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.5.Khechari, Shakti Chalana, Vajroli and other advanced courses should not be practised byall.The aspirants should ascertain from the Guru if they are fit for such advanced exercises and alsothey should see if they have all other requirements for the practice.6.Uddiyana Bandha is also called Tadagi Mudra.Seet-Krama and Vyut-Krama describedon page 39 are called Matangini Mudra.Do Mula Bandha.Release it.Again and again do like this.It is termed Aswini Mudra.7.Those who have not undergone the preliminary portion of Khechari Mudra (making thetongue long) can simply keep the tongue turned upwards on the palate.This is Nabho Mudra orManduki Mudra.8.Real success in Mudras can be had only if there is intense concentration of mind.Adetailed instruction on concentration will be given in the subsequent pages.MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISESLAYA YOGALaya is the state of mind when one forgets all the objects of senses and gets absorbed in theobject of meditation.Laya enables one to have perfect control over the five Tattvas, mind andIndriyas.The fluctuations of mind will stop.The mind, body and Prana will be entirely subdued.For Laya Yoga, Sambhavi Mudra is an effective method, in which one intently concentrateson any one of the Shat Chakras.Trataka exercise plays a vital part in getting success in Laya.In duecourse of practice, the Yogin gets established in Samadhi.He becomes a Jivanmukta.ANAHATA SOUNDSAnahata sounds are the mystic sounds heard by the Yogin during his meditation.It is a signof the purification of Nadis.Some students can clearly hear it through any one of the ears and someby both the ears.There are loud as well as subtle sounds.From the loud, one will have tocontemplate on the subtle and from the subtle to the subtler.Beginners can hear the sound onlywhen the ears are closed.Advanced students can concentrate on the Anahata sound even withoutclosing the ears.Anahata sound is also termed Omkara Dhvani.They proceed from the Anahatacentre of the Sushumna Nadi.73 KUNDALINI YOGASit in your usual Asana.Close the ears with the thumbs.Hear and minutely observe theinternal sound through the ears.The sound that you hear from within will make you deaf to allexternal sounds.Close the eyes also.In the beginning of your practice, you will hear many loudsounds.Later on they are heard in a mild way.The mind having at first concentrated itself on anyone sound fixes firmly to that and is absorbed in it.The mind becoming insensible to the externalimpressions, becomes one with the sound as milk with water and then becomes rapidly absorbed inChidakasa.Just as the bee drinking the honey alone does not care for the odour so also the Chitta,which is always absorbed in the inner sound, does not long for sensual objects, as it is bound by thesweet smell or Nada and has abandoned its flitting nature.The sound proceeding from Pranava Nada, which is Brahman, is of the nature of effulgence.The mind gets absorbed in it.The mind exists so long as there is sound, but with its cessation, thereis that state termed Turiya.It is the supreme state.It is the Unmani state.The mind gets absorbedalong with Prana by constant concentration upon Nada.The body appears to be a log of wood and itdoes not feel heat or cold, joy or sorrow.Different kinds of sounds proceed from the heart (Anahatasounds).Nada that is heard through the ears is of ten kinds.The first is the sound  Chini (like thepronunciation of the word); the second is  Chini-chini ; the third is the sound of a bell; the fourth isthat of a conch; the fifth is that of a lute; the sixth is the sound of cymbals; the seventh is the tune of aflute; the eighth is the voice of a drum (Bheri); the ninth is the sound of a double-drum (Mridanga);and the tenth is the sound of thunder.You cannot expect the sound immediately after you close your ears.You should concentrateand keep your mind one-pointed.The particular sound that you hear today, you may not hear everyday.But you will hear any one of the ten Anahata sounds.The description given above is Laya through Nada, Anahata sound.In the same manner,Laya can be effected by concentration at the tip of the nose (Nasikagra Drishti), at the spacebetween the two eyebrows (Bhrumadhya Drishti), meditation on the five Tattvas, on SohamMantra, Aham Brahma Asmi, Tat Tvam Asi Mahavakyas and other methods also.BHAKTI YOGA CLASSES OF WORSHIPAt the lowest rung of the ladder of Bhakti Yoga comes the worship of elements and departedspirits.This is the lowest form of worship.Next comes the worship of Rishis, Devas and Pitris.Thefaith of each is shaped according to his own nature.The man consists of that which his faith is, he iseven that.The third class includes those followers who worship Avataras like Sri Rama, Krishna,Narasimha.The above four classes of Bhaktas have the Saguna form of worship.Next comes theclass of Bhaktas who do Nirguna Upasana on Brahman devoid of attributes.This is the highest formof worship that is suitable for the intelligent people who have strong will and bold understanding.This is known as Ahamgraha Upasana or Jnana Yoga Sadhana.Bhakti can be acquired and cultivated.Practice of the Nava Vidha Bhakti (nine methods ofdevotion) will infuse Bhakti.Constant Satsanga, Japa, Prayer, meditation, Svadhyaya, Bhajan,74 MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISESservice to saints, Dana, Yatra, etc., will develop Bhakti.The following are the nine methods ofdeveloping Bhakti:Sravana: hearing of the Lilas of GodSmarana: remembering God alwaysKirtan: singing His praiseVandana: Namaskaras to GodArchana: offerings to GodPada-Sevana: attendanceSakhya: friendshipDasya: serviceAtma-nivedana: self-surrender to Guru or GodSri Ramanuja recommends the following measures of developing Bhakti:Viveka: discriminationVimoka: freedom from all else and longing for GodAbhyasa: continuous thinking of GodKriya: doing good to othersKalyana: wishing well to allSatyam: truthfulnessArjavam: integrityDaya: compassionAhimsa: non-violenceDana: charityNamdev, Ramdas, Tulsidas and others were a few blessed souls to whom God gave HisDarshan.These Bhaktas were Yoga-Bhrashtas.They came into this world with a great asset ofspiritual Samskaras.They worshipped God in several births with sincere devotion.They did not domuch Sadhana in their final incarnation.This devotion was natural and spontaneous in them onaccount of the force of previous Samskaras of Bhakti.Ordinary people should adopt drastic, specialmeasures and do special Sadhana for developing Bhakti rapidly.New grooves, new channels haveto be cut in the old stony, devotionless heart to a maximum degree.Through constant prayer, Japa,Kirtan, service to Bhaktas, charity, Vrata, Tapas, Dhyana and Samadhi a Bhakta should raise hisconsciousness to a high degree and acquire Para Bhakti, highest knowledge and Supreme peace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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