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. Enjoy your icecream, Dr.Hollis.Amara.Parker waved his cone. You can call me Parker.The kid nodded and waved to the next person inline. Hey, Mr.Wulfenbach.What can I get you?Amara was careful not to bump into the werewolfalpha.He didn t snarl and snap at her like some of theothers, but she d hardly call him warm and fuzzyeither.And he d never done anything to make the restof the pack back off when they took it into their headsto get really annoying. Hair of the Dog, kid. Coming right up.Parker held open the door for her. Wow.You guystake your ice cream seriously.Amara licked her cone.Yum. You have a problemwith that? Hell no.She didn t understand his rough tone.She licked another side of the ice cream, allowing the rich flavorto burst on her tongue.She moaned at the rich,creamy goodness. Mmm.This is delicious. Remind me to buy an ice-cream maker.She looked up at him.His gaze was glued to hermouth.His cone was beginning to drip down his hand. Lick it. He blinked, and she realized what she dsaid.She could feel her cheeks heating. Your icecream it s melting.Lick it.He did, moving his tongue along his hand and backup to the ice cream, circling the creamy tip.His eyesnever left hers.Amara s nipples were rock hard by thetime he was done. You re right.This is incredibly good.Somehow she knew he wasn t talking about the icecream. Uh.Yeah.He smiled, the look so smug, so male, she wantedto kick him. So.The curse.Greg.The idea thatdryads are tasty morsels.Inquiring minds want toknow.He cleared his throat.For the first time since she dmet him, he looked uncomfortable, and she had towonder why. Let s finish our ice cream first, shallwe? It s going to take a while, I gather.  You gather correctly.They walked in silence, each concentrating on theircones.Okay, Parker was concentrating on his cone.Amara s attention wavered between her treat andParker s mouth.She was really coming to like his mouth.He finished first and tossed the cone into one of thetrash cans that lined the streets, then licked the stickymess from his hand. That was good.Thank you fortaking me there.She blushed in pleasure. Make sure you let Kenknow if you think it could be better. She looked up athim from under her lashes, shy now that they werealmost home. And you re welcome. I will. He stretched, the fabric of his shirt pullingtaut over his chest, and Amara s heart rate sped upagain. Are you all right? Mm-hmm. She devoured her ice cream, barelytasting it before it was gone, and tried to ignore hisslow grin.They walked up the steps to Amara s home. May I come in? Will you explain everything to me? And I meaneverything. I ll do my best. His thumbs were hooked in his beltloops, and his sexy grin morphed into anembarrassed one.  You d better. She didn t know why, but damn it,she not only wanted him, she trusted him.He intriguedher, and she was determined to find out why.Sheunlocked the door and led the way. I d offer you adrink, but  That s all right.I m full. Parker gestured toward thecouch. Perhaps we should get comfortable.The taleof my rampant stupidity might take a while.She sat and waited for him to settle next to her. Allright.You have my attention. Long ago, during the age of hippies and free love, Iwas an idiot.Amara did her best not to smile. Why do I have the feeling you re wondering what schanged? He held up his hand. Don t answer that.Please.Greg is more than happy to point out my flawsin perpetuity.I believe it might be why he decided onan afterlife after death, so he could continue to tell meI told you so. Parker ran his fingers through his hair. During a bonfire in the desert I met a woman, ayoung hippie named Terri.And no, she hadn tchanged her name to something like Moonflower orStarlust or anything like that. Starlust? You d be amazed how many people ask me that.Like all of us went around calling ourselves Moonpuppy or something.Anyway, she was pretty,she danced like a dream and she thought my accentwas groovy.Greg disliked her from the first, but Ifound myself watching her more and more, untileventually we wound up sleeping together.Okay.Amara really didn t like this part of the story.She doubted much sleeping had gone on, andpicturing it made fire burn in her belly, the kind thathad her ripping out weeds by the roots.Not good. I thought it was another one of those things twopeople coming together in an LSD haze of goodfeeling and good feeding.Terri thought it was more.When she realized I was ready to move on, shekidnapped me. How? Kidnapping a vampire was damn nearimpossible. She used magic.Terri, as it turns out, is a witch.And that was why it was only nearly impossible. Damn.That goes against the Rede. An it harm none, do as thou wilt? I believe Terriwas beyond that point before I ever met her.By thetime she cursed me, there was no way she was whiteor gray.She had to be black. And black witches,those practitioners who put their personal gain aboveanything else, were one of the most feared creatures in the world.Selfish and brutal in their attempts tosatisfy all their cravings, dark practitioners lived fornothing and no one but themselves. She brewed apotion that would change my diet and force me tobecome dependent on her for sustenance.When Istruggled to get away, I knocked the chalicecontaining the potion and splashed us both [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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