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.“Sometimes a lover is used once because the need for sex is too great, and then that person is forgotten.However, when people choose each other over and over, particularly in a monogamous relationship, the rules change.”“I do not know these rules.You have not provided rules for monogamous relationships.”Liam had to smile at such a Rownt piece of logic.When faced with ignorance, negotiate for information.The government didn’t approve books with marriage because they so often featured marital discord, and relationships were a difficult subject to tackle in xenology.“For one, they trust each other a little more.”“But you like the leash.”Liam’s face reddened even more.At this rate, Liam was going to get a first-degree burn from the heat of his own blush.“I will keep using the leash,” Ondry said firmly.“Okay.” Liam swallowed as he thought about that chain running under his loose pants.“But can I go to the bathroom alone?”Ondry made a little huffing noise.“There is no way out from there, so if you are having some residual loyalty to your people, it will not help you escape again.”Reaching out, Liam rested his hand on Ondry’s arm.“One of the social rules that changes is that I won’t try and leave again, and yes, I like the leash.” Liam’s face burned with that admission.“But my primary loyalty is to you.”“But you want privacy?”“It’s a human thing,” Liam said honestly.Humans did prefer privacy for all sorts of bodily functions, including jerking off.And if he didn’t jerk off, he was going to have a very hard time walking.Either that or he was going to come when Ondry put the leash on him.Now that would be embarrassing.With one last huff, Ondry removed his hand from Liam’s leg, and for the first time in days, Liam was unrestrained.He felt odd.The spot on his leg where Ondry had rested his weight was uncomfortably cool, and Liam held the cover, not sure what to do with his hands.Ondry leaned back on his haunches and watched.Slowly Liam pulled himself upright and scooted up and out of the nest.Still Ondry watched.“I’ll be right in there,” Liam said, and Ondry stood.Liam’s balls tightened as he realized Ondry was ready to leap on him at the first sign of an attempted escape.The fact that Ondry observed him so fiercely made Liam want to come right in the middle of the bedroom—come without even touching himself.However, since that wasn’t likely, he turned and headed for the bathroom.Liam closed the door, leaning against it as he tried to catch his breath.Right.Take care of business, and then he could follow Ondry around without embarrassing himself.Liam moved to the Rownt equivalent of a toilet and took his dick in hand.He was hard, painfully so.His balls were already drawn up tight, and the head of his cock pressed out through the foreskin.Liam bit down on his lip as he struggled to control a need to cry out.If he did that, Ondry would be in the bathroom in seconds.Instead Liam swallowed his cries and lost himself in the dark pleasure of stroking his cock.He moved slowly at first, torturing himself with the pressure and the way the foreskin slid against the head of his cock.He could feel the rising tidal wave of need, and he reached up to pull on one of his own nipples.Imagining the feel of the leash against his leg, he closed his eyes and pictured Ondry over him, sniffing him, those strong fingers exploring every inch until they discovered Liam’s sensitive nubs.Liam stroked himself faster.Reaching between his legs, he gently teased his balls with one hand.With the other, he pumped his sore cock, but he could feel his orgasm receding.With a desperate mewl, Liam thrust his hips forward into his fist, hoping to find release.He could feel a trail of sweat wandering down his back, and he was focused on that instead of the dull ache of his balls.The pain of his overly hard cock intensified.When Liam switched hands, the new angle sent a frisson of pleasure up his spine, but then he couldn’t get the correct angle with his left hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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