the televisionscreen.Tyler rushed up, looked at his spouse, looked at the television, then at Hell, then brokeinto a belly laugh. Oh, my God! Did he beat you?Johnnie glared up at Tyler. Shut it, Blondie.Which only made Tyler laugh harder.Hell hooted, dropping the controller and skipping away when Johnnie made a grab forhis legs. You get back here! Johnnie ordered, getting up on his hands and knees. Heaven Sent 3: Hell 105 Oh, no.I will enjoy my victory. Once! You beat me once! Once is enough.He danced over to Tyler s side, and the blond readily held up his hand for a high-five.Johnnie was not amused.Hell spun and spied Brent at the bedroom door with Luc and Reese.Beaming, hetrotted over.All three of them obediently high-fived him and congratulated him, and if Hellheld Brent s hand just a touch longer than the others, probably only Luc and Reese wouldnotice. We re going to have a rematch, Hellion! Johnnie called after him.Brent had seen theconsolatory kiss Tyler gave him, so Johnnie sounded a lot angrier than he surely was.Andanyway, Johnnie just didn t stay angry.Not about things like this, even if he did take hisvideo games seriously.Hell chuckled, turning back to Johnnie. Indeed.That is why I will enjoy this night [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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