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. Was Barry the guy who picked you up at the track the firsttime I saw you there? Yes, that was him.  He was an asshole, Peter said before he could stop himself,and he clamped his lips closed, afraid he d said too much.It was a relief when he heard Russ s rich laugh. Why is it that Iwas with him for four years, and you knew he was an asshole afterseeing him from a distance? I saw the way he tried to control you.He made you changeyour shirt before getting in the car, and he practically dragged youaway like he owned you. Peter felt so serious, and he saw whatlooked like a dark cloud settle over Russ s face. Besides, he drove asmall-penis car, and any gay man who drives a car like that has to bean asshole to make up for his tiny ding-a-ling. Peter wagged hispinkie at Russ and smiled when the man laughed again, this timeharder than before. You don t know the half of it. Russ wagged half a pinkie atPeter, and their laughter filled the empty space.Once the laughter died down, Peter thought that now might bethe time to take a chance. Had Barry been hurting you? I saw themarks on your wrist, and when you changed your shirt by the car, Isaw a large bruise on your shoulder. You were watching me? Russ sounded frightened and took astep back. Well, yeah, I was watching. Peter lowered his voice. You revery attractive, and I didn t like the way Barry acted around you.Helooked at you like the thought of him waiting a few minutes while youtalked to me was about as appealing as dog crap on his shoes. You got all that from just seeing him? Russ asked, and itlooked like some of his nervousness was slipping away. Because Ididn t see it for the longest time I thought I deserved the way hetreated me. That s what abusers do.They make you dependent on themand slowly strip away your sense of self-worth so that all you have isthem.You have to be a pretty strong person to break away fromthem. Russ looked skeptical, but Peter nodded to emphasize hispoint.  How do you know so much about this? Russ asked, but Peterheard the installers calling, and he excused himself before wheelinginto the kitchen area. This isn t right, the lead installer said as all the men stared atthe plans. It says some piece of equipment goes in that doorway.That doesn t make sense. That equipment hasn t arrived yet; it should be here next week.It s a vertical grill for gyros.The opening isn t a doorway, but a placewhere customers can see their gyro being prepared fresh for them.The grills we ordered are polished stainless steel and meant to beseen, so the extra doorway has been converted for it, Peter explained.The installers looked skeptical and shook their heads before quietlygoing back to work. Once you see it, you ll understand, he addedwith a smile. Anything you say, Petey, Rickie, the youngest of the installersteased, and the other guys laughed as well.It had taken Peter a longtime to realize that when these guys picked on him like that, it meantthey accepted him.Turning himself around, he went back into theother room, where he saw Russ pacing near the front windows. You okay? Peter asked, and Russ swung around like he dbeen slapped. Yes.Sorry. Russ peered out the windows again before turningback to Peter. There are times I wish I were invisible.I keep thinkingBarry s watching me, but every time I look, there s no one there.Besides, he s such a workaholic he d never take off work at this timeof the day, anyway.I know I m being paranoid. That s common, from what I understand.When I was in thehospital after the car accident that damaged my legs, there was awoman in the next room whose husband beat her half to death.Andonce she got out, she went back to him.She said it was because of thekids and that she was afraid for them.When I asked one of the nurses,she said it happened all the time.She told me that their lives becomeso small that they can t figure a way out.So if you did, then you haveto be pretty strong.  Billy and Darryl helped me see what he was doing. Russbegan pacing again. It s been a week, and Barry hasn t called or triedto see me.He hasn t even stopped by the restaurant. Do you want him to? Peter asked, afraid that Russ was fallinginto the trap. No, he answered vehemently. Barry took four years of mylife away, and I don t want to see him, but I keep wondering whathe s planning.He loves his things, and I know now that I was just oneof those possessions.He ll do something the man s vindictive.Russ was obviously extremely concerned, and Peter wondered whathe could say to help, but realized there was nothing. I m sorry fordumping all this on you.Peter smiled as he glided closer to Russ. You said there weretimes you wished you were invisible.I can t tell you how many timesI wished I weren t. Russ turned from the window to look at him. People seem to see the chair, not me. What chair? Russ asked with a wink, making Peter smile.Peter figured now was probably a good time to change thesubject. What sort of décor did you have in mind for the diningroom? The walls will be ocean blue with white trim, clean and simple.Darryl found some paintings by Greek artists that we re going to hangon the walls.We want the restaurant to feel upscale and fresh. Russlooked down at the floors covered with cardboard. We found a reallydurable finish, but left the floors light so they would have the color ofsand.Even in the middle of winter, the restaurant should have thelook and feel of summer, Russ explained in an excited voice.A knock on the restaurant door made Russ jump, and he walkedover, peering out before opening the door. Can I help you? Russasked, opening the door, and a police officer in uniform steppedinside. We have a report of a stolen vehicle, a white Nissan Sentra,the police officer said very officially.  That s my car, but I didn t report it stolen, Russ answered ashe began to shake. The report was made by a Barry Spencer. I can prove it.The registration is in the car. Russ walkedoutside, and Peter watched and waited.He heard the sounds of theinstallers in the kitchen, but no other sound.Shaking his head, heworried about Russ and exactly what his ex was trying to pull.After afew minutes, Russ came back inside, closing the door before leaningagainst it. I guess that answers the questions about Barry theBastard, Russ said, breathing hard. Is everything all right? Richie asked as he approached Peterwith the plans in hand.Without waiting for an answer, Richie showedthe drawing to Peter, asked his question, and then returned to work. I take it the car is yours, Peter commented [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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